Biblija i MATEJ - str.1b
מתתיהו -Matitjahu -Jahvin poklon
Μαθθαῖος, מַתַּי
1, Matej HEBREJKI Šem Tov str.1.
2, Jevanđelje po Mateju, prevod sa hebrejskog
Matej 1:23 Imanu El -Izaja 7:14
Matej 3:3 pripravite put Jahvin str.
Matej 4;10
Matej 9:2,3 -Marko 2:7
Matej 9:8b
Matej 21:16
Matej 24:36 Dan niko nezna
Matej 28;18
Matej 28:20b
Hebrew New Testament Manuscripts
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Rabbinical translations of Matthew
Early Christian author Papias wrote around the year 100 that, "Matthew composed his history in the Hebrew language, and everyone translated it as he was able".
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The rabbinical translations of Matthew are rabbinical versions of the Gospel of Matthew that are written in Hebrew; Shem Tob's Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, the Du Tillet Matthew, and the Münster Matthew, and which were used in polemical debate with Catholics.
These versions are to be distinguished from the Gospel of the Hebrews which was one or more works found in the Early Church, but surviving only as fragmentary quotations in Greek and Latin texts.
Some scholars consider all the rabbinical versions to be translated from the Greek or Latin of the canonical Matthew, for the purpose of Jewish apologetics.[1] This conclusion is not unanimous. Other scholars have provided linguistic and historic evidence of Shem Tov's Matthew coming from a much earlier Hebrew text that was later translated into Greek and other languages. Early Christian author Papias wrote around the year 100 that, "Matthew composed his history in the Hebrew language, and everyone translated it as he was able".[2][3]
google prevodioc:
Rabinski prijevodi Mateja su rabinske verzije Evanđelja po Mateju koje su napisane na hebrejskom; Hebrejsko evanđelje po Mateju Šema Toba, Matejevo evanđelje Du Tillet i Matejevo Münstersko evanđelje, a koji su korišteni u polemičkoj raspravi s katolicima. Ove verzije treba razlikovati od Evanđelja po Hebrejima koje je bilo jedno ili više djela pronađenih u Ranoj Crkvi, ali su preživjeli samo kao fragmentarni citati u grčkim i latinskim tekstovima. Neki znanstvenici smatraju da su sve rabinske verzije prevedene s grčkog ili latinskog kanonskog Mateja, u svrhu židovske apologetike.[1] Ovaj zaključak nije jednoglasan. Drugi su znanstvenici pružili jezične i povijesne dokaze da Šem Tovov Matej dolazi iz mnogo ranijeg hebrejskog teksta koji je kasnije preveden na grčki i druge jezike. Ranokršćanski autor Papija napisao je oko 100. godine da je "Matej sastavio svoju povijest na hebrejskom jeziku i svatko ju je prevodio kako je mogao".[2][3]