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Who is Jesus?
Tko je Isus?
Tko je Isus?
je glavno pitanje u svim razlikama između muslimana i kršćana. Ova će se stranica usredotočiti na odgovor na ovo pitanje ispitivanjem vlastitih tvrdnji.
Uvod u to dan je u
Tko je Isus Krist? (izvan web lokacije)
Kristove tvrdnje (izvan web mjesta)
Isusovo raspeće - povijesnost, značenje, moralni prigovori itd.
Isusove izreke Adela Mohammeda El Naggara "JA JESAM" i članak znanstvenika na istu temu.
Novi zavjet o štovanju Isusu: njegov značaj i implikacije za Kristovo božanstvo
i mnoštvo drugih članaka o kristologiji Sama Shamouna nalaze se ovdje i ovdje .
Isusovi naslovi - koje je njihovo značenje?
Objašnjenje utjelovljenja i biblijski pogled na Allaha za muslimane
Otajstvo Boga utjelovljeno (odgovor Hicku)
Je li Isus bio poslan samo Židovima? - Isusova služba - ograničena, univerzalna ili oboje?
Kristovo Božanstvo (popisi biblijskih dokaza): [ Jedan ], [ Dva ]
Isusove božanske tvrdnje (znanstveni članak, dug, vrijedan vašeg vremena)
Također pogledajte veliku zbirku materijala o Trojstvu
Pitanja čitatelja:
Tko je Bog?
Odgovaranje na početnoj stranici islama
Who is Jesus?
is the main question in all of the differences between Muslims and Christians. This page will focus on answering this question by examining his own claims.
An introduction to this is given in
Who is Jesus Christ? (off site)
The Claims of Christ (off site)
Who Do You Say Jesus Is? (off site)
The Angel of the Lord - Who is He?
The Crucifixion of Jesus - historicity, meaning, moral objections, etc.
The "I AM" Sayings of Jesus by Adel Mohammed El Naggar and a scholar's article on the same topic.
Jesus, the Light and the Fragrance Of God
The New Testament on the Worship given to Jesus: Its Significance and Implications for the Deity of Christ
and plenty of other articles on Christology by Sam Shamoun are found here and here.
The titles of Jesus - What is their meaning?
The Son of Man and in the middle of this page
True Worship (answers the "worship me" part of the above question).
An Explanation of the Incarnation and the Biblical View of Allah for Muslims
The Mystery of God Incarnate (response to Hick)
Was Jesus only sent to the Jews? - Jesus' Ministry - Limited, Universal or Both?
The Deity of Christ (lists of Biblical evidence): [One], [Two]
The Divine Claims of Jesus (scholarly article, long, worth your time)
Also see the large collection of material on the Trinity
Questions from Readers:
Who is God?
Answering Islam Home Page