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Izaja 42:1











Isaija 42:11 Sela

The Edomite Stronghold of Sela
















Kršćanski apologet prokazuje

komentar muslimana:

Muhamed [s.a.v.s.] u Bibliji ,Isaija/Izaija 42

Isaija 42. – Muhammed ﷺ i Medina u Bibliji

Izaija 42:1

Izaija 42,1

Evo moga sluge kojeg ja podržavam, mog izabranika kojeg ja sam imam u milosti, ja sam svoj Duh stavio u njega. Za narode on će dati suđenje

Izaija 42,5Ovako govori Jahve, Bog.....

Izaija 42,8Ja, Jahve mi je ime...

Luka 4,18Duh Gospodnji na meni je jer me pomaza! On me posla blagovjesnikom biti siromasima, proglasiti sužnjima oslobođenje, vid slijepima, na slobodu pustiti potlačene,

Matej 12,18Evo Sluge mojega, koga sebi izabrah: mog ljubimca, miljenika duše moje! Stavit ću Duha svoga na njega: naviještat će pravo narodima;

Isaija 42:11 Sela


Laž – oruđe vehabija

Isaija 42:11 Sela

Pustinja i gradovi njeni, sela gde stanuje Kidar, neka podignu glas, neka pevaju koji žive po stenama, neka klikuju savrh gora.

U hebrejskom jeziku se stena kaže: Sela; kao i u ovom stihu. I mnogo je ‘Sela’ po Bliskom Istoku. I sad, vehabije koriste ovu stvar da nas ubede da je Muhamed predskazan u Bibliji?!

I pazite sad šta još govore, i ujedno sami sebe obaraju?! Ali oni računaju na neznanje većine o ovome što pričamo.

Naime, kažu da je Muhamed iz Kidarovog plemena i na to nadovezuju neku ‘Selu’ – brdo iznad Meke, pa bi neko mogao pomisliti: 2 dokaza = istina?!

Ali sad ćete da vidite da je to samo jedna grandiozna laž!

Naime, svi znamo da je Muhamed od Kurejšija iz Meke. Međutim, pleme Kidar je oduvek bilo na samom severu Arabijskog poluostrva, od Jordana pa istočno; dakle stotinama kilometara odatle!

I to je davno utvrđena stvar, što arheološki što iz pisanih izvora. Dakle, Kidar i Kurejši nemaju veze jedni s drugima, niti su ikad imali! I prva slika u prilogu prikazuje gde je Kidar.

Drugo, ta Sela iznad Meke je obično brdo sa nekoliko starih straćara; ali ne starijih od 100-inak godina. Dok, Sela iz Biblije je dobro poznat lokalitet, takođe potvrđen arheološkim dokazima; i on je tamo gde I treba da bude: u Obećanoj Zemlji – u današnjem zapadnom Jordanu. I mapu lokaliteta imate u prilogu na drugoj slici; a evo i članka Biblical Archaelogy Society, a ima ih još mnogo:

Međutim, kamo sreće da se priča ovde završava i da je ovo samo laž, makar i grandiozna. Nego je ovo i prljava i mračna laž, a sad ćete da vidite i zašto?!

Naime, Isaijini stihovi 42:1-9 su jedna od 4 ‘Pesme o slugi’ u kojima je predskazan Mesija. I od pamtiveka se znalo na koga se odnose. Međutim, posla otpada Fariseja u stranputicu, vremenom su počeli da guraju Mesiju u zaborav, pa tako ovde da “dokazuju” kako se ti stihove odnose na ceo Izraelski narod, a ne na Mesiju. Pa tako ispada da se sam narod gadi na sebe, i još kojekakvi nonsensi… Postirao sam već o tome, pa da se ne ponavljam.

Ali šta je ovde interesantno?

Pa to što vehabije govore da se ne samo 11-ti stih odnosi na Muhameda, nego od prvog stiha u ovom poglavlju pa nadalje. Dakle, šta rade?

Pa isto što i Fariseji - perfidno obaraju Mesiju! Samo što je ovo mnogo gore! Zašto?

Pa zato što po Kuranu i Muhamedu, Ješua jeste Mesija; stoga su oni i protiv svoje knjige i svog proroka!

Setih se sad i da je “cenjeni” šeih Gološ skoro među 3 primera o iskvarenosti Starog Zaveta, “slučajno” spomenuo celu drugu polovinu Zaharijine knjige da je podmetnuta?!

Ja do njega ne čuh da je u Zaharijinoj knjizi išta sumnjivo! Ali rekao bih da je on “slučajno” spomenuo baš taj deo Starog Zaveta jer 12:10 takođe govori o Mesiji!

I na kraju, šta može da bude onaj kome su puna usta Boga, a laže i premeće na najpodmukliji način!?

(preuzeto V:V)

The Edomite Stronghold of Sela


The Edomite Stronghold of Sela

Is this where 10,000 Edomites were thrown to their deaths?

 Glenn J. Corbett  February 08, 2022  20 Comments  30664 views  Share

In one of the Old Testament’s colder and more brutal episodes, King Amaziah of Judah (c. 801–783 B.C.E.), after having slain nearly 10,000 Edomites in battle near the southern end of the Dead Sea, is said to have thrown another 10,000 captives from the top of nearby Sela, where they were “dashed to pieces” (2 Chronicles 25:12; 2 Kings 14:7). While the Biblical account provides only vague clues as to where this horrible event took place (Sela simply means “rock” in Hebrew), the archaeology of a little-known mountaintop stronghold in southern Jordan may hold the answer.


Surrounded by deep ravines amid the rugged highlands of southern Jordan, the steep-sided “rock” of es-Sela may be where King Amaziah of Judah slaughtered 10,000 Edomites.

Located just 3 miles north of the Edomite capital of Bozrah (modern Buseirah) in the rugged highlands of southern Jordan is an imposing natural rock fortress that still carries the name es-Sela. Surrounded on all sides by deep ravines, the towering, steep-sided rock of es-Sela rises more than 600 feet above the surrounding valleys, culminating in a broad, flat summit that can only be reached by an ancient, well-hidden staircase that follows a narrow cleft in the eastern face of the mountain. Though es-Sela has not been excavated, surface finds from the summit indicate it was occupied during several periods (including the Early Bronze Age and Nabatean period), but saw its most extensive occupation and use during the early to mid-first millennium B.C.E., the time of the Biblical Edomites.


The gate area and natural rock tower that forms the only entrance to the mountaintop fortress of es-Sela. The narrow entryway leading into the city can be seen at lower left. Photo by Ian Rybak.

Es-Sela’s defensive character is immediately apparent after one ascends the many switchbacks of the worn staircase and passes through the narrow, rock-cut passageway that served as the stronghold’s only entrance. Flanking the passage are natural rock towers outfitted with guard chambers and topped by the remnants of well-built fortification walls. Positioned along the edges of the summit are numerous rock-cut rooms and chambers with strategic views over the surrounding valleys, while more than two dozen cisterns are carved in the plateau’s white sandstone bedrock, all of which collected vital, life-sustaining rain water through an interconnected system of channels and diversion walls.

Since es-Sela has not been excavated, it is difficult to know how or on what occasions the Edomites made use of their mountaintop fortress, although some sense of the site’s importance is evidenced by the mysterious rock-cut buildings and features that cover the summit. In addition to the myriad chambers and rooms carved into the summit’s numerous stony domes (which probably functioned as dwellings), there are more enigmatic features, like a carved staircase that seemingly goes nowhere, and a massive “throne-like” seat positioned in the center of an otherwise empty chamber. And on a large stone slab just peaking out of the soil, there is a worn but delicately carved image of a bull’s head, probably a depiction of the widely worshiped storm god Hadad.


Carved into the cliff face is this depiction of a Mesopotamian royal figure standing before several astral symbols. The scene likely depicts the Babylonian king Nabonidus, who campaigned through Edom in the mid-sixth century B.C.E. Photo by Arkady Alperovitch.

But the clearest indication of es-Sela’s importance during the time of the Edomites comes from a monumental relief carved into a sheer rock face about half way up the steepest part of the mountain. The heavily worn but clearly discernible Mesopotamian-style relief shows a royal figure with a conical cap carrying a long staff and facing symbols of the sun, moon and stars. These figures are surrounded by the faint traces of a lengthy neo-Babylonian cuneiform inscription, much too worn to be read. The scene’s iconography, however, strongly suggests it was carved to commemorate the conquest of es-Sela and Edom during the southern campaign of the Babylonian king Nabonidus (555–539 B.C.E.), who famously took up residence in northwest Arabia during much of his reign.*

Of course, none of this sheds any light on Amaziah’s slaughter of the Edomites as recorded in the Bible. Indeed, other candidates for Biblical Sela have been proposed, namely the steep-sided mountain of Umm el-Biyara in nearby Petra.** Although we won’t know more about es-Sela’s Edomite history until the site is systematically explored and excavated, the available evidence shows that this fascinating mountaintop stronghold was certainly an important place of refuge for the Edomites throughout the Iron Age, at least down to the time of Nabonidus and perhaps during the reign of Amaziah as well.

This Bible History Daily article was originally published in December 2012.

Glenn J. Corbett is associate director of the ACOR’s Photo ArchiveAmerican Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, Jordan, director of the Wadi Hafir Petroglyph Survey and contributing editor at the Biblical Archaeology Society. He received his Ph.D. in Near Eastern archaeology from the University of Chicago, where his research focused on the epigraphic and archaeological remains of pre-Islamic Arabia.


* See “Who Was Nabondius?” sidebar to Matt Waters, “Making (Up) History,” Archaeology Odyssey, November/December 2005.

** See Joseph J. Basile, “When People Lived at Petra,” Archaeology Odyssey, July/August 2000.

View more images from es-Sela:

The top of es-Sela can only be reached via an ancient staircase (the lowest flights of which have recently been refurbished) that follows a narrow cleft in the rock face.

In the area near the gatehouse, the towering, dome-shaped rocks atop es-Sela were further fortified with well-built stone walls, the remains of which can still be seen today.

Spread across the summit of es-Sela are numerous rock-cut rooms and chambers, including this dwelling or guard chamber that was outfitted with a cistern. Photo: Ian Rybak.

Among the more interesting features found atop es-Sela is this carved staircase that appears to lead nowhere.

Inside one of the many carved-out chambers on the summit of es-Sela is this large stone block, seemingly carved in the shape of a giant seat or throne.

Carved in shallow relief into the summit’s sandstone bedrock is a worn but easily discernible drawing of a bull’s head, most likely the widely worshiped storm god Hadad.

The location of the Nabonidus relief on the rock of es-Sela is circled in red on this photograph. Photo: Ian Rybak.

◄ Sela ►




Wadi Musa  وادي موسى    Dolina Mojsijeva    

5554. Sela

Strong's Concordance

Sela: a city in Edom

Original Word: סֶלַע
Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
Transliteration: Sela
Phonetic Spelling: (seh'-lah)
Definition: a city in Edom

5553. sela

Strong's Concordance

sela: a crag, cliff

Original Word: סֶלַע
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: sela
Phonetic Spelling: (seh'-lah)
Definition: a crag, cliff

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin
from an unused word
a crag, cliff
NASB Translation
cliff (4), cliffs (4), crag (2), crags (3), mountain* (1), Rock (1), rock (39), rocks (4), rocky (1), Sela (1).

PETRA (Gr. "rock," a translation of the Heb. sela), a ruined site in Edom, 140 mi. (224 km.) S. of Amman, 60 mi. (96 km.) N. of Elath. It is assumed that the biblical Sela was situated farther north (II Kings 14:7).

PETRA (grč. "stijena", prevod hebr. sela), ruševina u Edomu, 140 milja. (224 km.) S. od Amana, 60 milja. (96 km.) N. od Elath. Pretpostavlja se da se biblijska Sela nalazila sjevernije ( 2. Kraljevima 14:7 ).





Kedar – Bibel-Lexikon

Stvaranje 25,13

Evo imena sinova Ismaelovih, njihovih imena prema obiteljima njihovim: Nebajot prvijenac Ismaelov, Kedar, Adbel, Mivsam,

1. Kronika 1,29

Evo njihovih obitelji: Nabajot prvorođenac Ismaelov, Kedar, Adbel i Mivsam,

Psalam 120,5

Nesreća moja! Ja sam morao pobjeći u Mešek, ostati među šatorima Kedara.

Pjesma nad pjesmama 1,5

Crna sam ali lijepa, kćeri jeruzalemske, kao šatori kedarski, kao zavjese Salomonove.

Izaija 21,16

Da, ovako mi reče Gospod: "Još jedna godina, godina nadničarska, i nestat će sve slave Kedrove.

Izaija 21,17

A od mnogobrojnih strijelaca među hrabrim sinovima Kedrovim malo će ih ostati." Tako je govorio Jahve, Bog Izraelov.

Izaija 42,10

Pjevajte Jahvi pjesmu novu, i s kraja zemlje hvalu njegovu, neka ga slavi more sa svim što je u njem, otoci i njihovi žitelji!

Izaija 42,11

Nek` digne glas pustinja i njeni gradovi, nek` odjeknu naselja gdje žive Kedarci! Nek` podvikuju stanovnici Stijene, neka kliču s gorskih vrhova!

Izaija 60,7

Sva stada kedarska u tebi će se sabrati, ovnovi nebajotski bit će ti na službu. Penjat će se k`o ugodna žrtva na moj žrtvenik, proslavit ću Dom Slave svoje!

Jeremija 2,10

Pođite dakle k obalama Kitima i pogledajte: pošaljite u Kedar . i dobro se obvijestite; pogledajte da li se dogodila slična stvar:


Jeremija 49,28

Za Kedar i za kraljevstva Hasorova koje je Nabukodonozor, kralj Babilonije potukao, ovako govori GOSPOD: Ustajte! Pođite u napad iz Kedara! Opustošite ljude iz Kedema

Ezekiel 27,21

Arapska i svi knezovi Kedra zaključivali su poslove s tobom. Trgovali su s tobom janjcima, ovnovima, jarcima

Kršćanski apologet prokazuje


Kršćanski apologet prokazuje idiotizam islamskih apologeta u tvrdnji da Izaija 42 govori o Muhamedu

Da li je Muhamed spomenut u Bibliji? Da li je Muhamed naviješten u Bibliji u Izaiji? Ukratko, nije. Muhamed u Bibliji dobro zvuči za muslimane, no nažalost po njih, istina je toliko drugačija, da je čak smiješna sa biblijskog gledišta. Islamski apologeti i misionari često vole svjesno iznositi neistine i prikazivati da je navodno njihov poslanik Muhamed prorečen u Bibliji. Naravno, takvo što ne stoji. Pritom se mogu vidjeti i dvostruka mjerila prilikom sagledavanja Biblije. Muslimani često vole reći da postoje više Biblija (ako je samo jedna, uvijek citiraju istu, a ako navedu razliku, to je u rangu prijevoda voće ili grožđe), i drugo, kada žele pronaći Muhameda u njoj, onda im je najednom relevantna i ne dovode u pitanje da li je možda sam tekst koji najednom žele analizirati, možda također korumpiran. Licemjerje i dvostruka mjerila se odmah vide u tako "iskrenoj" metodologiji proučavanja nekog teksta. Naravno, zbog toga to niti nije znanstveni pristup, te takav dječji pristup izaziva podsmjeh kod ozbiljnih bibličara, arheologa i općenito bilo kojeg iskrenog znanstvenika koji se bavi znanstvenim pristupom. Da Izaija 42 govori o Isusu, pokazuju sljedeći citati iz Biblije: Izaija 42,7 da otvoriš oči slijepima, da izvedeš sužnje iz zatvora, iz tamnice one što žive u tami. Evanđelje po Luki 4,18 Duh Gospodnji na meni je jer me pomaza! On me posla blagovjesnikom biti siromasima, proglasiti sužnjima oslobođenje, vid slijepima, na slobodu pustiti potlačene, Evanđelje po Luki 7,22 Tada im odgovori: "Pođite i javite Ivanu što ste vidjeli i čuli: Slijepi progledaju, hromi hode, gubavi se čiste, gluhi čuju, mrtvi ustaju, siromasima se navješćuje evanđelje. Braćo muslimani, ostavite se idola ovoga svijeta, kojim Zli zavodi ljude, i navodi ih da pomisle da je to pravi bog. Pravio Bog je objavljen u Isusu Kristu. Nemojte primiti ovu poruku za zlo, nego za otvaranje očiju. A ako se i dalje ne slažete - Bog dragi neka vas blagoslovi. Evanđelje po Mateju 5,44 A ja vam kažem: Ljubite neprijatelje, molite za one koji vas progone Evanđelje po Luki 6,28 blagoslivljajte one koji vas proklinju, molite za one koji vas zlostavljaju.

Muhammad is NOT in Isaiah 42!

Muhammed NIJE u Izaiji 42!

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