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Izaja 63:9,10

Izaja 63:9,10

9 Nije slao poslanika ni anđela nego ih je sam spasio. U svojoj ljubavi i samilosti sam ih je otkupio, podigao ih i nosio u sve dane od davnine.

בְּכָל צָרָתָם | לוֹ צָר וּמַלְאַךְ פָּנָיו הוֹשִׁיעָם בְּאַהֲבָתוֹ וּבְחֶמְלָתוֹ הוּא גְאָלָם וַיְנַטְּלֵם וַיְנַשְּׂאֵם כָּל יְמֵי עוֹלָם

Behol saratam loh lov ksar umalah panav hovšiam, beahavatov uvehemlatov hu gealam vajnatelem vajnase em kol jemei ovlam.


10 Ali se oni odmetnuše, ožalostiše sveti Duh njegov. Zato im je postao neprijatelj i sam je na njih zavojštio.

וְהֵמָּה מָרוּ וְעִצְּבוּ אֶת רוּחַ קָדְשׁוֹ וַיֵּהָפֵךְ לָהֶם לְאוֹיֵב הוּא נִלְחַם בָּם

 Vehemah maru veisevu et ruah kadešov, vaijehafeh lahem leovjev hu nilham bam.


Isaiah 63:9,10 – The Messenger of His Presence


Isaiah 63:9 In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them, and carried them all the days of old.

Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled, and grieved his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, [and] himself fought against them. — World English


In all their distress [He is] no adversary, And the messenger of His presence saved them, In His love and in His pity He redeemed them, And He doth lift them up, And beareth them all the days of old. — Isaiah 63:9, Young’s Literal


Isaiah 63:9,10 is sometimes presented as proof of the trinity, although there is actually nothing at all in these verses about a triune God.


The angel of Yahweh’s presence probably refers to the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of light by night, that covered the tabernacle for 40 years. (Exodus 31:22,24) There scriptures do indicate that an angel who was connected with this cloud, as we read in Exodus 14:19-24. In Exodus 16:9,10, we read that the glory of Yahweh could be seen in the cloud; thus, the connection with the presence of Yahweh being represented in the cloud and the fire that led Israel. We further read in Exodus 40:34-38 that this cloud is associated with the glory of Yahweh. When the cloud moved, the Israelites would move with it, and when the cloud remained still, the Israelites would camp at that point. The indications of the cloud were considered commandments from Yahweh. (Numbers 9:15-23) Numbers 10:34 refers to it as “the cloud of Yahweh”. Thus, the conclusion is that the cloud, and possibly the angel associated with the cloud, is what Isaiah was referring to as the angel of Yahweh’s presence, that is, the angel who represented the presence of Yahweh.


The Holy Spirit of Yahweh is Yahweh’s figurative finger (in action, power), or his figurative mouth (in words given). God’s holy spirit is likened to God’s finger (as the power of God). (Matthew 12:28; Luke 11:20) As the revealment of truth, the holy spirit appears to likened to God’s “mouth”. (1 Kings 8:24; 2 Chronicles 6:4; 36:12,21; Ezra 1:1; Isaiah 1:20; 40:5; 45:23; 48:3; 58:14; 62:2; Jeremiah 9:12,20; Ezekiel 33:7; Micah 4:4; Matthew 4:4; Mark 12:36; Acts 1:17; 28:25; Hebrews 3:7; 9:8; 10:15,16; 2 Peter 1:21) To provoke Yahweh’s mouth is to provoke Yahweh himself; likewise, to grieve Yahweh’s holy spirit is grieve Yahweh himself. There is nothing in this that means that Yahweh’s holy spirit is a separate and distinct person of Yahweh.


Exodus 33:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses, “Depart, go up from here, you and the people that you have brought up out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your seed.’

Exodus 33:2 I will send an angel before you; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite:

Exodus 33:3 to a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I consume you in the way.”


Some would claim that this “angel” that went before Israel is Jesus and that this “angel” is the same “angel” that is mentioned in Isaiah 63:9. Some cite 1 Corinthians 10:4 as proof that this angel of Jesus, although 1 Corinthians 10:4 says that Christ followed them, not that Christ went before them. Usually, these would claim that “the angel of his presence” means that the angel is in the presence of Yahweh, rather than being the messenger representing the presence of Yahweh. Many claim that the “angel of the his presence” corresponds to “the angel of Yahweh”, who, they claim, since he is addressed as “Yahweh”, must be Yahweh. Assuming that this “angel of Yahweh” is Jesus, then they further claim that this has to mean that Jesus is Yahweh, or, in the case of trinitarians, they have further imagine and assume that this means that Jesus is a person of Yahweh. This line of reasoning usually assumes that there is only one who is designated “the angel of Yahweh”. Actually, the Hebrew is not definite; there is no definite article to correspond with “the” in the Hebrew. Thus, it is not “the” angel of Yahweh, but “an” angel of Yahweh. The Bible speaks of many “angels of Yahweh”, and one is mentioned by name, that is, Gabriel. Garbriel is most definitely not Jesus. Although it is possible that Jesus, in his prehuman existence, may have appeared as an angel of Yahweh, there is no scripture that definitely shows that he did. Likewise, we do not know that the “angel” who went before Israel in the cloud representing the glory of Yahweh was Jesus, although we do believe that the cloud may be seen as providing a type of Jesus in that Jesus makes manifest the glory of Yahweh.


Nevetheless, to get “triune God” out of Isaiah 63:9, one would have imagine and assume several things. One would have to imagine and assume that “Yahweh”, spoken of in Isaiah 63:8, and the one referenced as “his” in Isaiah 63:10, is not the triune God, but rather one of the persons of the triune God. One would have to imagine that “angel/messenger” of Yahweh’s presence, refers not to the triune God, but rather to a person of the triune God. One would have further imagine and assume that Yahweh’s Holy Spirit that is referred to in Isaiah 63:10, is not the triune God, but rather a person of the triune God. In actuality, there is no scriptural reason to force such imaginations into the verses.


Izaija 63:9,10 – Glasnik Njegove prisutnosti

Isaiah 63:9 U svojoj njihovoj nevolji on je bio potišten, i anđeo prisutnosti njegove ih je spasio; u svojoj ljubavi iu svom samilosti on ih je otkupio; i on ih je nosio i nosio u sve dane od davnine.
Izaija 63,10 Ali oni se pobuniše i ražalostiše Duha njegova Svetoga; zato im se on pretvorio u neprijatelja, [i] sam se borio protiv njih. — World English
U svoj njihovoj nevolji [On nije] nikakav protivnik, I glasnik Njegove prisutnosti ih je spasio, U svojoj ljubavi iu svojoj samilosti On ih je otkupio, I On ih podiže, I nosi ih sve dane stare. — Izaija 63:9 , Youngov doslovni
Izaija 63:9 , 10se ponekad predstavlja kao dokaz trojstva, iako u ovim stihovima zapravo nema baš ničega o trojedinom Bogu.

Riječ “prisutnost” u izrazu “anđelo Jehovine prisutnosti” vjerojatno se odnosi na stupanj od oblaka danju i stupanj svjetlosti noći, koji su pokrivali svetohranište 40 godina. ( Izlazak 31:22 , 24 ) Postoje stihovi koji pokazuju da je anđeo koji je bio povezan s ovim oblakom, kao što čitamo u Izlasku 14:19-24 . U Izlasku 16:9 , 10 čitamo da se slava Jehovina mogla vidjeti u oblaku; dakle, veza s prisutnošću Jehove koja je predstavljena u oblaku i vatri koja je vodila Izrael. Dalje čitamo u Izlazak 40:34-38da je ovaj oblak povezan sa slavom Jehove. Kad bi se oblak kretao, Izraelci bi se kretali s njim, a kad bi oblak ostao miran, Izraelci bi se utaborili na tom mjestu. Naznake oblaka smatrale su se Jehovinim zapovijedima. ( Brojevi 9:15-23 ) Brojevi 10:34 nazivaju ga "oblak Jehovin". Dakle, zaključak je da je oblak, a možda i anđeo povezan s oblakom, ono što je Izaija nazivao anđelom Jehovine prisutnosti, to jest, anđeo kojeg je Jehova koristio da predvodi vatru i oblak, koji je predstavljao prisutnost Jehovinu.

Sveti Duh Jehovin je Jehovin figurativni prst (u djelovanju, snazi), ili njegova figurativna usta (danim riječima). Božji sveti duh se uspoređuje s Božjim prstom (kao Božja sila).( Matej 12:28 ; Luka 11:20 ) Kao otkrivenje istine, čini se da je sveti duh uspoređen s Božjim "ustima". ( 1. Kraljevima 8:24 ; 2. Ljetopisa 6:4 ; 36:12 , 21 ; Ezra 1:1 ; Izaija 1:20 ; 40:5 ; 45:23 ; 48:3 ; 58:14 ; 62:2 ; Jeremija 9:12 , 20 ; Ezekiel 33:7 ; Mihej 4:4 ; Matej 4:4 ; Marko 12:36 ; Djela 1:17 ;28:25 ; Hebrejima 3,7 ; 9:8 ; 10:15 , 16 ; 2. Petrova 1:21 ) Izazivati ​​Jehovinu usta znači izazivati ​​samoga Jehovu; isto tako, ražalostiti Jehovin sveti duh znači ražalostiti samog Jehovu. Ništa u ovome ne znači da je Jehovin sveti duh odvojen i posebna osoba od Jehove.

Izlazak 33:1 Jehova je rekao Mojsiju: ​​​​“Idi, idi gore odavde, ti i narod koji si izveo iz zemlje egipatske, u zemlju za koju sam se zakleo Abrahamu, Izaku i Jakovu govoreći: 'Ja dat će ga tvome sjemenu. '
Exodus 33:2 Poslat ću anđela pred tobom;i protjerat ću Kanaance, Amorejce, Hetite, Perižane, Hivijeje i Jebusejce, Izlazak 33,3
u zemlju kojom teče med i mlijeko, jer neću ići usred tebe , jer vi ste narod tvrdoglav, da vas ne uništim na putu.”

Neki bi tvrdili da je taj "anđelo" koji je išao ispred Izraela Isusa i da je taj "anđelo" isti "anđelo" koji se spominje u Izaiji 63:9 . Neki navode 1. Korinćanima 10:4 kao dokaz da je ovaj Isusov anđeo, iako 1. Korinćanima 10:4 kaže da ih je Krist slijedio, a ne da je Krist išao ispred njih. Obično bi oni tvrdili da "anđelo njegove prisutnosti" znači da je anđeo u Jehovinoj prisutnosti, a ne da je glasnik koji predstavlja Jehovinu prisutnost.Mnogi tvrde da "anđelo njegovoj prisutnosti" odgovara "anđelu Jehovinom", koji, tvrde oni, budući da ga se oslovljava s "Jehova", mora biti Jehova. Pretpostavljajući da je taj "Jehovin anđeo" Isus, onda dalje tvrde da to mora značiti da je Isus Jehova, ili, u slučaju trinitaraca, oni dalje zamišljaju i pretpostavljaju da to znači da je Isus osoba od Jehove. Ovo razmišljanje obično pretpostavlja da postoji samo jedan koji je označen kao "anđelo Jehovin".

Zapravo, hebrejski nije određen; ne postoji određeni član koji odgovara "the" u hebrejskom. Dakle, to nije "Jehovin" anđeo, ali bi se mogao prevesti kao "Jedan" Jehovin anđeo. Biblija govori o mnogim “anđelima Jehovinim”,Garbriel definitivno nije Isus. Iako je moguće da se Isus, u svom predljudskom postojanju, pojavio kao Jehovin anđeo, ne postoji nijedan stih koji jasno pokazuje da je to učinio. Isto tako, ne znamo da je "anđelo" koji je išao ispred Izraela u oblaku koji je predstavljao slavu Jehovinu bio Isus, iako vjerujemo da se na oblaku može gledati kao na sliku Isusa u tome što Isus očituje slavu Jehovu.

Usput tome, da bismo dobili “trojedinog Boga” iz Izaije 63:9 , moglo bi se zamisliti i pretpostaviti nekoliko stvari. Trebalo bi zamisliti i pretpostaviti da "Jehova", o kojem se govori u Izaiji 63:8 , i onaj koji se spominje kao "njegov" u Izaiji 63:10, nije trojedini Bog, već jedna od osoba trojedinog Boga . Trebalo bi zamisliti da se "anđelo/glasnik" Jehovine prisutnosti ne odnosi na trojedinog Boga, već na osobu trojedinog Boga. Netko bi dalje mogao zamisliti i pretpostaviti da Jehovin Sveti Duh koji se spominje u Izaiji 63:10 nije trojedini Bog, već osoba trojedinog Boga. U stvari, ne postoji biblijski razlog da se takva mašta unese u stihove.

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Anđeo Jehovin
Stijena je bio Krist

Od Ronalda Daya 24. svibnja 2019  

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