Hebrejska teoforska imena i Božje ime
Hebrew Theophoric Names and The Name of God

Theophoric names are names which combine the name of God with another word to create a name. In Hebrew theoporic names we find the name of God, Yehovah, combined with many Hebrew root words to create names. The form in which these names appear depends on their meaning.
Where Yehovah is directly acting, we find Yehovah incorporated into the beginning of the name. Where the name has the prepositional meaning “of Yehovah” or “to Yehovah”, Yehovah is incorporated into the end of the name.
For example, Yehonatan means “Yehovah has given” whereas Nethanyahu means “given of Yehovah”
Because Hebrew grammar likes to emphasize the last, or next to last, syllable, where Yehovah is incorporated into the end of the name, it takes a different vowel to show that emphasis. However, for the point of this blog, let’s look at how theophoric names are vocalized where the vowels of Yehovah are not altered.
The following charts lists the names we find in the Tanakh which are theophoric. There was never a ban on speaking these names nor was there was ever a discrepancy in how their vowels were marked. If you look at any Hebrew manuscript which records the pronunciation of these names, the vowel markings are consistent.
I have pulled examples of vowel markings from the Aleppo Codex online at http://aleppocodex.org/newsite/index.html (this site requires Adobe Flash Player to function properly). I have also included the verses in which these names appear if you would like to go check them out for yourself.
Every theophoric name is marked with a sheva as its first vowel. The second vowel is a cholem for every name except Yehudah and Yehukhal (Yeho- combines with -odah and the double oo becomes u, same reasoning for Yehukhal).
For the other 19 names the vowel marking is consistently sheva, cholam for the Yeho part of the name.
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Teoforična imena su imena koja kombiniraju Božje ime s drugom riječju kako bi stvorila ime. U hebrejskim teoporskim imenima nalazimo Božje ime, Jehova, u kombinaciji s mnogim hebrejskim korijenskim riječima za stvaranje imena. Oblik u kojem se pojavljuju ova imena ovisi o njihovom značenju. Tamo gdje Jehova izravno djeluje, nalazimo da je Jehova ugrađen u početak imena. Tamo gdje ime ima prijedloško značenje “Jehova” ili “Jehovi”, Jehova je ugrađen u kraj imena. Na primjer, Yehonatan znači "Jehova je dao", dok Nethanyahu znači "dano od Jehove" Budući da hebrejska gramatika voli naglašavati posljednji ili pretposljednji slog, gdje je Jehova ugrađen u kraj imena, potreban je drugačiji samoglasnik da se pokaže taj naglasak. Međutim, za poantu ovog bloga, pogledajmo kako se teoforična imena izgovaraju tamo gdje se samoglasnici Jehove ne mijenjaju. Sljedeći grafikoni navode imena koja nalazimo u Tanakhu koja su teoforična. Nikada nije postojala zabrana izgovaranja ovih imena niti je ikada došlo do odstupanja u načinu označavanja njihovih samoglasnika. Ako pogledate bilo koji hebrejski rukopis koji bilježi izgovor ovih imena, oznake vokala su dosljedne. Izvukao sam primjere samoglasničkih oznaka iz Aleppo Codexa na mreži na http://aleppocodex.org/newsite/index.html (ova web-lokacija zahtijeva Adobe Flash Player da bi ispravno funkcionirala). Uključio sam i stihove u kojima se pojavljuju ova imena ako ih želite provjeriti. Svako teoforično ime označeno je ševom kao prvim samoglasnikom. Drugi samoglasnik je cholem za svako ime osim za Yehudah i Yehukhal (Yeho- kombinira se s -odah i dvostruko oo postaje u, isto obrazloženje za Yehukhal). Za ostalih 19 imena samoglasnik je dosljedno ševa, cholam za Yeho dio imena.
H3059 יהואחז Yeho’achaz Yehovah has seized
2 Chronicles 21:17;25:17; 25:23; 25:25;36:1-2; 2 Kings 10:35; 13:1; 13:4;13:7-10; 13:22;13:25; 14:1; 14:8;14:17; 23:30-31;23:34
H3060 יהואשׁ Yehoash Yehovah has given
2 Kings 12:1-3;12:5; 12:7-8; 12:19;13:25; 14:8-9; 14:11;14:13; 14:15-17
H3063 יהוּדה Yehudah Yehovah is praised
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H3075 יהוזבד Yehozavad Yehovah has endowed
H3076 יהוחנן Yehochanan Yehovah has graced
Ezra 10:6; 10:28;Nehemiah 6:18;12:13; 12:42; 1 Chronicles 26:3, 2 Chronicles 17:15;23:1; 28:12
H3077 יהוידע Yehoyada Yehovah knows
2 Samuel 8:18;20:23; 23:20; 23:22;1 Kings 1:8; 1:38;1:44; 2:25; 2:29;2:34-35; 2:46; 4:4; 2 Kings 11:4; 11:9;11:15; 11:17; 12:3;12:8; 12:10;Jeremiah 29:26, 1 Chronicles 11:22;11:24; 12:28; 18:17; 27:5, 27:34, 2 Chronicles 22:11;23:1; 23:3; 23:8-9;23:11; 23:14; 23:16;23:18; 24:2-3; 24:6;24:12; 24:14-15;24:17; 24:20; 24:22;24:25

H3078 יהויכין Yehoyakhin Yehovah establishes
2 Kings 24:6; 24:8;24:12; 24:15; 24:17;25:27; 25:29;Jeremiah 52:31;52:33; Ezekiel 1:2, 2 Chronicles 36:8-9

H3079 יהויקים Yehoyakim Yehovah raises up
2 Kings 23:34-36;24:1; 24:5-6; 24:19;Jeremiah 1:3;22:18; 22:24; 24:1;25:1; 26:1; 26:21-23;27:1; 27:20; 28:4;35:1; 36:1; 36:9;36:28-30; 36:32;37:1; 45:1; 46:2;52:2; Daniel 1:1-2, 1 Chronicles 3:15-16,2 Chronicles 36:4-5;36:8

H3080 יהויריב Yehoyariv Yehovah contends

H3081 יהוּכל Yehukhal Yehovah is able

H3082 יהונדב Yehonadav Yehovah is willing

H3083 יהונתן Yehonatan Yehovah has given
Judges 18:30, 1 Samuel 13:2-3;13:16; 13:22; 14:1;14:3-4; 14:6; 14:8;14:12-14; 14:17;14:21; 14:27; 14:29;14:39-45; 14:49;18:1; 18:3-4; 19:1;19:4; 19:6-7; 20:1-5;20:9-12; 20:16-18;20:25; 20:27-28;20:30; 20:32-35;20:37-40; 20:42;21:1; 23:16; 23:18;31:2; 2 Samuel 1:4-5; 1:12; 1:17; 1:22-23; 1:25-26; 4:4; 9:1;9:3; 9:6-7; 15:27;15:36; 17:17; 17:20;21:7; 21:12-14;21:21; 23:32;Jeremiah 37:15;37:20; 38:26;Nehemiah 12:18, 1 Chronicles 8:33-34,1 Chronicles 9:39-40; 10:2; 11:34;20:7; 27:25; 27:32; 2 Chronicles 17:8

H3084 יהוסף Yehosef Yehovah has added
Psalam 81: 6, Jedina pojava Yehosefa pojavljuje se u prijedloškom obliku kojem prethodi Kaf, pa je prvi samoglasnik Chireq umjesto Sheva
H3085 יהועדּה Yeho‘adah Yehovah has adorned
H3086 יהועדּן Yeho‘adan Yehovah delights
H3087 יהוצדק Yehotzadak Yehovah is righteous
1 Chronicles 5:40-41, Haggai 1:1;1:12; 1:14; 2:2; 2:4;Zechariah 6:11
H3088 יהורם Yehoram Yehovah is exalted
1 Kings 22:50, 2 Kings 1:17; 3:1; 3:6;8:16; 8:25; 8:29;9:15; 9:17; 9:21-24, 12:18, 2 Chronicles 17:8; 21:1; 21:3-5;21:9; 21:16; 22:1;22:5-7; 22:11
H3089 יהושׁבע Yehosheva Yehovah has sworn
H3090 יהושׁבעת Yehoshav‘at Yehovah is an oath
H3091 יהושׁע Yehoshua Yehovah is salvation
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H3092 יהושׁפט Yehoshafat Yehovah has judged
2 Samuel 8:16;20:24; 1 Kings 4:3;4:17; 15:24; 22:2;22:4-5; 22:7-8;22:10; 22:18; 22:29-30; 22:32; 22:41-42;22:44-45; 22:48-51;Kings 1:17, 3:1, 3:7, 3:11-12, 3:14, 8:16, 9:2, 9:14, 12:18, 1 Chronicles 3:10;18:15; Chronicles 17:1, 17:3, 17:5, 17:10-12, 18:1, 18:3-4, 18:6-7, 18:9, 18:17, 18:28-29, 18:31, 19:1-2, 19:4, 19:8, 20:1-3, 20:5, 20:15, 20:18, 20:20, 20:25, 20:27, 20:30-31, 20:34-35, 20:37, 21:1-2, 21:12, 22:9,Joel 3:2; 3:12

H3068 יהוה Yehovah He was, He is, He will be
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After viewing the vowel pointing of the names, it is also apparent that kamatz is a frequent third vowel. So the complete vowels – Sheva Cholam Kamatz – as Rabbi Jacob Bachrach testifies in his book Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890 – are completely consistent with the vowels of theophoric Hebrew names.
Rabbi Jacob Bachrach:
“…the vowels Sheva Cholam Kamatz [=Yehovah] are not the vowels of the title Adonai, but they specifically belong to the Unique Name alone. There is not a single vowel here that comes from, or remains from, a reference to the title Adonai, [or even hints at it]. With these vowels, the priests in the Temple used to call on the Unique and Explicit Name the way it is written…”
Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890, Jewish Theological Seminary, Manuscript 2883, Page 178, Section 134 [Page 127, Section 136 in the 1896 printed edition]
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Nakon gledanja samoglasnika u nazivima, također je očito da je kamatz čest treći samoglasnik. Dakle, potpuni samoglasnici - Sheva Cholam Kamatz - kako svjedoči rabin Jacob Bachrach u svojoj knjizi Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890 - potpuno su u skladu s samoglasnicima teoforičnih hebrejskih imena.
Rabin Jacob Bachrach: “
... samoglasnici Sheva Cholam Kamatz [= Yehovah] nisu samoglasnici iz naslova Adonai, već posebno pripadaju Jedinstvenom imenu. Ovdje nema niti jednog samoglasnika koji potječe ili ostaje od pozivanja na naslov Adonai, [ili čak nagovještava to]. Tim su samoglasnicima svećenici u Hramu pozivali na Jedinstveno i eksplicitno ime na način na koji je napisano ... ” Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890, Židovsko bogoslovno sjemenište, rukopis 2883, stranica 178, odjeljak 134 [Stranica 127, odjeljak 136 u tiskanom izdanju iz 1896.]
Slobodno podijelite ovu sliku.

Nomes Teofóricos Hebraicos e o Nome de Deus
So the complete vowels – Sheva Cholam Kamatz – as Rabbi Jacob Bachrach testifies in his book Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890 – are completely consistent with the vowels of theophoric Hebrew names.
Rabbi Jacob Bachrach:
“…the vowels Sheva Cholam Kamatz [=Yehovah] are not the vowels of the title Adonai, but they specifically belong to the Unique Name alone. There is not a single vowel here that comes from, or remains from, a reference to the title Adonai, [or even hints at it]. With these vowels, the priests in the Temple used to call on the Unique and Explicit Name the way it is written…”
Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890, Jewish Theological Seminary, Manuscript 2883, Page 178, Section 134 [Page 127, Section 136 in the 1896 printed edition]
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Dakle, potpuni samoglasnici - Sheva Cholam Kamatz - kako svjedoči rabin Jacob Bachrach u svojoj knjizi Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890 - potpuno su u skladu s samoglasnicima teoforičnih hebrejskih imena.
Rabin Jacob Bachrach: “
... samoglasnici Sheva Cholam Kamatz [= Yehovah] nisu samoglasnici iz naslova Adonai, već posebno pripadaju Jedinstvenom imenu. Ovdje nema niti jednog samoglasnika koji potječe ili ostaje od pozivanja na naslov Adonai, [ili čak nagovještava to]. Tim su samoglasnicima svećenici u Hramu pozivali na Jedinstveno i eksplicitno ime na način na koji je napisano ... ” Ishtadalut Im Shadal, 1890, Židovsko bogoslovno sjemenište, rukopis 2883, stranica 178, odjeljak 134 [Stranica 127, odjeljak 136 u tiskanom izdanju iz 1896.]