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Sudije 1:1-3

Sudije 1:1-3


Suci 1:1 Poslije smrti Jošuine upitaše Izraelci Jahvu: "Tko će od nas prvi poći na Kanaance da se protiv njih bori?

א. וַיְהִי אַחֲרֵי מוֹת יְהוֹשֻׁעַ וַיִּשְׁאֲלוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּיהֹוָה לֵאמֹר מִי יַעֲלֶה לָּנוּ אֶל הַכְּנַעֲנִי בַּתְּחִלָּה לְהִלָּחֶם בּוֹ

Vajhi aharei movt jehovšua, vaijišalu benei jizrael, baJehovah lemor, mi jaAleh-lanu el-hakena ani batehilah lehilahem bov. 


Suci 1:2 A Jahve odgovori: "Neka Juda prvi pođe; u njegove ruke stavljam zemlju.

ב. וַיֹּאמֶר יְהֹוָה יְהוּדָה יַעֲלֶה הִנֵּה נָתַתִּי אֶת הָאָרֶץ בְּיָדוֹ

Vaijomer Jehovah jehudah jaAleh, hineh natati et-haArec bejadov. 


Suci 1:3 Tada Juda reče svome bratu Šimunu: "Pođi sa mnom u zemlju koja mi je dosuđena u baštinu; borit ćemo se protiv Kanaanaca, a potom ću se ja uza te boriti na tvojoj zemlji." I Šimun ode s njim.

. וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוּדָה לְשִׁמְעוֹן אָחִיו עֲלֵה אִתִּי בְגוֹרָלִי וְנִלָּחֲמָה בַּכְּנַעֲנִי וְהָלַכְתִּי גַם אֲנִי אִתְּךָ בְּגוֹרָלֶךָ וַיֵּלֶךְ אִתּוֹ שִׁמְעוֹן

Vaijomer jehudah lešimovn ahiv aleh iti vegovrali venilahamah bakena ani, vehalahti gam-ani iteha begovraleha vaijeleh itov šimovn.




Suci 1:2,3 – Judine zamjenice u jednini

Na drugom mjestu smo naveli da Biblija obično koristi zamjenice u jednini i glagole koji opisuju Jahvu kao jednu osobu. (Ja, on, jednina ti, itd., ne mi, oni, oni, itd.) Jahve se ne oslovljava s mi, mi, naši, itd., niti to čini u Postanku 1:26, ili drugim "nama" ili "mi" stihovima (Postanak 3:22; 11:7; Izaija 6:8) na koje neki trinitarci vole isticati kao na navodne dokaze da je Bog više od jedne osobe. Imajte na umu da su u cijelom Starom zavjetu ova četiri slučaja (Postanak 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Izaija 6:8) jedini primjeri u kojima se tvrdi da Jahve koristi zamjenice za sebe u množini; kroz cijeli Stari zavjet zamjenice su u jednini. Unatoč tome, ako pomno ispitamo i ta druga tri stiha, možemo vidjeti da Jahve zapravo govori nekom drugom kada koristi izraze "nas" ili "mi". Kako bi se suprotstavili našoj tvrdnji, neki tvrde da u Sucima 1:1,2 nalazimo dokaze koji bi poduprli dogmu o trojstvu, jer se "Juda" tamo spominje sa zamjenicom u jednini muškog roda. Ovi stihovi glase: Suci 1:2 – Jahve reče: Juda će uzaći; evo, predajem zemlju u njegove ruke. Suci 1:3 – Juda reče svome bratu Simeonu: Pođi sa mnom na moj dio da se borimo protiv Kanaanaca; i ja ću isto tako ići s tobom u tvoj dio. Tako Simeon pođe s njim. Očito, misao koju bi trinitarna braća željela ostaviti s nama je da, budući da se Juda, kada se o njemu govori sa zamjenicom u jednini, sastoji od mnogo osoba, tako je i Jahve u Ponovljenom zakonu 6:4 i drugim stihovima, budući da je jednina, također sačinjen od više od jedne osobe, to jest tri osobe. Ovaj bi argument, zapravo, prvo zamislio i pretpostavio da je Jahve više od jedne osobe, nešto o čemu se uopće nigdje u svetim spisima ne govori. Dakle, cijeli argument leži na temelju, ne svetog pisma, već pretpostavljenih argumenata koje trinitarac zamišlja, pretpostavlja, dodaje i čita u bilo kojem svetom pismu koje je predstavljeno da navodno podupire zamišljene pretpostavke. Međutim, u Sucima 1:2,3, o Judinom plemenu govori se kao da je Judino pleme jedna osoba; ovo odražava jednu osobu po kojoj je pleme dobilo ime. Međutim, u Judinim je bedrima, kao njegovo obećano potomstvo, trebalo biti mnogo osoba. Osoba, Juda, koji je bio stvarni sin Jakova (Izraela), sama se nije sastojala od više od jedne osobe, niti se Jahve sastoji od više od jedne osobe. Razmišljajmo dalje o tome, međutim, kako bismo vidjeli može li se načelo primijenjeno u Sucima 1:2,3 stvarno primijeniti na trinitarnu dogmu. Prema trinitarnoj formuli, svaka osoba trojstva je "potpuni" Bog, a ne dio Boga. “Sva trojica su u potpunosti Bogovi. Ne možete podijeliti Boga na dijelove”, kaže jedan trinitarac. Možemo li to doista primijeniti na Suce 1:2,3. Možemo li za svaku pojedinu osobu reći da je "Judin potomak", da je svaka pojedina osoba "potpuni Juda", i da se "Juda" ne može dijeliti na dijelove? Možemo li za svakog člana Judinog plemena reći da svaki član nije dio Jude, već da je "potpuni Juda"? Samo kad bi to bilo tako, trinitarac bi mogao polagati pravo na Suce 1:2,3 kao podršku trinitarnoj dogmi, a ipak, to još uvijek ne bi oduzelo činjenicu da se trinitarna dogma još uvijek mora zamišljati, pretpostavljati i temeljiti na zamišljenim pretpostavkama, dodavati i čitati u svakom pojedinom stihu koji je predstavljen da navodno podržava tu doktrinu.


Judges 1:2,3 – The singular pronouns of Judah


Elsewhere we have stated that the Bible usually uses singular pronouns and verbs that describe Yahweh as one person. (I, he, singular you, etc., not we, they, them, etc.) Yahweh does not address himself as we, us, our, etc., nor is he doing so in Genesis 1:26, or the other “us” or “we” verses (Genesis 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8) that some trinitarians like to point to as alleged proofs that God is more than one person. Please note that out of the entire Old Testament, these four instances (Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8) are the only instances where it is claimed that Yahweh uses plural prounouns of Himself; all through the Old Testament the pronouns are singular. Nevertheless, if we closely examine those other three verses also, we can see that Yahweh is actually speaking to someone else when He uses the terms “us” or “we”.

To counter our claim, some claim that in Judges 1:1,2 we find evidence that would support the trinity dogma, because “Judah” is there referred to with the singular masculine pronoun. These scriptures read:

Judges 1:2 – Yahweh said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.
Judges 1:3 – Judah said to Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with you into your lot. So Simeon went with him.

Evidently, the thought the trinitarian brothers would like to leave with us is that since Judah, being spoken of with singular pronouns, is made up many persons, so Yahweh in Deuteronomy 6:4 and other verses, being singular, is also made of more then one person, that is, three persons.

This argument, in effect, first would imagine and assume that that Yahweh is more than one person, something which is never spoken at all anywhere in the scriptures.  Thus, the whole argument lies on the basis, not of scripture, but of the assumptive arguments that the trinitarian imagines, assumes, adds to, and read into whatever scripture that is presented to allegedly support the imagined assumptions.

However, in Judges 1:2,3, the tribe of Judah is spoken of as though the tribe of  Judah was one person; this reflects the one person for whom the tribe is named after. In Judah’s loins, however, as his promised offspring, there were to be many persons. The person, Judah, who was the actual son of Jacob (Israel), himself did not consist of more than one person, nor does Yahweh consist of more than one person.

Let us reason further on this, however, to see if the principle applied in Judges 1:2,3 can actually be applied to the trinitarian dogma. According to the trinitarian formula, each person of the trinity is “fully” God, not a part of God. “All three arefully God. You can’t divide God into parts,” says one trinitarian.  Can we really apply this to Judges 1:2,3. Can we say of each individual person as the offspring of “Judah”, that each individual person is “fully Judah”, and that “Judah” cannot be divided into parts? Can we say of each member of the tribe of Judah, that each member is not a part of Judah, but that he is “fully Judah”? Only if this were so could the trinitarian lay claim to Judges 1:2,3 as supportive of the trinitarian dogma, and yet, this would still not take away from the fact that the trinitarian dogma still has to be imagined, assumed, and based on the imagined assumptions, added to, and read into, each and every scripture that is presented to allegedly support that doctrine.

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