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Psalam 82:6



Psalam 82:6

6 Rekoh doduše: "Vi ste bogovi i svi ste sinovi Višnjega!

ו. אֲנִי אָמַרְתִּי אֱלֹהִים אַתֶּם וּבְנֵי עֶלְיוֹן כֻּלְּכֶם

Ani amarti elohim atem uvenei eljovn kulehem.

6. I said, "You are angelic creatures, and all of you are angels of the Most High


Psalam 82:6 - - Tko su bogovi?

"Rekoh: 'Vi ste bogovi, svi ste vi sinovi Svevišnjega.'" World English Version .
Psalam 82:6 , 



Isus, u Ivanu 10:34-36 , identificira sinove Svevišnjega o kojima se govori u Psalmu 82:6 kao sinove Božje "kojima dođe Riječ [Logos] Božja." Dodaje, "i Pismo se ne može prekršiti." Tko su ti "bogovi" koji su ujedno i "sinovi Božji" kojima je došao Logos Božji? Mnogi su tvrdili da su oni suci Izraela. Istina je da im je u određenom smislu "Riječ Božja" došla tako što im je bilo povjereno poučavanje i suđenje prema Savezu zakona. Ali Zakon je dan preko Mojsija, a ne preko Izraelovih sudaca, tako da je Božja Riječ -- kako je predstavljena u Savezu zakona, došla do njih samo neizravno.22:8 , 9 , 28 [Vidi Djela 23:5 ]. Međutim, suci Izraela - kao grupa - nikada nisu nazivani "sinovima Božjim" niti "sinovima Svevišnjega". Misao mnogih Istraživača Biblije je da ovaj psalam ima primarno ili tipično ispunjenje u izraelskim sucima, s antitipskim, konačnim ispunjenjem u duhu rođenim "sinovima Božjim". Međutim, kad bi se primijenile na izraelske suce, ne bi se sve psalmističke izjave odnosile na sve njih, jer nisu svi nepravedno sudili.

Što je s prorocima? Ne kaže li Sveto pismo da je "Riječ Božja" došla do njih? ( 1. Kraljevima 12:22 ; 1. Ljetopisa 7:3 ) Međutim, većina proroka općenito je bila vjerna. Čini se da se misli izražene u Psalmu 82 ne odnose na njih.

Što je s anđelima? Zar se oni ne nazivaju "sinovima Božjim"? Da, Isuse. ( Postanak 6:2 , 4 ; Job 1:6 ; 2:1 ; 38:7 ) Znamo da se anđeli drugdje nazivaju elohima. ( Psalam 8:5 ; usporedite Hebrejima 2:7 ; i moguće Psalam 50:1 i 96:4 ) Znamo da su postojali anđeli koji su griješili u Noino vrijeme, i koji su tada nepravedno vladali. (Međutim, većina anđela ostala je odana Jehovi.) Isto tako pali anđeli, sa Sotonom, nepravedno vladaju ovim svijetom čak i danas.Ipak, ostali bismo se pitati kako i kada je "Logos Božji" došao do njih.

Zatim neki tvrde da se Psalam 82 odnosi na vladare Izraela općenito, kako na suče tako i na kraljeve. Što se tiče izraelskih kraljeva, znamo da su mnogi od njih činili ono što je dobro u očima Jehove (Jahve), a neki su činili loše. Nisu svi učinili ono što je loše. Kao grupa, međutim, ostali bismo se pitati na koji je način "Logos Božji" došao do njih. Osim toga, kao skupina, oni se ne nazivaju "sinovima Božjim".

Što se tiče poganskih vladara, znamo da su svi vladali nepravedno, neki više, neki manje. Ali je li Božja Riječ došla do poganskih vladara? Trebamo li misliti da je Bog nazvao poganske vladare "sinovima Svevišnjega"?

Je li onda ovaj psalam bio proročki za Isusove vladare u Isusovim danima? Zasigurno, Logos Božji - Isus - došao je k njima, ali vladari su općenito odbacili Isusa. ( Ivan 7:48 ) Je li ih Isus proglasio "sinovima Božjim" ili "sinovima Svevišnjega"? Ne, nazvao ih je "potomcima zmija". ( Matej 3:7 ; 12:34 ; 23:33 ; Luka 3:7 ) Ipak, bilo je onih Židova koji su se pokajali i primili Isusa, i koji su postali sinovi Božji. -- Ivan 1:12 ; Rimljanima 9:8 .

Neki tvrde da je u Ivanu 10:34 , 35 Isus rekao da su oni Židovi koji su ga željeli ubiti "bogovi". Ova ideja se često iznosi, ali još nismo otkrili kako bi se takva ideja primijenila na ono što je stvarno navedeno. Čini se kao da je Isus govorio tim Židovima da su lažni bogovi. U svakom slučaju, ne vjerujemo da bi Isus te židovske vođe nazvao "sinovima Svevišnjega", kao što čitamo u Psalmu 82:6 . Ova ideja ne bi odgovarala svetim spisima.

Vjerujemo da se u Psalmu 82 govori o onima koji su primili Isusa i koji su postali "sinovi Božji" , posebno o onima iz prvog stoljeća koji su dobili posebne darove da čine razna čuda. Kao i mnogo toga što je navedeno u Starom zavjetu, također bi mogla postojati tipična primjena, koja možda ne odgovara u potpunosti onome što je rečeno, i, ako je tako, mogla bi postojati antitipska primjena, koja zapravo i potpuno ispunjava ono što je navedeno . Tako dok Psalam 8 možda ima tipičnu primjenu na drevne suce Izraela, ne nalazi svoje potpuno ispunjenje kod njih, već prije kod duha rođenih "sinova Božjih", kojima je došao Logos, bio primljen i koji su postali "sinovi Božjeg Boga" te im je Sveti duh dao posebnu moć.Ovo je razred koji odgovara svakom detalju o kojem govore Isus i psalmist. Ovi su postali "sinovi Božji" kroz opravdanje i pomoću svetog duha sudjeluju u moćima budućeg doba, posebno oni koji su u prvom stoljeću primili posebnu moć kroz sveti duh da vrše iscjeljenja, istjeruju demone itd. ( Matej 10:1 ; Marko 6:7 ; Luka 6:35 ; 9:1 ; 10:19 ; Ivan 1:12 ; 10:35 ; Djela apostolska 1:8 ; 2:41 ; 4:4 ; 17:11 , 13 ; Rimljanima 5:1 ; 8:11 , 14 ;15:18 , 19 ; 1. Korinćanima 2,4 , 8-10 ; 14:36 ; Galaćanima 3:26 ; 1. Solunjanima 1:5 , 6 ; Hebrejima 2:4 ; 6:5 ) Ovi "sinovi Božji" također su pozvani suditi ( Daniel 7:22 ; Matej 19:28 ; Luka 22:30 ; 1. Korinćanima 6:1-4 ; Otkrivenje 20:4 ) Mnogi od ovih duhova rođenih nisu samo nasljednici Boga ili obećanja ( Galaćanima 3:29 ), već postaju i sunasljednici s Isusom. ( Rimljanima 8:17) Oni koji primaju sunasljedstvo su oni koji u ovom životu dolaze do savršenstva svoje vjere i ljubavi prema Bogu, Crkvi i bližnjemu, te trpe s Isusom, suobličujući se s Isusovom žrtvenom smrću . ( Filipljanima 3:10-14 ; 1. Solunjanima 3:10 ; Hebrejima 1:6 ) nakon što su postigli cilj svog poziva, ne bi bili među onima koji su opisani u Psalmu 82 kao da ne ispunjavaju svoj poziv. Međutim, postoji razdoblje suda nad tim "bogovima" -- kada im se prosuđuje koliko su vrijedne tako visoke nagrade kao što je "sunasljedstvo" s Isusom. Osim toga, Isus je pomazan nad svojim bližnjima, pa su sunasljednici s Kristom i dalje podložni svome poglavaru. - Hebrejima 2:9.

Psalam 82:1 (KJV) : "Bog [hebrejski, elohim, Strongov #430] stoji u zboru moćnih [hebrejski, el, Strongov #410]; on sudi među bogovima [hebrejski, elohim, Strongov #430] ." Ovdje se prva instanca ELOHIM-a odnosi na Jahvu (Jehova), kao suca u zajednici moćnih, koja je zajednica koju čine neki koji su BOG -- MOĆNI. Ova je zajednica identificirana u Psalmu 82:6 kao sinovi Svevišnjega. Isus to odobrava citirajući Psalam 82:6 u Ivanu 10:34-36 .Dakle, sinovi Svevišnjega kojima Logos dolazi identificirani su iu Starom iu Novom zavjetu kao bogovi, a ne da su oni jedini pravi BOG -- JEDINI koji je neovisno MOĆAN, niti su lažni bogovi, nego oni doista imaju MOĆ koju su dobili od JEDINOG PRAVOG MOĆNOG. UROĐENOG.


Osim toga, otkrivamo da Jehova, jedini pravi Bog, sudi preko Isusa, budući da je Isus taj kojeg je Jehova mazao nad svojim bližnjima. ( Psalam 45:6 , 7 ; Izaija 61:1 ) Jehova je Isusu dao sud (ovlast da sudi), i stoga Jehova sudi preko onoga koga je odredio. ( Ivan 5:22 , 27 , 30 ; Djela apostolska 10:42 ; 17:31 ; Rimljanima 2:16 ) Kao što je Mojsije učinjen kao ELOHIM [MOĆNI] Aronu ( Izlazak 4:16 ), tako je Isus -- prorok poput Mojsija ( Ponovljeni zakon 18:15-19 ) - postaje ELOHIM svojim bližnjima.( Psalam 45:67 ; Hebrejima 1:8 , 9 ) Crkva mora odgovarati Isusu za osudu koja se tiče njihovih djela u sadašnjem tijelu. A osuda vodi do odvajanja nagrada, jer neće svi iz Kristova tijela primiti potpuno istu nagradu, ali će svatko biti nagrađen prema mjeri ploda koji se razvije. ( Luka 19:12-19 ; ​​Matej 13:23 ; Galaćanima 5:22 , 23 ; 1. Korinćanima 3:11-15 ) Kao što smo pokazali iz svetih spisa na drugim mjestima, neki primaju najveću nagradu sunasljedstva, ali većina tijelo Kristovo ne postiže ovu najveću nagradu. Tako će u tijelu "svatko primiti svoju plaću prema svom trudu". (1. Korinćanima 3,8 ; Djela apostolska 10:42 ; Rimljanima 14:10 ; 2. Korinćanima 5,10 ; 1. Petrova 4,5,17 ; 2. Solunjanima 1:5 ) Stoga je biblijski zaključak da se drugi "elohimi" -- bogovi kako se spominje u Psalmu 82:1 , 6 i Ivanu 10:34-36 -- stoga se odnose na druge moćnike, budući da su duhom rođeni sinovi Božji, kojima je Isus glava ili poglavar, kao pomazan od Jehove.

Kako novozavjetni Božji sinovi primaju sveti duh, pomazani su da budu suci i postanu dio Božje crkve. - 1. Korinćanima 6:2 , 3 ; 1. Ivanova 2:27 .


Psalam 82:2 : "Dokle ćeš nepravedno suditi ( Rimljanima 2:1 ; 14:10 ) i biti pristran prema zlima?" (stih 2). U ovom svijetu njihove prosudbe često još uvijek nisu onakve kakve bi trebale biti. ( Jakovljeva 2:4 ; 1. Korinćanima 3:3 , 4 ; 4:6 ) Ovdje se sudac, Isus, obraća "sinovima Božjim". Ne spadaju svi novozavjetni "sinovi Božji" u ovu kategoriju, jer su mnogi, nakon što su rođeni od Duha Svetoga, sudili mudro i pravedno. Većina, međutim, nije, pa se čini da se Isus u ovom stihu posebno obraća onima koji nisu.


Netko je inzistirao da se ovo  odnosi odnose se na "sve" suče o kojima govori Psalam 82:1 . Za paralelni primjer, pročitajmo Jakova 2:4 : "Niste li među sobom bili pristrani i postali suci sa zlim mislima?" Ako bi se ista logika primijenila na Jakovljevu 2,4 , zaključili bismo da su apsolutno svi oni kojima se on obraća ( Jakovljeva 1,1 ) pokazivali pristranost i bili su sa zlim mislima. Bilo da netko gleda njegovo pismo kao na obraćanje dvanaest tjelesnih plemena, Židovima koji vjeruju ili cijelom Izraelu vjere (vidi Jakovljevu 5:19 , gdje se njima obraća kao na "braću" koja lutaju od istine.), ne apsolutno svi od ovih je pokazao pristranost; nisu baš svi ovi bili suci sa zlim mislima. Kad bi apsolutno svi tako griješili, kako bi Jakov mogao poticati neku od braće kojima se obraća da obrate one koji odlutaju od istine? ( Jakovljeva 5:19 , 20 ) Dakle, zaključujemo da na sličan način Sudac iz Psalma 82:1 proročanski skreće pozornost na one od sinova Božjih koji su činili te stvari, a ne da apsolutno tako  bili kriv.

Psalam 82:3 : "Čini ono što je ispravno prema siromašnima (vidi Galaćanima 2:10 ; Jakovljeva 2:1-13 ) i siročadi ( Jakovljeva 1:27 ); održavaj ono što je ispravno za nesreće ( Galaćanima 6:2 ; Rimljanima 15:1 ; Jakovljeva 1:27 ); i siromašnima." - Jakovljeva 2:15 , 16 ; 1. Ivanova 3:17 , 18 .

Psalam 82:4 : "Spasi slabe ( Rimljanima 14:1 ; 1. Solunjanima 5:14 ) i uboge; spasi ih iz ruke zla." - Rimljanima 15:30 , 31 ; Galaćanima 6:1 ; 2. Solunjanima 3:1 , 2 .

Čini se da je misao spašavanje potrebnih i slabih od svijeta onih koje Bog izabire kao svoje sinove. Drugo gledište je da se ova referenca odnosi na jače od "sinova Božjih" kako bi spasili one koji su slabiji sinovi Božji, koji su se zapleli u tijelo i svijet. - Galaćanima 6:1 ; 1. Solunjanima 5:14 ; Jakovljeva 5:19 ,20.


Psalam 82:5 : "Ne znaju, niti razumiju. Hodaju naprijed-natrag u tami. Potresli su se svi temelji zemlje." Čini se da ovdje psalmist opisuje zle od kojih je Božjim sinovima rečeno da izbave one koji su u potrebi. Ovi zli ne razumiju ( 1. Korinćanima 1,8 ; Ivan 1,10 ; 8,43 ); oni hodaju u tami ( Izaija 50:10 ; 60:2 ; Efežanima 4:18 ; Otkrivenje 12:9 ) jer su svi temelji zemlje nestabilni. ( Izaija 13:13 ; 24:18 ; Hebrejima 12:26 ; Otkrivenje 21:1) Stoga se čini da je ovo spominjanje upućeno svijetu -- onima koji nisu "sinovi Božji".

Sudac koji sudi sinovima Božjim objavljuje da su svi temelji zemlje uzdrmani. Upotrijebljena hebrejska riječ znači "klimati, tresti se, poskliznuti". Verzija kralja  Jamesa  prevodi ovo kao: "svi temelji zemlje su porušeni." Njegove riječi znače da su svi osnovni principi sadašnjeg društvenog ustroja iskrivljeni izvan odgovarajućeg odnosa jedan prema drugome, da su u zbrci. Uvjeti su se skliznuli s pravog toka. Društvo stoljećima nastoji služiti svojim interesima što je mudrije moguće, ali sebičnost svojstvene cijeloj ljudskoj obitelji od pada utječe, utječe, iskriva i izvrće njihov sud o svakoj temi.Kao posljedica toga, dok je svijet nastojao da stvari budu ispravne, pravedne i istinite, dok je kao cjelina nastojao urediti svoje poslove na linijama pravde, suosjećanja, istine i pravednosti, ipak su individualna sebičnost i klasne sklonosti iskrivili cjelinu uređenja, dok ne dobijemo uvjete. koji danas vladaju.

"Rekao sam da ste bogovi [elohim]; i svi ste djeca Svevišnjega [el eon, najviši], ipak ćete svi umrijeti kao ljudi i pasti kao jedan od vladara." "Bogovi" ovdje nisu Svevišnji, niti su lažni bogovi. Isus se na te riječi odnosi kao na "on", što je značilo da ih je izgovorio Jehova. Oni kojima se govori, iako su sinovi Svevišnjega, umiru i ljudima se ne čine ništa više od ostalih. Stoga se u općenitom smislu ovaj stih odnosi na cijelo Kristovo tijelo, bez obzira na nagradu, jer svijet općenito ne primjećuje duha-začetka sinovstva. ( Ivan 3:8 ; 1. Ivanova 3:1 ) Međutim, ako Sudac se ovdje obraća samo onima koji nisu bili vjerni, kao što se čini da radi u ranijim stihovima, onda bi moglo biti da je to referenca na njihov neuspjeh da postigne dostojanstvo Isusova uskršnjenja, i da ih stoga njihova smrt ostavlja na razini ljudskoga života. , budući da nisu uspjeli postići onu uskrsnuća u duhovnom tijelu.

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Autor serije Studies in the Scriptures  ovu je smrt promatrao kao žrtvenu smrt vjernika, koja se drugima činila kao umiranje poput čovjeka, no njegovo je vjerovanje da rođenje duha znači da novo stvorenje nije na razini ljudskog života. . (Vidi  Studies in the Scriptures , Svezak 5, stranica 68;  Svezak 6, stranica 444 ) Naše gledište je da se duhovno rođenje smatra živim na ljudskoj razini. - Rimljanima 8:11 ; 1. Korinćanima 15:46 , 49 .

Psalam 82:8 : "Ustani, Bože, sudi zemlji, jer ti baštiniš sve narode." Nakon ispitivanja hebrejskog, nalazimo da u Psalmu 82:6 i Psalmu 82:8 imamo isti oblik "HaElohim"; ovo nas navodi na zaključak da se "HaElohim" u Psalmu 82:8 odnosi na iste "bogove" iz Psalma 82:6 , za koji vjerujemo da je primjenjiv na sve sinove Svevišnjega, bez obzira na to koji nivo nagrade primaju u Kraljevstvu. Vjerujemo da psalmist ovdje citira Jehovu kako to govori drugome koji se naziva ELOHIM.U vezi s ovim stihom, PL Read navodi: "Imenica elohim ovdje se mora prevesti u jednini (Bog) iz razloga što je subjekt triju glagola, 'ustati', 'suditi' i 'nasljediti', koji su svi u jednini. Činjenica da su glagolski oblici u jednini isključuje kao negramatičnu svako tumačenje koje elohimu u ovom stihu daje pluralno značenje koje on zapravo ima u stihovima 1 i 6." Ovo predviđa da ako se Jahve obraća "HaElohimu" kao klasi kao jedini, da bi to zahtijevalo glagole u zajednici u vezi sa grupom. Međutim, ako se "HaElohim" odnosi na jednu osobu, trebali bismo shvatiti da Svemogući Bog ne nasljeđuje narode, jer čija zemlja već pripada njemu. (Ponovljeni zakon 10:14 ; 19:5 ; Psalam 24,1 ; 50:12 ) Isus doista nasljeđuje vlast nad svim narodima, koju mu je dao njegov Bog i Otac. ( Daniel 7:14 ; Psalmi 2:6-8 ; 110:1 , 2 ; Matej 11:27 ; 28:18 ; Luka 10:22 ; Ivan 3:35 ; 5:22-27 ; 1. Korinćanima 15:27 ; Efežanima 1:20-22 ; Filipljanima 2:9-11 ; Hebrejima 1:2 ; 1. Petrova 3:22) Svakako, kao u prvom stihu, ELOHIM bi se mogao odnositi na Moćnu Moć koju je Jehova dao Isusu, i stoga bi se Jehova mogao obratiti Isusu s molbom da "Ustani", da ustane, da preuzme svoju baštinu. Međutim, sveci također nasljeđuju ovu vlast s Isusom. ( Daniel 7:22 , 27 ; Luka 22:29 , 30 ) Dakle, ako se ovo također primijeni na sve, to bi bilo jedno tijelo, jer su suci Izraela tako oslovljeni u Izlasku 21:6 ; 22:8 , 9 , 28 (Vidi Djela 23:5 ), referenca bi mogla biti i na Isusa i na njegovo tijelo, da ustane i baštini obećanje kraljevstva.

Moramo zaključiti da je Isus govorio o sinovima Svevišnjega u smislu moći, moćnika, a svakako ne kao o Svemogućem Jehovi, niti kao o "lažnim bogovima". ELOHIM kao intenzivan množina primjenjuje se na Jehovu u pojačanom značenju, kao u JAČI ili NAJMOĆNIJI. Jehova je sigurno NAJMOĆNI, budući da je On, kao JEDINI izvor sve MOĆI, JAČI od svih drugih kojima daje MOĆ. Ako su "elohimi" spomenuti u Psalmu 82:6 bili lažni bogovi (to su čak i anđeli), kao što neki tvrde, onda bi Isusovo pozivanje na ovaj stih u Ivanu 10:34 bilo besmisleno.Treba napomenuti da su Židovi bili ljuti na našeg Gospodina Isusa, ne zato što je sebe nazivao Jehovom ili je nagovještavao bilo kakvu uzurpaciju Očevog mjesta, časti ili prerogativa, već jednostavno zato što je sebe nazivao Sinom Božjim (Ivan 10:36 ) i nazivao Jehovu Boga svojim Ocem. Kad su ga židovski vođe htjeli kamenovati, Isus im je rekao: "Pokazao sam vam mnoga dobra djela svoga Oca. Za koje me od tih djela kamenujete?" ( Ivan 10:31 , 32 ; vidi također Ivan 10:25) Isus je ovdje izrekao istinu i pokazao točno zašto su ga htjeli kamenovati, odnosno zato što je činio djela jedinog pravog Boga. Njihova lažna optužba je bila: "Ne kamenujemo te za dobro djelo, nego za bogohuljenje: jer ti, budući da si čovjek, praviš sebe Bogom." ( Ivan 10:33 ) Moramo primijetiti da je u ovu lažnu optužbu uključeno da je on bio "čovjek", to jest običan, običan, grešan čovjek, koji tvrdi da je Bog.(Čak i sa stajališta trinitaraca, ovo je lažna optužba, jer, prema našim trinitarnim susjedima, Isus nije Bog kao čovjek, nego u njegovoj navodnoj "Božjoj prirodi" koja je postojala jedna uz drugu sa svojom "ljudskom prirodom".) Odgovor koji su da li je bio da time što je sebe nazvao Sinom Božjim, on je utjecao na to da bude superiorniji od njih i drugih u čovječanstvu, i utjecao je na odnos sa Svemogućim Bogom, što su nazvali bogohuljenjem, jer su rekli da ili tvrdili da je Jehova , ili možda bog poput anđela, koji se također nazivaju sinovima Božjim..

Ali znajući da Sveto pismo u potpunosti odobrava takav naslov kao što je Sin Božji ( Ivan 10:36 ), Isus ih je uputio na odlomak u Psalmu 82:6 . Logičan prijedlog našeg Gospodina je da ako je sam Bog preko proroka Asafe dao naslov "bogovi" na taj način ljudskim bićima, Kristovim sljedbenicima, Crkvi ovog Evanđelskog doba, zašto bi se smatrao bogohulnim da poseban Sin Bog, kojeg je Otac posebno izdvojio i poslao na svijet kao svoga zastupnika, trebao bi se zvati Sin Božji? Njegovi progonitelji nisu mu mogli odgovoriti, niti se može naći kakav logični prigovor riječima našega Otkupitelja. On je doista bio u prvom redu predstavnik Jehove iu prvom redu on je bio Jehovin Sin.


Neke od naših srodnih studija:

Isusova jednost i njegov Bog
Pravi razlog zašto su Židovi htjeli ubiti Isusa



Različita gledišta drugih:

Ye Are Gods ( Herald Magazine)
Sveci zvani Elohim ( Iskupljenje između Boga i čovjeka , CT Russell)
Po jednom duhu  ( The New Creation , CT Russell)


Od Ronalda Daya 18. rujna 2016  

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Psalm 82:6 – Who Are the Gods? Tko su bogovi?


“I said, ‘You are gods, All of you are sons of the Most High.'”
Psalm 82:6, World English Version.

Jesus, in John 10:34-36, identifies the the sons of God spoken of in Psalm 82:6 as the sons of God “to whom the Word [Logos] of God came.” He adds, “and the Scripture can’t be broken.” Who are these “gods” who are also “sons of God” to whom the Logos of God came? Many have claimed that they were the judges of Israel. It is true that in a sense the “Word of God” came to them in that they were entrusted with teaching and judging according to the Law Covenant. But the Law was given through Moses, not the judges of Israel, so the Word of God — as represented in the Law Covenant, came to them only indirectly. We also know that the judges of Israel are evidently called “ha Elohim” as a body in Exodus 21:6; 22:8,9,28 [See Acts 23:5]. However, the judges of Israel — as a group — were never called “sons of God” nor “sons of the Most High”. The thought of many Bible Students is that this Psalm does have a primary or typical fulfillment in the judges of Israel, with a antitypical, final fulfillment in the spirit-begotten “sons of God”. However, if applied to the judges of Israel, not all the statements of Psalmist would apply to all of them, for not all of them ruled unjustly.

What about the prophets? Do not the scriptures say that the “Word of God” came to them? (1 Kings 12:22; 1 Chronicles 7:3) However, most of the prophets were in generally faithful. The thoughts expressed in Psalm 82 do not seem to apply to them.

What about the angels? Aren’t they called “sons of God”? Yes, they are. (Genesis 6:2,4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7) We know that angels are called elohim elsewhere. (Psalm 8:5; compare Hebrews 2:7; and possibly Psalm 50:1 and 96:4) We know that there were angels that sinned in the days of Noah, and who did rule unjustly then. (Most of the angels, however, remained loyal to Jehovah.) Likewise the fallen angels, with Satan, do rule this world unjustly even today. Yet, we would be left wondering as to how and when the “Logos of God” came to them.

Then some claim Psalm 82 applies to the rulers of Israel in general, both judges and kings. As far as the kings of Israel are concerned, we do know that many of them are said to have done what is good in the eyes of Jehovah (Yahweh), and some did bad. Not all of them did what is bad. As a group, however, we would be left wondering in what way the “Logos of God” came to them. Additionally, as a group, they are not referred to as “sons of God.”

As far as Gentile rulers, we know all have ruled unjustly, some more, some less. But did the Word of God come the Gentile rulers? Are we to think that God has called the Gentile rulers “sons of the Most High”?

Then was this Psalm prophetic of the rulers of Jesus in the days of Jesus? Certainly, the Logos of God — Jesus — had come to them, but the rulers in general rejected Jesus. (John 7:48) Did Jesus proclaim them “sons of God” or “sons of the Most High”? No, he called them “offspring of vipers”. (Matthew 3:7;12:34; 23:33; Luke 3:7) Yet there were those of the Jews who did repent and received Jesus, and who were made sons of God. — John 1:12; Romans 9:8.

We believe that it is to these who received Jesus and who become “sons of God” that are spoken of in Psalm 82. Like much that is stated in the Old Testament, there is a typical application, which may not totally fit what is being said, and then there is an antitypical application, which does actually and completely fulfill what is stated. Thus while Psalm 8 may have had a typical application to the ancient judges of Israel, it does not find its complete fulfillment with them but rather with the spirit-begotten “sons of God”, to whom the Logos came, was received and who were made “sons of God” and were given special power by the holy spirit. It is this class that fits every detail spoken of by Jesus and the Psalmist. These became “sons of God” through justification and by means of the holy spirit partake of the powers of the age to come, especially those who in the first century received special power through the holy spirit to perform healings, casting out demons, etc. (Matthew 10:1; Mark 6:7; Luke 6:35; 9:1; 10:19; John 1:12; 10:35; Acts 1:8; 2:41; 4:4; 17:11,13; Romans 5:1; 8:11,14; 15:18,19; 1 Corinthians 2:4,8-10; 14:36; Galatians 3:26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5,6; Hebrews 2:4; 6:5) These “sons of God” are also called to judge (Daniel 7:22; Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30; 1 Corinthians 6:1-4; Revelation 20:4) Many of these spirit-begotten ones are not only heirs of God or the promise (Galatians 3:29), but also become joint-heirs with Jesus. (Romans 8:17) These who receive joint-heirship are those who in this life do come to perfection of their faith and love toward God, the church and their neighbor, and suffer with Jesus, conforming to the likeness to Jesus’ sacrificial death. (Philippians 3:10-14; 1 Thessalonians 3:10; Hebrews 1:6) However, there is a period of judgment of these “gods” — when they are being judged as to their worthiness of such a high reward as “joint-heirship” with Jesus. Additonally, Jesus is anointed over his fellows, and therefore the joint-heirs with Christ are still in subjection to their head. — Hebrews 2:9.

Psalm 82:1 (KJV): “God [Hebrew, elohim, Strong's #430] stands in the congregation of the mighty [Hebrew, el, Strong's #410]; he judges among the Gods [Hebrew, elohim, Strong's #430].” Here the first instance of ELOHIM refers to Yahweh (Jehovah), as judging in the congregation of the mighty, that is a congregation that is made up of some who are GOD — MIGHTY. This congregation is identified in Psalm 82:6 as the sons of the Most High. Jesus approves of this by quoting Psalm 82:6 in John 10:34-36. Thus, the sons of the Most High to whom the Logos comes are identified both in the Old Testament and New Testament as gods, not they are either the only true GOD — the ONLY who is independently MIGHTY, nor are they false gods, but they do have MIGHT as received from the ONLY TRUE MIGHT.

Additionally, we find that Jehovah, the only true God, judges by means of Jesus, as Jesus is the one whom Jehovah anointed over his fellows. (Psalm 45:6,7;Isaiah 61:1) Jehovah has given to Jesus the judgment (the authority to judge), and, thus Jehovah judges through the one whom he has ordained. (John 5:22,27,30; Acts 10:42; 17:31; Romans 2:16) As Moses was made as ELOHIM [MIGHTY] to Aaron (Exodus 4:16), so Jesus — the prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-19) — is made ELOHIM to his fellows. (Psalm 45:6,7;Hebrews 1:8,9) It is to Jesus that the church must answer for judgment concerning their works in the present body. And judgment leads to a separation of rewards, for not all of the body of Christ receive the exact same reward, but each will be rewarded according to the measure of fruitage they develop. (Luke 19:12-19; Matthew 13:23; Galatians 5:22,23; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15) As we have shown from the scriptures elsewhere, some receive the highest reward of joint-heirship, but most of the body of Christ do not attain this highest reward. Thus in the body, “each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” (1 Corinthians 3:8; Acts 10:42; Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 4:5,17;2 Thessalonians 1:5) Thus the scriptural conclusion is that the other “elohim” — gods as referred to Psalm 82:1,6 and John 10:34-36 — thus refer to other mighty ones, being the spirit-begotten sons of God, of whom Jesus is the head or chief, as anointed by Jehovah.
See Zion’s Watch Tower Reprints 1410:3; 296:3; 338:2; 421:3

As the New Testament sons of God receive the holy spirit, they are anointed to be judges, and do become part of God’s church. — 1 Corinthians 6:2,3; 1 John 2:27.

Psalm 82:2: “How long will you judge unjustly (Romans 2:1; 14:10), and show partiality to the wicked?” (verse 2). In this world their judgments are often still not what they should be. (James 2:4; 1 Corinthians 3:3,4; 4:6) Here the judge, Jesus, addresses the “sons of God”. Not all the NT “sons of God” fall into this category, for many, upon being begotten of the Holy Spirit, did judge wisely and justly. Most, however, did not, so Jesus appears to address especially to those who did not in this verse.

Someone has insisted that this does refer to “all” the judges spoken of in Psalm 82:1. For a parallel example, let us read James 2:4: “Haven’t you shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?” If the same logic would be applied to James 2:4, we would conclude that absolutely all of those who he is addressing (James 1:1) were showing partiality and were judges with evil thoughts. Whether one views his letter as addressing the fleshly twelve tribes, the believing Jews or the entire Israel of faith (see James 5:19, where these are addressed as “brothers” who wander away from the truth.), not absolutely all of these showed partiality; not absolutely all of these were judges with evil thoughts. If it were that absolutely all were thus sinning, how could James exhort some of the brothers being addressed to convert those who wander from the truth? (James 5:19,20) Thus, we conclude that likewise the Judge ofPsalm 82:1 prophetically turns attention to those of the sons of God who were doing these things, not that absolutely all the “sons of God” were thus so guilty.

Psalm 82:3: “Do what is right toward the poor (see Galatians 2:10; James 2:1-13) and the fatherless (James 1:27); maintain what is right for the afflicted (Galatians 6:2; Romans 15:1; James 1:27); and the destitute.” — James 2:15,16; 1 John 3:17,18.

Psalm 82:4: “Rescue the weak (Romans 14:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:14) and the needy; save them from the hand of the wicked.” (Romans 15:30,31; Galatians 6:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:1,2) The thought appears to be to rescue the needy and weak of those whom God is choosing as his sons from world. Another view is that this reference is to the stronger ones of the “sons of God” to rescue those who are weaker sons of God, who get themselves entangled with the flesh and the world. — Galatians 6:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; James 5:19,20.

Psalm 82:5: “They don’t know, neither do they understand. They walk back and forth in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.” Here the Psalmist appears to be describing the wicked from which the sons of God are told to deliver the needy ones. These wicked do not understand (1 Corinthians 1:8; John 1:10; 8:43); they walk about in darkness (Isaiah 50:10; 60:2; Ephesians 4:18;Revelation 12:9) as all the foundations of the earth are unstable. (Isaiah 13:13;24:18; Hebrews 12:26; Revelation 21:1) Thus this reference appears to be made to the world — those who are not “sons of God”.

The Judge who judges the sons of God states that all the foundations of the earth are shaken. The Hebrew word used means “to totter, shake, slip”. The King James Version renders this as: “all the foundations of the earth are out of course.” His words mean that all the basic principles of the present social structure are distorted out of proper relationship to each other, are in confusion. Conditions have slipped from their proper course. Society for centuries has been endeavoring to serve its interests as wisely as possible, yet selfishness inherent in the entire human family since the fall affects, influences, warps and twists their judgment on every subject. As a consequence, while the world has endeavored to have matters right and just and true, while it has endeavored as a whole to regulate its affairs on lines of justice, sympathy, truth and equity, nevertheless individual selfishness and class preference have distorted the whole arrangement, until we have the conditions which prevail today.

“I have said you are Gods [elohim]; and all of you are children of the Most High [el eon, the highest], yet you will all die like men, and fall like one of the rulers.” The “gods” here are not the Most High, nor are they false gods. Jesus refers to these words as spoken by “he”, by which he meant that they are spoken by Jehovah. The ones being spoken to, though sons of the Most High, die and appear to men nothing more than the others. Thus in a general sense, this scripture applies to all the body of Christ, regardless of reward, for the spirit-begettal to sonship goes unnoticed by the world in general. (John 3:8; 1 John 3:1) However,if the Judge is here only addressing those of who were not faithful, as he appears to be doing in the earlier verses, then it could be that this is a reference to their failure to attain worthiness of the resurrection of Jesus, and that therefore their death leaves them on the plane of the human life, having failed to obtain that of the resurrection in a spiritual body.
With What Body Will We Be Raised?
and The Manner of the Resurrection

The author of the Studies in the Scriptures series viewed this death as the sacrificial death of the believer, which appeared to others as dying like man, but it was his belief that spirit begettal meant that one was no longer reckoned on the level of human life. (See Studies in the Scriptures, Volume 5, page 68; Volume 6, page 444) Our view is that spirit begettal reckons one alive on the human plane. — Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:46,49.

Psalm 82:8: “Arise, God, judge the earth, For you inherit all of the nations.” After examining the Hebrew, we find that in Psalm 82:6 and Psalm 82:8, we have the same form of “HaElohim”; this leads us to conclude that “HaElohim” in Psalm 82:8 is referring to the same “gods’ of Psalm 82:6, which we believe is applicable to all the sons of the Most High, regardless what level of reward they receive in the Kingdom. We believe that the Psalmist here is quoting Jehovah as stating this to another who referred to as ELOHIM. Regarding this verse, P. L. Read states: “The noun elohim must here be translated in the singular (God) for the reason that it is the subject of three verbs, ‘arise,’ ‘judge’ and ‘inherit,’ all of which are in the singular. The fact that the verb forms are in the singular rules out as ungrammatical any interpretation which gives elohim in this verse the plural meaning which it does in fact have in verses 1 and 6.” This overlooks that if Yahweh was addressing “HaElohim” as a class as a unit, that it would call for singular verbs in connection with the group. However, if “HaElohim” refers to one person, we should realize God Almighty does not inherit the nations, as the whole earth already belongs to him. (Deuteronomy 10:14; 19:5; Psalm 24:1; 50:12) Jesus does inherit dominion over all nations, which is given to him by his God and Father. (Daniel 7:14; Psalms 2:6-8; 110:1,2; Matthew 11:27; 28:18; Luke 10:22; John 3:35; 5:22-27; 1 Corinthians 15:27; Ephesians 1:20-22; Philippians 2:9-11; Hebrews 1:2; 1 Peter 3:22) Certainly, as in verse one, ELOHIM could apply to the Mighty Power that Jehovah has given to Jesus, and thus Jehovah could be addressing Jesus with the entreaty to “Arise”, to stand up, to take possession of his inheritance. However, the saints also inherit this dominion with Jesus. (Daniel 7:22,27; Luke 22:29,30) Thus, if this is applied to the saints as well, it would be as a singular body, as the judges of Israel are so addressed inExodus 21:6; 22:8,9,28 (See Acts 23:5), the reference could be to both Jesus and his body, to arise and inherit the promises of the kingdom.

We have to conclude that Jesus was speaking of the sons of the Most High in the sense of might, mighty ones, and certainly not as being the Almighty Jehovah, nor as being “false gods”. ELOHIM as a plural intensive is applied to Jehovah in intensified sense, as in MIGHTIER or MIGHTIEST. Jehovah is certainly the MIGHTIEST, since He, being the ONLY source of all MIGHT, is MIGHTIER than any others to whom he gives MIGHT. If the “elohim” referred to in Psalm 82:6 were false gods (are even the angels), as some have claimed, then Jesus’ appeal to this scripture in John 10:34 would have been meaningless. It should be noted that the Jews were angry with our Lord Jesus, not because he called himself Jehovah or intimated any usurpation of the Father’s place, honors or prerogatives, but simply because he called himself the Son of God (John 10:36) and referred to Jehovah God as his Father. When the Jewish leaders were about to stone him, Jesus stated to them: “I have shown you many good works from my Father. For which of those works do you stone me?” (John 10:31,32; see alsoJohn 10:25) Jesus stated the truth here, and showed exactly why they wished to stone him, that is, because he did the works of the only true God. Their false accusation was: “We don’t stone you for a good work, but for blasphemy: because you, being a man, make yourself God.” (John 10:33) We need to note that included in this false accusation was that he was a “man”, that is, a common, ordinary, sinful man, claiming to be God. (Even from the standpoint of trinitarians, this is a false accusation, because, according to our trinitarian neighbors, it was not as a man that Jesus is God, but rather in his alleged “God-Nature” that existed side-by-side with his “human-nature”.) The answer they gave was that in calling himself the Son of God he was affecting to be superior to them and to others of mankind, and affecting a relationship with the God Almighty, which they termed blasphemy, because they said it was either claiming to be Jehovah, or perhaps a god perhaps to Jehovah.

But knowing that the Scriptures fully sanctioned such a title as the Son of God (John 10:36), Jesus referred them to the passage in Psalm 82:6. Our Lord’s logical suggestion is that if God himself through the prophet Asaph gave the title of “gods” thus to human beings, to the followers of Christ, to the Church of this Gospel age, why should it be considered blasphemous that the special Son of God, whom the Father had specially set apart and sent into the world as his representative should be called the Son of God? His persecutors were unable to answer him, nor can any logical objection be found to our Redeemer’s words. He was indeed pre-eminently the representative of Jehovah and pre-eminently he was Jehovah’s Son.

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An exhaustive verse-by-verse, side-by-side comparison of four historical paradigms. The four views compared are Oneness, Trinitarian, Arian, and Unitarian. The first section compares answers to interview questions such as: “What are the consequences for others not believing as you do?”. This is followed by several hundred passages of Scripture and a comment on each verse by each view. Finally the book has a variety of notes: John 1:1 is compared by various scholars. Notes showing the progression of the creeds, quotations from early church fathers, notes from Adolph Harnack’s History of Dogma, notes from Hans Kung’s Christianity: Essence, History and Future, and a couple of articles dealing with the origins and reasonableness of the Trinity finish up the 120 page 8.5 X 11 book (plastic comb binding).

Concepts of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by Matthew Alfs

Subtitled “A Classification and Description of the Trinitarian and Non-Trinitarian Theologies Existent Within Christendom,” this is a theological and historical handbook of how the variety of Christian denominations have defined and viewed God the Father, Christ the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. Detailed and penetrating, it demonstrates how Christendom’s many denominations and sects have differed and even powerfully clashed in explicating this so-called “central doctrine of the Christian faith,” often with heated verbal sparring and sometimes by inflicting physical violence on opposers. Objective in tone, which is rare for a work of this sort, this careful study encourages the reader to draw his or her own conclusions. Unlike apologetic works, which often quote what critics say about variant denominational theologies, this work allows the plethora of denominations to speak for themselves. The author further solicited comments from many denominational headquarters to clarify and expand upon material from their available published works. It can truly be said that no stone has been left unturned in order to provide the reader with full and complete coverage of the subject. Includes 355 references and a detailed index. Sturdy libary binding, brown cloth with gold-embossed ccover illustration. 104pp

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