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Hošea 1:7


Hošea 1:7

7 a omiljet će mi kuća Judina, spasit ću je Jahvom, Bogom njihovim, a neću je spasiti lukom, mačem ni kopljem, ni konjima ni konjanicima. 

ז. וְאֶת בֵּית יְהוּדָה אֲרַחֵם וְהוֹשַׁעְתִּים בַּיהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵיהֶם וְלֹא אוֹשִׁיעֵם בְּקֶשֶׁת וּבְחֶרֶב וּבְמִלְחָמָה בְּסוּסִים וּבְפָרָשִׁים

Ve et  beit jehudah arahem, vehovšatim baJehovah eloheihem, velo ovšiem bekešet uveherev uvemilhamah, besusim uvefarašim.


Hosea 1:7 – Yahweh Speaks of Another Yahweh?


Hosea 1:7 – But I will have mercy on the house of Judah, and will save them by Yahweh their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.” — World English.

According to one trinitarian:

The “I” at the beginning of verse 7 is clearly Jehovah and says that He will do something for you through yet another person called “their God (Jehovah)”. The “Jehovah their God” is clearly a different person from the “Jehovah” who is speaking at the beginning of the verse.

We believe the above “clearly” demonstrates a misuse of the word “clearly”, since, in reality, it has to be imagined and assumed that there are two different persons being spoken of in Hosea 1:7 as Yahweh. The false conclusion being reached by the assumption is that there are two different Yahwehs, and, by use of the spirit of human imagination, it is to be further assumed that one of these Yahwehs is the alleged first person of the alleged one triune Yahweh, and the through further use of the spirit of human imagination, one is to assume that the second alleged “Yahweh” is Jesus, who is being assumed to the another person of the alleged triune God. Thus, by means of all of this human imagination, is being claimed that there “clearly” one person who is Yahweh who is speaking to another person who is Yahweh, etc., in Hosea 1:7


The point of what is being said has nothing to do with any idea that there are two Yahwehs, one Yahweh who is speaking of another Yahweh. The  is that Yahweh refers to Himself by name as the One that save the house of Judah, not the house of Judah will be saved by means of any other might, or force, such as bow, sword, etc. Remembering that the Holy Name means “He is”, signifying that he is who he is (Exodus 3:14), that he cannot deny himself (2.Timothy 2:13), Yahweh makes use of His own Holy Name, as representing Himself as the God of Judah, to intensify the contrast between Himself and that of the puny implements of man. We are not actually given any scriptural reason to imagine and see even vaguely that two different persons are being spoken of as Yahweh.


Hošea 1,7 - Jahve spašava po Jahvi

Ali ja ću se smilovati domu Judinom i spasit ću ih Jahvom, Bogom njihovim, i neću ih spasiti lukom, ni mačem, ni bojom, ni konjima, ni konjanicima. -- Hošea 1:7 , Svjetska engleska Biblija.

Neki trinitarci daju Hošeu 1:7 kao navodni primjer dviju osoba koje se obje nazivaju "Jahve", i stoga nude Hošeu 1:7 kao navodni dokaz svoje doktrine o trojstvu.

Ovdje Jahve suprotstavlja Dom Judin i Dom Izraelov. U Hošei 1:6kaže da više neće imati milosti prema domu Izraelovu. Domu Izraelovu Jahve je zapravo rekao: "Vi niste moj narod i ja neću biti vaš [Bog]." ( Hosea 1:9 ) Domu Judinom, međutim, Jahve govori: "Smilovat ću se domu Judinom i spasit ću ih po Jahvi, Bogu njihovu." Jahve je govorio o sebi imenom kao o njihovom Bogu kako bi naglasio da je On, Jahve, još uvijek Bog kuće Judine, i da će On, Jahve, njihov Bog, taj koji će izbaviti Judu, i da njihovo izbavljenje neće biti zakazano na oruđe koje ljudi koriste za osvajanje putem bitke. Komentar JFB-a o ovome navodi:


naglašeniji od "samim sobom"; od strane tog Jahve (Mene) kojeg oni štuju kao svog Boga, dok Ga vi prezirete.

Fausset, AR, AM "Komentar na Hošeu 1". "Kritički i objašnjeni komentar cijele Biblije". .

Dakle, dok je kuća Izraelova, kao cjelina, počela prezirati Jahvu, Jahve je naglašavao da je On još uvijek Bog kuće Judine.

Međutim, ono što bi trinitarci htjeli da mi učinimo u vezi s ovim stihom jest (1) pretpostaviti da je dogma o trojstvu istinita; (2) pretpostaviti da je "Jahve" koji govori jedna Jahvina osoba; (3) pretpostaviti da kad je Jahve rekao "po Jahvi" da je taj "Jahve" druga osoba od Jahve, koja nije prva pretpostavljena osoba od Jahve koja govori; i (4) zatim pretpostaviti da ovo dvoje pretpostavlja da su osobe za koje tvrde da se obje nazivaju "Jahve" dvije osobe njihovog navodnog trojedinog Jahve. U stvarnosti, nema potrebe dodavati i čitati sve te pretpostavke u Svetom pismu.

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