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Ibn Abbas and the Satanic verses
Revealing the truth about Islam
Ibn Abbas and the Satanic verses
theislamissue Uncategorized October 27, 2020 32 Minutes
The Satanic verses incident is one of the most controversial issues in the discussion of Islam today, especially between Christians and Muslims. Christians especially bring it up because it proves in their eyes that Muhammad could be influenced by Satan.
Muslims however generally reject the incident as a fabrication by Islams enemies, citing the fact that the chains of narration are weak and that all are mursal. However this is not the case. There are marfu reports from one companion; those of Abdullah Ibn Abbas through his students Sayd Jubayr, Abu Salih, Atta Rabah, Ikrimah Barbari, Attiyah Al-Awfi Mujahid .
Abdullah Ibn Abbas, whom according to the hadith books was given the knowledge, understanding and interpretation of the Quran by God after Muhammad prayed for him to have such knowledge. For instance, see here, here and here. This was narrated by the students of Ibn Abbas such as Ikrimah, Sayd Jubayr, Tawus and Ata as well as Kurayb (Fath Al-Bari 1/385-386, Translated by Khalid Williams) and appears in almost every hadith collection such as Bukhari, Ahmad, Tabarani, Nasa’i, Majah, Tirmhidi, Ibn Sa’d, Muslim and Hibban.
Jabir Abdullah said: “The most knowledgeable and most forbearing of the people”. Talhah ibn ‘Ubaydullah said: “Ibn ‘Abbas was granted understanding, smartness and knowledge, and I never saw ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab give anyone precedence over him”. Ubai Bin Kab said: “This man will be the leading scholar of this ummah; he has been given maturity and deep understanding”. Umar Khattab said: “He is the young man who spends time with mature men; he keeps asking questions in order to learn and he is smart”. Mujahid Jabr said: “Ibn ‘Abbas was called al-bahr (the ocean) because of his vast knowledge”. Ibn Umar said: “he is the most knowledgeable among those who are left of what Allah, may He be exalted, revealed to Muhammad”. Sa’id bin Warqas said: “I never saw anyone who was more quick-witted or smarter or more knowledgeable or more patient in dealing with people than Ibn ‘Abbas”. Ibn Masud said: When Ibn Abbas reaches our age, no man will have one tenth of his knowledge.’ Al-Aʻmash said: I heard them saying that Abdullah said, “Ibn Abbas, may Allah have mercy on him, what an excellent interpreter of the Qur’an he is.
The first set of narrations regarding the satanic verses incident come from the great kufan scholar Sayd Bin Jubayr, whom was one of the most prominent of the students of Ibn Abbas, cited multiple times in the two Sahihs. The reputation of Sayd can be gouged from what Ibn Hajar said of him in Tahdhib al-Tahdhib Volume 4 No. 14:
He narrated hadiths from Ibn Abbas, Ibn Al-Zubayr, Ibn Umar, Ibn Maqal, Udayy Ibn Hatim, Abu Mas`uod al-Ansari, Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Abu Hurayra, Abu Musa al-Ash`ari, al-Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri, Anas, `Amr ibn Maymun, Abu `Abdulrahman al-Sulami and lady `A’isha….. Ibn Abi Mughira said that when people of Kufa visit Ibn `Abbas they used to ask him for Fatwa, he used to say them: “Isn’t Sa’id Ibn Jubayr among you?”…. `Amr ibn Maymun said that his father said that Sa’id ibn Jubayr passed away and every one on the earth attained his knowledge… Abu al-Qasim al-Tabari said: “He is a reliable Imam and hujjah on Muslims”…..Ibn Hibban said: “He was jurist, worshiper, righteous and pious”.
9 reports of the satanic verses exist to Sayd Bin Jubayr. Of these reports 2 have the chain Uthman Al-Aswad <— Sayd Jubayr <– Ibn Abbas. The first is from the mukhtarah of Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, who in turn is citing it from the now lost Tafsir of Ibn Mardawayh. Suyuti also cites it in his Tafsir Manthur from Mardawayh and from Maqdisi’s citation.
Commenting on the mukhtarah of Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, Shahab Ahmed notes:
By Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi’s own account, the work consists in the main of reports with sound isnads that do not appear in the respective Sahihs of Al-Bukhari and Muslim, but also contains some reports carried by apparently sound isnads that, in fact, contain weaknesses that Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi undertakes to identify. 511 […] 511 “These are the Hadith that i have selected from among those which are not in Al-Bukhari and Muslim. However…. We sometimes cite ahadith with good isnads that have a weakness, and identity the weakness of the isnad in order that it be known”
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 224
Maqdisis work, or rather the narrations in it were generally regarded as sound:
Al-Dhahabi observed, “They are hadiths that may be used as authorities, except over that which is in Bukhari and Muslim”…. Al-Qasim Al-Birzali (d. 739/1339) called the work the “Sahih of Al-Diya“. For these, and the similar opinions of other hadith scholars, see al-hafiz, al-Tanwih wa-al-Tabyin, 315-316
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 225
Here is the chain of the narration:
Ahmad b. Musa Ibn Mardawayh al-Isbahani <– [his father, Musa b. Mardawayh al-Isbahani] <–Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Mattuwayh al-Isbahani <– Muhammad b. ‘All al-Muqri’ al-Baghdadi <– Ja’far b. Muhammad al-Tayalisi al-Baghdadi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. ‘Ar’arah Al-Bari al-Baghdadi <– Abu ‘Asim al-Nabil al-Dahhak b. Makhlad al-Makki al-Basri <– ‘Uthman b. al-Aswad al-Makki <– Sa‘id b. Jubayr <– Ibn ‘Abbas
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 224
Regarding the authentication of the chain, it appears to be somewhat mixed. The reason being that the narrator Muhammad b. ‘All al-Muqri’ al-Baghdadi is obscure and relatively unknown with only one biography on him in tarikh baghdad, although Ibn Hajar, Suyuti and Maqdisi seemed to see no problem with the Isnad:
His presence in the isnad was sufficient reason for Nasir al-Din Al-Albani to reject the riwayah. While Al-Albanis standards of isnad criticism are unusually severe, in the present instance his assessment seems justified. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy not only that al-Diya Al-Maqdisi does not identify any deficiency in the insad but also that Ibn Hajar Asqalani deemed this the most reliable of the isnads that transmit the satanic verses incident.
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 226
Suyuti also said in his citation that all the narrators were trustworthy. Here is the text of the narration:
The Messenger of God recited: “Have you seen al-Lat, al-‘Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” and Satan cast onto his tongue: “Those high gharaniq: their intercession is to be hoped for! And the Mushrikun were greatly pleased by this and said: “He has mentioned our gods.” So Jibril came to him and said: “Recite to me what I brought you!” And he recited: “Have you seen al-Lat, al-‘Uzza and Manat, the third, the other? Those high gharaniq: their intercession is hoped for!” He (Jibril) said: “I did not bring you this! This is from Satan!, or he said: “This is from Satan! I did not bring you these”
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 226-227
Note that As-Suyutis citation omits the “or he said” section. We shall see in the following two narrations also from Uthman Aswad whether or not this narration is actually an accurate transmission. First, we go to the narration found in the Tafsir of Abu Layth Al-Samarqandi with an almost identical chain of narration:
Al-Khalil b. Ahmad Al-Sijzi al-Samarqandi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Mattuwayh Al-Ishabani <– Ja’far b. Muhammad al-Tayalisi al-baghdadi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammad Ar’arah al-Basri al-baghdadi <– Abu ‘Asim al-Nabil al-Dahhak b.Makhlad al-Makki al-Basri <– Uthman b. Al-Aswad al-Makki <– Sa‘id b. Jubayr <– Ibn Abbas
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 227
The main difference from this chain compared to the previous one is that Muhammad Al-Muqri is not present. In fact, it is curious that the isnad functions perfectly well without his presence:
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Mattuwayh al-Isbahani transmits directly from Ja’far al-Tayalisi al-Baghdadi, without the mediation of Muhammad b. Muqri’; a scenario that is entirely reasonable given their death dates, and the fact that ibn Mattuwayh is recorded as having studied in Iraq. 527 […] 527 Al-Dhahabi, Siyar, 14:142. The fact that Riwayah 42 (the samarqandi narration. Note that Shahab is actually referring to Riwayah 41 in his book, the citation here of 42 is an error) Muhammad b. Mattuwayh transmits directly from Ja’far al-Tayalisi without the mediation of the offending Muhammad b. Muqri’ makes the presence of Muhammad b. Muqri in Riwayah 41 (he means 40) somewhat curious as the isnad, to which he is effectively superfluous, functions perfectly well without him. Indeed, the fact that Muhammad b. Al-Muqri’ serves no function other than to undermine the isnad in Riwayah 41 (he means 40) reminds one of the phenomenon by which opponents of a given Hadith would undermine that Hadith by adding a weak link to an otherwise sound isnad; see Norman Calder, studies in early Muslim jurisprudence (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993) ,235-241, on what he calls “invention in order to impugn”.
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 227-228.
Ultimately, this report is authentic according to the standards of the Hadith scholars and would certainly be acceptable to Ibn Hajar, As-Suyuti, Al-Diya, Qasim Birzali and Dhahabi as well as Al-Albani, if it were not for the reports contents which is as follows:
The messenger of God recited: “And Manāt, the third, the other.” Then he said: Those high Gharāniq: indeed, intercession from them is to be hoped for!” So the Mushrikūn said, “He has mentioned our Gods.” Then the verse (22:52) was sent down.
Before orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 228
So now the question is from these two reports is this: is the Samarqandi narration simply an abbreviation of the report from Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, or is the Maqdisi report purposely corrupted in its text as well as its isnad by the hadith scholars in order to render the narration blasphemous and shameful?
The answer to that question lies in the final narration from Uthman Aswad, found in the Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi, most likely found originally in the Tafsir of Sahl b. Uthman Al-Razi before being spread to Rayy by Abu Yahya Abd Al-Rahman Al-Razi. The isnad and text is as follows:
Abu Bakr al-Harithi [Al-Isbahani] <– Abu Bakr b. Hayyan [Abu al-Shaykh Al-Isbahani] <– Abu Yahya Abd Al-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Salm al-Razi Al-Isbahani <– Sahl b. Uthman al-‘Askari Al-Razi <– Yahya b. Zakarriya b. Abi Za’idah al-Kufi/ Yahya b. Sa’id b. Qattan al-Basri <– Uthman ibn al-Aswad al-makki <– Sa’id ibn Jubayr al-kufi: The messenger of God recited: “have you seen Al-lat, al-Uzza and manat, the third, the other? Those high gharaniq: their intercession is to be hoped for!” And the mushrikun were greatly pleased by this and said: “He has mentioned our Gods.” Jibril came to the messenger of God and said: “Go over the word of God with me!” When he went over (it) with him, he (jibril) said: “As for this, i did not bring it to you! This is from Satan!” So God sent down “we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, satan cast into his umniyyah”.
Before orthodoxy, pages 229-230
To highlight the similarities with this narration and the one from Maqdisi, here are sections sude by side:
The Messenger of God recited: “Have you seen al-Lat, al-‘Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” and Satan cast onto his tongue: “Those high gharaniq: their intercession is to be hoped for!
The messenger of God recited: “have you seen Al-lat, al-Uzza and manat, the third, the other? Those high gharaniq: their intercession is to be hoped for!”
Only difference between the two here that the line “and Satan cast onto his tongue” has dropped from Wahidis Hadith.
And the Mushrikun were greatly pleased by this and said: “He has mentioned our Gods.”
And the Mushrikun were greatly pleased by this and said: “He has mentioned our Gods.”
So Jibril came to him and said: “Recite to me what I brought you!”
Jibril came to the messenger of God and said: “Go over the word of God with me!”
Whilst the wording is slightly different, the narrative structure is identical.
And he recited: “Have you seen al-Lat, al-‘Uzza and Manat, the third, the other? Those high gharaniq: their intercession is hoped for!” He (Jibril) said: “I did not bring you this! This is from Satan!
When he went over (it) with him, he (jibril) said: “As for this, i did not bring it to you! This is from Satan!”
Again, it is the exact same narrative structure with slightly differing wording, as well as an abbreviation of the recitation of the satanic verses.
So God sent down “we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, satan cast into his umniyyah”.
So God sent down “we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, satan cast into his umniyyah”.
Exactly the same
So this means with great certainty that the report from Maqdisi constitutes a genuine transmission from Ibn Abbas while the Samarqandi narration is just an abbreviation of the report, likely done by Samarqandi or his teacher who transmitted the report to him. Shahab Ahmed after reviewing these 3 hadith concludes:
Riwayah 40, which ibn Mardawayhs isnad attributes to Ibn Abbas, is the same Riwayah bi-al-ma’na as Riwayah 42, the isnad which stops at Sayd b. Al-Jubayr. Not only does this suggest that the interpretation of the incident in Riwayahs 40 and 42 was, indeed, transmitted by Uthman b. Al-Aswad from Sa’id b. Jubayr at the end of the first century Islam, but also, at the level of ma’na, it becomes reasonable to attribute the report to Ibn Abbas.
Before orthodoxy, page 230
The evidence grows even more strong when we look at the next set of hadith. These are the narrations carried once again from Sayd Bin Jubayr, but instead of Uthman Aswad; Sayd transmitted the incident to Abu Bishr Ja‘far b. Abi Wahshiyyah al-Basri al-Wasiti, known as “the most reliable person transmitting from Sayd b. Jubayr”. There are 6 reports of the incident with Abu Bishr with completely immaculate isnads. However for 3 of the reports there appear multiple statements in the isnad and the matn that attempt to weaken the reports. The first report appears in the musnad of Al-bazaar with an isnad as follows:
Yusuf b. Hammad [al-Basri] related to us: Umayyah b. Khalid [al-Basri] related to us: Shu’bah [b. Hajjaj Al-Basri] related to us from Abu Bishr [Ja‘far b. Abi Wahshiyyah al-Basri al-Wasiti] from Sa‘id b. Jubayr [al-Kufi] from Ibn ‘Abbas — in my estimation the Hadith is doubtful.
Before orthodoxy, page 232
That Isnad is perfectly normal with the exception of the words “in my estimation the hadith is doubtful”. It should be no surprise that the scholars of hadith jumped on this opportunity to try and render the hadith as weak, with Al-Albani claiming that it means that the isnad is defective because of a narrators uncertainty that it reaches Ibn Abbas and Al-Haythami saying that the statement is Sayd bin Jubayrs questioning of the report. However this claim is quite frankly ridiculous and illogical:
does it, in fact, make sense for Sa’id to cast doubt on his own transmission from his great teacher Ibn Abbas, or to question the doctrinal content of the report? […] For Sa’id b. Jubayr to be the speaker, the interjected remark should come between the mention of his name and that of Ibn Abbas […] Secondly, such a remark would be incongruous and anachronistic coming from Sa’id b. Jubayr. Why should Sa’id b. Jubayr, who is first and foremost a Quran scholar and whose reputation derived considerably from his having been a student of Ibn Abbas, relate a report from the greatest of all Quran scholars only to pronounce the report as unreliable in the same breath?
Before orthodoxy, page 235
Ultimately it seems highly likely that either: this comment was made by Al-Bazaar himself as he was known to make critical comments in the musnad, it could possibly be a margin comment by another scholar later on or it could be inserted by one of the transmitters after Sa’id b. Jubayr. Bazzar continues his attack on the narration with this comment on it:
We do not know of this hadith being related from the Prophet by a complete isnad which may validly be cited with the exception of this isnad; and we do not know of anyone who has provided a sanad for this Hadith from Shu’bah from Abu Bishr from Sa‘id from Ibn ‘Abbas except for Umayyah; and we have heard it only from Yusuf b. Hammad—and he [Yusuf] was trustworthy. Those other than Umayyah related it as a mursal from Abu Bishr from Sa‘id b. Jubayr; albeit that this Hadith is also known from al-Kalbi from Abu Salih from Ibn ‘Abbas. Umayyah was trustworthy and well-known.
Before orthodoxy, page 233
First, it is beneficial to note the purpose of this comment:
“By declaring that this is the only sound Isnad by which he knows the hadith, Al-Bazzar is pointing out that this is a report transmitted on the authority of a single individual. While the fact of a hadith being solitary does not necessarily nullify its authority in hadith methodology, it removes it from the status of a categorical proof to that of a possibility subject to confirmation: according to the fifth century hadith authority Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, “we follow and act upon what it (a solitary report) says when we think that the probability is that it is true”. Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi goes on to state that a Khabar Al-Wahid may be rejected on the basis that its matn contradicts “reason, the firmly established ruling of the Quran or known Sunnah”. In the present case, the contents of the matn are objectionable to the orthodox concept of the ismah of the prophet, and thus appear to contradict all three”.
Before orthodoxy, page 234
Second, the main argument that he makes here is that the narrations of Shu’bah <– Abu Bishr <– Sa‘id are all mursal except for the one with Umayyah, and that because Umayyahs is the only one to Abbas while the others with this isnad stop at Sayd then this attribution to Abbas is wrong. Bazzar however is simply wrong to state this. As we have seen there are two narrations from a variant pathway that go back to Ibn Abbas from Uthman Al-Aswad, the one from Samarqandi especially with an unimpeachable and immaculate isnad. It is simply the case that Bazzar most likely was unaware of this pathway as the narrations were circulating in Baghdad only for 100 years between the years 200 and 300, while Bazzar was a scholar from Basra living in this period. We shall come to his citation of the hadith of Abu Salih a bit later.
Here is the text of this report from Al-Bazaar:
When the Prophet was in Mecca, he recited, “Have you seen al-Lat, al-‘Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” And there ran upon his tongue “Those high gharaniq: intercession from them is to be hoped for! The Mushrikun of Mecca heard this and were pleased by it. This greatly distressed the Messenger of God. So God sent down: “We have not sent before you a Messenger or a Prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah’, then God removes that which Satan casts and establishes His Signs clearly.”
before orthodoxy, pages 232-233
While the wording of the report is slightly different to the ones from Uthman Al-Aswad, they all present the same interpretation. Muhammad recited the satanic verses that satan put on his tongue, the meccans were pleased by it, and their later abrogation by Quran 22:52. The only noticeable difference being whether Muhammad discovered his mistake on his own, or whether Gabriel had to tell him. This report in Bazzars musnad is also found in two later works with extended Chains of narration.
The first in Tabaranis Mu’jam Al-Kabir:
Al-Husayn b. Ishaq al-Tustari and ‘Abdan [‘Abd Allah] b. Ahmad [al-Ahwazi al-Jawallqi] said: Yusuf b. Hammad transmitted to us the meaning from Umayyah b. Khalid from Shu’bah from Abu Bishr from Sa‘id b. Jubayr: I know it only from Ibn ‘Abbas.
Before orthodoxy, page 236
And the tafsir of ibn Mardawayh that is cited by Al-Maqdisi’s Mukhtarah
Ahmad b. Musa Ibn Mardawayh Al isbahani <– [his father, Musa b. Mardawayh Al isbahani] <– Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Mattuwayh al-isbahani <– ‘Ali b. al-Husayn b. Junayd al-Razi AND Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ‘Asim al-Razi <– Yusuf b. Hammad al-Basri <– Umayyah b. Khalid al-Basri <– Shu’bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Jubayr al-Kufi: I know it only from Ibn ‘Abbas.
Before orthodoxy, page 237
These two chains are made up of the same narrators as the one from Bazzar but it is extended after Yusuf Hammad Al-Basri to 4 informants. As with the previous Hadith also, there is also a remark seeks to affect the authenticity of the report; “i know it only from Ibn Abbas”. So who wrote this statement? The primary suspect is Sayd bin Jubayr himself, as was believed by Ibn Hajar Asqalani. However this would cause problems for the Hadith scholars if true. As Shahab Ahmed explains:
“While Sa’ids reply had the effect in Hadith methodology, of detracting from an otherwise excellent isnad by declaring the report Khabar Al-Wahid, the meaning of the statement changes dramatically when we remember that Sa’id b. Jubayr was not a muhaddith concerned with the rules of transmission – he was, in fact, expressly criticised by the Hadith scholars for failing to transmit Hadiths with complete isnads – but rather a first century Quran scholar whose stature derived from his having studied with the greatest of all Quran authorities, ibn Abbas. When seen in this light, the same statement, “i know it only from Ibn Abbas”, instead of detracting from the report, has the effect of investing it with highest authority. For Sa’id B. Jubayr to say of a report, “i know it only from Ibn Abbas”, is for him to make the strongest possible statement validating the report, even though the self-same statement undermines the report in the methodology of the muhaddith.
Before orthodoxy, pages 238-239.
However there are reasons to suggest that rather than a statement of validation from Sayd, it is in fact a statement of dissatisfaction from the muhaddith. First: this statement does not appear in the 3 Hadith from Uthman Al-Aswad, nor does it appear in the following 4 Hadith that we have yet to analyse from Sayd. Second: it is not proven to my knowledge that Sayd in other instances used a statement like this in other reports he heard from Ibn Abbas.
I say, that the statement is not from Abu Bishr al-Basri either as he also appears in the other narrations from Sayd we have not analysed. Nor is it possible in my view to come from any of the narrators after Yusuf b. Hammad Al-Basri because of how the isnads split into multiple parts and carry the same statement. It would seem more likely in that case to be a commentary by Shu’bah b. Hajjaj, Umayyah b. Khalid or Yusuf b. Hammad. Seeing as the statement appears to be an answer to a question it is possible to have been asked by Umayyah to Shu’bah b. Hajjaj or by Yusuf b. Hammad to Umayyah. Though this also raises the question as to why this answer does not appear in the Narration of Musnad Bazzar. Unfortunately it is unlikely we will ever get a definitive answer to the quandary, but in my view, the idea that this is a statement of disparagement by a Hadith scholar at an authentic Narration to Ibn Abbas is the most logical explanation. This will be revisited in full at the conclusion of the Narrations of Sayd Bin Jubayr.
Regarding minor differences in the Hadith of Uthman Aswad and Abu Bishr, Shahab states:
Another remark in the isnad is significant. This is the statement by Al-Husayn al-Tustari and ‘Abdan al-Jawaliqi — “yusuf b. Hammad told us the meaning from Umayyah b. Khalid” — that occurs in Al-Tabarani isnad, signifying that what Yusuf b. Hammad transmitted here was not the words of the report he had received from Umayyah b. Khalid, but a paraphrase conveying its meaning. This explains the difference in wording, not only in Riwayahs 43 and 44 [the Bazzar narration and the Mardawayh/Tabarani narration]…. The main difference between Riwayahs 43 and 44,when taken as the same Riwayah in meaning, and Riwayahs 40 and 42 taken as a pair, is the absence of the correction scene in Riwayahs 43 and 44. However this does not affect the fundamental hermeneutical elaboration of the incident since Riwayahs 43 and 44 do not suggest that the prophet corrected himself. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, quite correctly, did not distinguish between the Riwayahs from Uthman b. Aswad and those of abu Bishr as regards to meaning.
Before orthodoxy, pages 240-241
With this we move on to the next 2 narrations found in the tafsir of Al-Tabari with two isnads deemed Sahih Mursal by Al-Albani (Nasb Al-Majaniq, 5)
Bundar, Muhammad b. Bashshar Al-Basri <– Ghundar, Muhammad b. Ja’far Al-Basri <— Shu’bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Jubayr al-Kufi
Muhammad b. Muthanna Al-Basri <– Abd Al-Samad b. Abd Al-Warith Al-Basri <– Shu’bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Jubayr al-Kufi
Before orthodoxy, pages 244-245
The reports read:
When the verse: “have you seen Al-lat, Al-Uzza” came down, the messenger of God recited it; and he said: “Those high Gharaniq! Indeed, their intercession is to be hoped for!” Then the messenger of God made the Sajdah and the mushrikun said: “He has not spoken favourably of our Gods until today” and they made the Sajdah with him. So God sent down: “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah”, until his words “the suffering of a barren day.
Riwayah 45 strongly resembles Riwayahs 43 and 44 in its narrative construction, and presents the same interpretation of the incident.
Before orthodoxy, page 245
The next narration is recorded by As-Suyuti without an isnad in his asbab Al-Nuzul and is citing it from the tafsirs of ibn mardawayh, Ibn mundhir, as well as from Al-Tabari and the tafsir of Ibn Hatim Al-Razi, suyuti says the Hadith is Sahih. Similarly, ibn Kathir recorded it in his tafsir and gave Ibn Hatims Isnad, which certainly is Sahih.
Ibn Abi Hatim Al-Razi <– Yunus b. Habib al-Ishabani <– Abu Da’ud Sulayman b. Da’ud al-Tayalisi al-Basri <– Shu’bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Jubayr al-Kufi: The messenger of God recited Surat Al-Najm in Mecca. When he reached this point: “have you seen Al-lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other,” Satan cast onto his tongue: “those high Gharaniq: their intercession is to be hoped for”. They said: “He has not spoken favourably of our Gods before today”. Then he made the Sajdah and they made the Sajdah. So God sent down “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah, then God removes that which Satan casts and establishes his signs clearly – and God is all-knowing, All-wise”.
Before orthodoxy, pages 246-247
Summarising these narrations of Sayd Bin Jubayr, Shahab Ahmed says:
All [Riwayahs] present what is fundamentally the same interpretation of the Satanic verses incident: the prophet uttered the verses; and, given the absence of any reference to the prophets desire, tamanna would seem here to mean recitation. […] One is strongly encouraged by this to take the Isnads at face value and recognise two distinct recensions of Sayd Bin Jubayrs teaching on the Satanic verses, both dating from the first half of the second century.
Before orthodoxy, page 248
The next point is the issue of heads of the Isnads. Some halt at Sayd Bin Jubayr and some go to Ibn Abbas. There are two possibilities here. The first is that the isnad did originally terminate at Sayd Bin Jubayr but since Ibn Abbas was widely known to be Sayds teacher, tafsir reports were automatically associated with him. Only to prove problematic later by the Hadith scholars.
The second, supported by Uri Rubin is that all the reports did go back to Ibn Abbas, but the Hadith scholars yet again corrupted the isnad and made it stop at Sayd.
I say, that it is more probable that this narration is a transmission from Ibn Abbas. The first reason that we shall come too is that Ibn Abbas appears in Isnads from a variety of other students of his such as Ata, Al-Awfi, Ikrimah, Mujahid, an anonymous source and Abu Salih (Salih is especially interesting and will be talked about shortly). Second, as Shahab Ahmed noted on page 249 of his book, Shu’bah Al-Hajjaj whom is the common link in all the Narrations of Abu Bishr <– Sayd Bin Jubayr was known for abbreviating isnads, a practice that was done out of convenience or forgetfulness. This in turn links back to the previous quandary of the statement “i know it only from Ibn Abbas”; as I said previously, it appears to be an answer to a question, thus making it likely to have been asked by Umayyah b. Khalid as a quandary to Shu’bah b. Hajjaj about the source of transmission and whether it is Khabar Al-Wahid. Umayyah then transmitted this information to Yusuf with the full Sahih Isnad as well as Shu’bah’s answer to his question. The fact that this is from Ibn Abbas is endorsed by the fact that his name appears in the isnads from Uthman Al-Aswad <— Sayd Jubayr in the tafsirs of Ibn Mardawayh and Abu Layth.
With this, we move on to the next of Ibn Abbas students: Mujahid ibn Jabr.
A student of Ibn Abbas whom Qatadah b. Di’amah is reported to have called “the most learned man alive in tafsir”, and Sufyan Al-Thawri said: “If you get Mujahids tafsir, it is enough for you”. Mujahid was also a Qass, and generally regarded as a reliable hadith transmitter cited in all four canonical sunan collections. He is reported to have said that he went through the entire Quran with Ibn Abbas three times, stopping to ask him about the occasion of revelation of each verse.
Before Orthodoxy by Shahab Ahmed, page 192
Mujahid has three reports that are attributed to him in the books of tafsir, the first is from the tafsir of Thalabi:
Mujahid said: He praised their Gods and mentioned them, and they were delighted
before orthodoxy, page 196
Ultimately, it is a very brief summary report from Mujahid about the Satanic verses, and makes him the second person to link Quran 17:73 to the Satanic verses incident. The other being Kab Al-Qurazi.
The second is from the tafsir of Aqilah:
Abd b. Humayd <– […] Mujahid: The messenger of God recited Surah Al-Najm, Satan cast those words into his mouth, and the Muslims prostrated themselves. Then God removed what Satan had cast onto his mouth and established his Ayat
Before orthodoxy page 193
Ibn Aqilahs tafsir is a tafsir that only records complete chains of narration, however this chain is not as Shahab Ahmed explains:
The Isnad suggests three things: first, that the riwayah was recorded in the now lost tafsir of Abd b. Humayd; second, that Ibn Aqilah is abbreviating the isnad by omitting the intermediary transmitters between Abd b. Humayd and Mujahid (else the report can hardly be considered marfu or Mahkum); and third, that for Ibn Aqilah, reports from Mujahid may assuredly be assumed to go back to a companion (in this case, most likely Ibn Abbas).
Before orthodoxy, by Shahab Ahmed page 193
The third comes from Al-Wahidis Asbab Al-Nuzul:
Lo, they rejoice!…. Mujahid and Muqatil said: meaning, when the Prophet recited Surat Al-Najm in mecca and said, “those high gharaniq”. The unbelievers of mecca were delighted by this when they heard that they have intercession.
Before orthodoxy page 195
The most interesting thing about this particular narration, is not the actual content of it but the sources. Mujahid and Muqatil. Muqatils reputation was certainly mixed:
No less a figure than Muhammad b. Idris Al-Shafi (d. 208) acknowledged that “compared to Muqatil, the rest were children in tafsir”, but Muqatil’s reputation among the Ahl al-hadith was close to uniformly appalling, with the outcome summed up by Dhahabi: “they rejected him by consensus”.
Before orthodoxy page 180
Here is the full quotation from Muqatils tafsir that was cited by Wahidi:
And when mention is made of those” who are worshipped “other than him” from among the Gods, “lo, they rejoice” at the mention of them. This is the day that the Prophet recited Surat Al-Najm in Mecca, and recited “al-lat Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other: those high Gharaniq! Intercession from them is to be sought”. The unbelievers of Mecca were delighted when they heard that they have intercession.
Before orthodoxy, by Shahab Ahmed page 190
The reason that the hadith scholars rejected Muqatil is primarily because he did not reveal his source material for the information in his tafsir. He provided no chains of narration to any of it. However we do know that Muqatil drew heavily on some of the early tafsirs such as that of Qatadah Diamah whose narrative on the Satanic verses also appears in Muqatils tafsir.
Another tafsir that Muqatil drew from is Mujahids:
It is interesting to note that Mujahid was one of Muqatil Sulaymans sources for tafsir. 392 See:Nawfal,Mujahid, 248-249. […] it may be that Mujahid is Muqatils source for this instance.
Before orthodoxy page 195
The narrations from Muqatil, Wahidi and Thalabi are all consistent in the delight of the Quraysh. However they do differ slightly from the narration from Aqilah. However this is likely because of the report being abbreviated:
There is no mention of the text of the Satanic verses themselves. However the phrase “satan cast those words onto his mouth” indicates that the words in question have been cited earlier in the discussion, and that the phrase is referring back to “those words”. It is highly likely that Ibn Aqilah is abbreviating the report
Before orthodoxy page 193
Some may point out that the second narration is not in the tafsir of Mujahid transmitted by Warqa Umar <– Abi Najih. However Shahab Ahmed explains:
Given that he was the leading student of Al-Thalabi, Al-Wahidis citation is almost certainly from one of the three alternate transmissions of Mujahids tafsir that are listed by Thalabi in the sources to his al-Kashf wa Al-Bayan.
Before orthodoxy page 196
As did Muqatil so it seems. Furthermore, it is interesting also to note a striking similarity between the narration and the warqa <– Najih tafsir:
(it) provide(s) a gloss for tamanna in Quran 22:52 as meaning “Qala – to say” which, it is worth noting, is entirely compatible with Riwayah 32 (wahidis narration). Similarly, Al-Suyuti cites each of Abd. B Humayd and Ibn Abi Hatim Al-Razi as giving Mujahids gloss for Tamanna to be takallama, “to speak” and for Umniyyati-hi as Kalami-hi, “his speech”.
Before orthodoxy page 196
So once again, tamanna is mentioned in this incident to mean speech, which is certainly compatible with the default gloss of “recitation” from Ibn Abbas making it likely that Ibn Abbas was Mujahids primary source, certainly in the Hadith cited by Aqilah.
The next student of Ibn Abbas’s students to transmit the Satanic verses is Abu Salih, who in no uncertain terms has a reputation viewed as appalling by the Hadith scholars, and is considered a liar by them.
He has 3 reports of the Satanic verses with him in the Isnad. The first is from the tafsir of Abd b. Humayd as cited in Suyutis tafsir Manthur with the Isnad: As-Suddi <– Abu Salih. It reads:
The messenger of God stood up and the mushrikun said: “if he mentions our God favourably, we will mention his God favourably”. And “Satan cast into his umniyyah”: Have you seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat the third, the other? Indeed, they are among the high Gharaniq! And indeed their intercession is to be hoped for!”. So God sent down: “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamannna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah.
Before orthodoxy, pages 159-160
The second report is from the tafsir of Abu Layth Al-Samarqandi whose isnad is simply: Abu Salih <– Ibn Abbas.
Satan came to him in the form of Jibril while he was reciting the Surah “By the star when it sets!” at the Kaaba until, when he reached his words “Have you seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” Satan cast upon his tongue, “those high gharaniq! From them intercession is to be sought!” When the Mushrikun heard that, it pleased them, and when he reached the end of it (the Surah), he made the Sajdah, and the Mushrikun and the Muslims made the Sajdah with him. Then Jibril came to the Prophet and said: “I did not bring you this!” So, “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet” came down.
Before orthodoxy page 211
This thus raises the question: why would Abu Salih, the so-called liar… Transmit one narration in his name, yet transmit another narration with different wording in the name of Ibn Abbas? Shahab Ahmed also says:
Why, if Ibn Abbas functioned in the early tafsir discourse as the mythic exemplar, should the same scholar, here Abu Salih, have attrubuted only some interpretations and reports to Ibn Abbas’ great authority, and kept other interpretations associated with his own, presumably lesser, authority? A reasonable explanation would be to take these attributions as real: certainly, they would suggest an indifference to the need to attribute reports to an authority figure.
Before orthodoxy, pages 211-212
On an even more interesting note, abu Layth Al-Samarqandi even followed up his citation of the Hadith of Salih <- Ibn Abbas by Saying that the Hadith of Uthman Aswad <– Sayd Jubayr <– ibn Abbas is similar, a clear reference to their hermeneutical position on the topic. (see pages 243-244)
The third report is not only from Ibn Abbas on Abu Salihs authority, it also comes from Ikrimah Barbari and an anonymous source from Ibn Abbas. From page 220:
Abbab b. Shuayb Al-Basri <– Yahya b. Kathir Al-Basri <– Al-Kalbi <– Abu Salih <— ibn Abbas
Abu Bakr Al-Hudhali Al-Basri and Ayyub b. Kaysan al-Sakhtiyani Al-Basri <— Ikrimah <– Ibn Abbas
Ibn Abbas Sulayman b. Bilal al-Tamini Al-Madini <– Anonymous source <– Ibn Abbas
These isnads appeared in the tafsir of Ibn Mardawayh and is cited from him by Suyuti in the tafsir Manthur. Ibn Hajar gave more of the isnads in Fath Al-Bari, but nonetheless still abbreviated versions. The isnad of Ikrimah is authentic as it is recorded, but Ibn Hajar said it is weak meaning their likely is a deficiency in the isnad.
Abu Salihs Isnad contains a plethora of weak narrators, and the final one is weak because of the anonymous source. It should be kept in mind however that it was normal at the time to not name an informant, but this became unacceptable when the Hadith movement emerged.
The report is as follows:
While the messenger of God was in Mecca, he recited Surat Al-Najm. And when he came upon this verse: “Have you seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other”,? Satan cast onto his tongue “Indeed, they are the high Gharaniq.” So God sent down: “We have not sent before you…”
before orthodoxy, pages 222-223
A very summary report of the teachings of Ibn Abbas. The implication, like all the other narrations is that tamanna means recitation. Also, all of the narrations so far make clear that the prophet himself uttered the Satanic verses.
Another report comes from the tafsir of Musa b. Abd Al-Rahman al-San’ani with the following isnad. From page 213:
Bakr b. Sahl al-Dimyati <– ‘Abd al-Ghani b. Sa’id al-Thaqafi al-San’ani <– Musa b. ‘abd al-Rahman al-San’ani <— Abd al-Malik Ibn Jurayj al-Makki <– Ata b. Abi Rabah Al-Makki <— ibn Abbas
Commenting on the Isnad, Shahab Ahmed notes:
Abd al-Malik Ibn Jurayj <– Ata b. Abi Rabah Al-Makki – is an extremely distinguished chain of transmission whose extensive appearance in the elaboration of early Islamic law in the musannaf of Abd Al-Razzaq Al-San’ani has received detailed study from Harold Motzski […] Ibn ‘Adi, while generally suspicious of Musa b. ‘abd al-Rahman, conceded that “his reporting from ibn Jurayj, from Ata, from ibn Abbas might be acceptable”. […] Abd Al-Ghani Al-Thaqafi is an obscure figure primarily remembered for his transmission of this tafsir. […] There is a significant historical association of Isnad Bakr b. Sahl al-Dimyati <– ‘Abd al-Ghani b. Sa’id al-Thaqafi al-San’ani <– Musa b. ‘abd al-Rahman al-San’ani with the tafsir corpuses from Ibn Jurayj and Ata Ibn Rabah, and going back through these two to Ibn Abbas. Indeed, it is highly revealing that Bakr b. Sahls isnad was sufficiently famous in his own lifetime for him to be offered substantial sums of money to teach the tafsir when on tour.
Before orthodoxy, pages 214-216
The report reads:
His words: “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyah”, meaning: into his Recitation. That was because a satan called Al-Abyad had come to the Prophet in the form of jibril while the prophet was reciting Surat al-Najm. And when he reached, “have you seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzza?” he cast into the prophets recitation, “indeed, they are the high gharaniqah! And indeed, their intercession is to be hoped for!
Before orthodoxy, pages 216-217
This Narration explicitly mentions tamanna as meaning recitation. Furthermore it also concurs with the Narration of Abu Salih which said “Satan came to him in the form of Jibril”. Compared to the version of Ata: “a satan called Al-Abyad had come to the Prophet in the form of jibril”
The next student of ibn Abbas that transmitted this incident is Attiyah Al-Awfi, whose transmission is recorded in the tafsirs of Tabari and Mardawayh:
Muhammad b. Sa’d Al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– his father: Sa’d b. Muhammad b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– his uncle: Al-Husayn b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi al-Kufi Al-Baghdadi <– his father: Al-Hasan b. Attiyah Al-Awfi al-Kufi <– his father: Attiyah b. Sa’d al-Awfi al-Kufi <– Abd Allah b. Abbas.
Before orthodoxy page 205
Mardawayhs isnad is as follows:
Ahmad b. Kamil Al-Baghdadi <–Muhammad b. Sa’d Al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– his father: Sa’d b. Muhammad b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– his uncle: Al-Husayn b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi al-Kufi Al-Baghdadi <– his father: Al-Hasan b. Attiyah Al-Awfi al-Kufi <– his father: Attiyah b. Sa’d al-Awfi al-Kufi <– Abd Allah b. Abbas.
Shahab Ahmed notes in his discussion of the Narration that the biographical material makes no mention of an Awfi family tafsir, suggesting that the narrators from Attiyah Al-Awfi did not actually teach the tafsir, instead the manuscript was simply passed down until it reached Muhammad b. Sa’d Al-Awfi who was a scholar of Hadith, and thus transmitted it to Al-Tabari and Ahmad b. Kamil. Here is the text of the report:
His words: “We have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah,” to his words,” and God is All-knowing, All wise”: That was because, while the prophet was praying, the story of the Gods of the Arabs was sent down upon him and he began to recite it. The mushrikun heard him and said, “we hear him speaking favourably if our Gods”; so they drew near him.
And while he was reciting it, when he was saying: “have you seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” Satan cast: “those high Gharaniq! Intercession from them is to be hoped for!”, and the Prophet began to recite it.
So jibril came down and removed them and said to him: “we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet but that when he tamanna, Satan cast something into his umniyyah” to his words, “and God is all-knowing, All-Wise.”Before orthodoxy, pages 208-209
Once again, tamanna is taken to mean recite and the prophet himself uttered the Satanic verses. This is all the Narrations that there are from ibn Abbas, however there one more that does deserve a mention. This particular narration is from the tafsir of Al-Tabari and Ibn Hatim, who are citing Ad-Dhahaaks tafsir:
Al-Husayn b. Al-Faraj Al-Baghdadi al-Ishabani <– Abu Mu’adh al-Fadl b. Khalid al-Marwazi <– Ubayd b. Sulayman al-bahili al-Marwazi <– Al-Dhahaak: In regard to Gods words: “we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet”: While the prophet was in Mecca, God sent down upon him (something) about the Gods of the Arabs. So he began to recite “al-Lat and Al-Uzza”, and to repeat it over and over. The people of Mecca heard the prophet mentioning their Gods, and were delighted by this and drew near him, listening. And Satan cast into the prophets recitation: “Those high Gharaniq! Intercession from them is to be hoped for!”. And the prophet recited it like this. So God sent down upon him: “And we have not sent before you a messenger or a prophet….,” to “God is all-knowing, all wise.”
Before orthodoxy, pages 198-199
Dhahaak further elaborates on the meaning of Tamanna, from the following page:
By Tamanna, is meant: recitation. Into the recitation of the prophet
The clear identical meaning of the word Tamanna aside, there are other striking similarities to Al-Dhahaaks tafsir and the narration of Al-Awfi:
Although it is not stated explicitly (as it is in Riwayah 34 [the Narration of Dhahaak]), the logic of the narrative in Riwayah 35 [the Narration of Ibn Abbas by Al-Awfi] would seem to pre-suppose that here, too, the prophet is repeating the verse “have you seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?” We are told that the prophet is reciting Surat Al-Najm and that when Quraysh hesr him mentioning their Gods, they gather round him to listen to what he has to say. There is, of course, only one mention of the Gods of Quraysh in Surat Al-Najm, so for Quraysh to hear the prophet mentioning their Gods and to then have the time to gather round him to listen, the prophet must, by implication, be repeating the verse in question. The similarly between the narratives is underlined by the presence in both Riwayahs of the distinctive phrase “the God of the Arabs”, which does not occur in any other Riwayah. […] (This) raises the question of whether the two reports are somehow linked as regards transmission. The most obvious candidate a link is Abd Allah Ibn Abbas, whose tafsir tradition al-Dahhak is also known to have transmitted; one wonders if both Riwayahs 34 and 35 stem from an interpretation of the incident taught by ibn Abbas.
Before orthodoxy, pages 209-210
So here we have at least 20 Hadith transmitted from ibn Abbas through his students: Sayd Jubayr, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Abu Salih, Al-Awfi, Dhahaak, Ata, and an anonymous source. And even on top of this there is another tafsir report from Ibn Abbas which also has the word tamanna having a gloss of Muhammads utterances. This from the very famous tafsir transmission from another of his students, Ali b. Talhah:
“his words ‘when he tamanna, Satan cast into his umniyyah’: when he spoke, Satan cast into his speech”.
Before orthodoxy page 242
In his closing remarks on all the narrations of Ibn Abbas, Shahab Ahmed concludes:
On two fundamental points, they all present the same interpretation of the incident: they agree that the prophet uttered the satanic verses; and none of them makes any mention of the prophets desire, the default gloss for tamanna within the wording of the narratives being “recitation” – which is expressly stated in riwayah 37 [the narration transmitted to Ata. This gloss of it being Muhammads utterance is also expressly stated in the narration of Dhahaak “recitation” and Mujahid “to say” or “to speak” or “his speech”]. […] (They) all present what is essentially the same hermeneutical elaboration of the Satanic verses incident. […] The idea that the prophet uttered the satanic verses was seen by the late first- and early second-century Quran scholars who associated themselves with Ibn Abbas as constituting a standard element of his teachings.
Before orthodoxy, pages 241-244.
Shahab also notes on page 243 how the minor differences; Satan appearing in the form of jibril in the narrations of Ata and Salih, and the repetition motif of Dhahaak and Al-Awfi do “not contradict the fundamental two points stated above that constitute the common hermeneutical position of the reports attributed to Ibn Abbas”.
Here is a chart of the teachings of the Satanic verses incident Ibn Abbas through the centuries. Note that an orange line means there is a disconnection in the isnad:

Otkrivanje istine o islamu
Ibn Abbas i šejtanski ajeti
theislamissue Nekategorizirano 27. listopada 2020 32 minuta
Incident sa sotonističkim stihovima jedno je od najkontroverznijih pitanja u raspravi o islamu danas, posebno između kršćana i muslimana. Kršćani to posebno iznose jer to u njihovim očima dokazuje da je Muhamed mogao biti pod utjecajem Sotone.
Muslimani međutim općenito odbacuju incident kao izmišljotinu neprijatelja islama, navodeći činjenicu da su lanci naracije slabi i da su svi mursal. Međutim, to nije slučaj. Postoje marfu izvještaji jednog suputnika; oni Abdullaha Ibn Abbasa preko njegovih učenika Sayda Jubayra, Abu Saliha, Atta Rabaha, Ikrimah Barbari, Attiyah Al-Awfi Mujahida.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas, kojemu je prema hadiskim knjigama Bog dao znanje, razumijevanje i tumačenje Kur'ana nakon što se Muhammed molio da ima takvo znanje. Na primjer, pogledajte ovdje , ovdje i ovdje . Ovo su prenijeli Ibn Abbasovi učenici kao što su Ikrimah, Sayd Jubayr, Tawus i Ata, kao i Kurayb ( Fath Al-Bari 1/385-386, Preveo Khalid Williams ) i pojavljuje se u gotovo svakoj zbirci hadisa kao što je Buhari, Ahmad, Tabarani, Nasa'i, Majah, Tirmhidi, Ibn Sa'd, Muslim i Hibban.
Jabir Abdullah je rekao : “Najupućeniji i najpodnosljiviji od ljudi”. Talhah ibn 'Ubaydullah je rekao : “Ibn 'Abbasu je dato razumijevanje, pamet i znanje, a ja nikada nisam vidio da je Omar ibn al-Hattaab ikome dao prednost nad njim.” Ubai Bin Kab je rekao : “Ovaj čovjek će biti vodeći učenjak ovog ummeta; data mu je zrelost i duboko razumijevanje”. Omer Hattab je rekao : “On je mladić koji provodi vrijeme sa zrelim muškarcima; stalno postavlja pitanja kako bi naučio i pametan je”. Mudžahid Džebr je rekao : “Ibn 'Abbas je nazvan al-bahr (okean) zbog svog ogromnog znanja”. Ibn Omer je rekao: “on je najupućeniji među onima koji su ostali od onoga što je Allah, dž.š., objavio Muhammedu”. Sa'id bin Warqas je rekao : “Nikad nisam vidio nikoga ko je bio pametniji ili pametniji ili više obrazovan ili strpljiviji u ophođenju s ljudima od Ibn 'Abbasa”. Ibn Mesud je rekao: Kada Ibn Abbas dostigne naše godine, nijedan čovjek neće imati ni desetinu svog znanja.' Al-A`mash je rekao: Čuo sam kako govore da je Abdullah rekao: “Ibn Abbas, Allah mu se smilovao, kakav je on izvrstan tumač Kur'ana.
Prvi niz predaja o incidentu sa šejtanskim ajetima dolazi od velikog učenjaka kufana Sayda Bin Jubayra, koji je bio jedan od najistaknutijih učenika Ibn Abbasa, citiran više puta u dva Sahiha. Reputacija Sayda može se procijeniti iz onoga što je Ibn Hadžer rekao o njemu u Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, svezak 4 br. 14:
Prenio je hadise od Ibn Abbasa, Ibn Al-Zubayra, Ibn Omera, Ibn Maqala, Udayy Ibn Hatima, Ebu Mes`uda al-Ensarija, Ebu Sa`ida al-Khudrija, Ebu Hurayre, Ebu Musa al-Ash`arija, al. -Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri, Anas, `Amr ibn Maymun, Abu `Abdulrahman al-Sulami i gospođa `A'isha….. Ibn Ebi Mughira je rekao da kada ljudi iz Kufe posjećuju Ibn `Abbasa, oni su ga pitali za fetvu , on im je govorio: “Zar Se'id Ibn Jubayr nije među vama?”…. `Amr ibn Maymun je rekao da je njegov otac rekao da je Se'id ibn Jubayr preminuo i da su svi na Zemlji stekli svoje znanje... Abu al-Qasim al-Tabari je rekao: "On je pouzdan imam i hudže za muslimane"... Ibn Hibban je rekao: “Bio je pravnik, obožavatelj, pravedan i pobožan”.
Sayd Bin Jubayr ima 9 izvještaja o šejtanskim ajetima. Od ovih izvještaja 2 imaju lanac Osman Al-Aswad <— Sayd Jubayr <– Ibn Abbas. Prvi je iz mukhtare Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, koji je zauzvrat citira iz sada izgubljenog tefsira od Ibn Mardawayha. Suyuti ga također navodi u svom Tefsir Manthur od Mardawayha i iz Makdisijevog citata.
Komentirajući mukhtaru Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, Shahab Ahmed bilježi:
Prema Al-Diya Al-Maqdisijevom vlastitom iskazu, djelo se sastoji u glavnom od izvještaja sa zvučnim isnedima koji se ne pojavljuju u odgovarajućim sahihima Al-Bukharija i Muslima, ali također sadrži neke izvještaje koje nose naizgled zvučni isnadi koji, u stvari, , sadrže slabosti koje se Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi obvezuje identificirati. 511 […] 511 “Ovo su hadisi koje sam odabrao među onima koji nisu u El-Buhariju i Muslimu. Međutim…. Ponekad citiramo hadise s dobrim isnedima koji imaju slabost, i identificiramo slabost isneda kako bi se on saznao”
Prije pravovjerja, Shahab Ahmed, strana 224
Makdisijsko djelo, odnosno pripovijesti u njemu općenito su se smatrali zdravim:
Al-Dhahabi je primijetio: “To su hadisi koji se mogu koristiti kao autoritet , osim za ono što je u Buhariju i Muslimu”... Al-Qasim Al-Birzali (um. 739/1339) nazvao je djelo “Sahih Al-Diya ”. Za ova, kao i slična mišljenja drugih hadiskih učenjaka, vidi al-hafiz, al-Tanwih wa-al-Tabyin, 315-316
Prije pravovjerja od Shahab Ahmeda, strana 225
Evo lanca pripovijedanja:
Ahmad b. Musa Ibn Mardawayh al-Isbahani <– [njegov otac, Musa b. Mardawayh al-Isbahani] <–Ibrahim b. Muhammed b. Mattuwayh al-Isbahani <– Muhammad b. 'All al-Muqri' al-Baghdadi <– Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Tayalisi al-Baghdadi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammed b. 'Ar'arah Al-Bari al-Baghdadi <– Abu 'Asim al-Nabil al-Dahhak b. Makhlad al-Makki al-Basri <– 'Osman b. al-Aswad al-Makki <– Sa'id b. Jubayr <– Ibn 'Abbas
Prije ortodoksije od Shahab Ahmeda, stranica 224
Što se tiče provjere autentičnosti lanca, čini se da je donekle pomiješana. Razlog je taj što je pripovjedač Muhammed b. 'All al-Muqri' al-Baghdadi je nejasan i relativno nepoznat sa samo jednom biografijom o njemu u tarikh bagdadu, iako se činilo da Ibn Hajar, Suyuti i Makdisi ne vide nikakav problem s Isnadom:
Njegovo prisustvo u isnadu bilo je dovoljan razlog da Nasir al-Din Al-Albani odbaci riwayah . Dok su Al-Albanisovi standardi kritike isnada neobično strogi, u ovom slučaju njegova se procjena čini opravdanom. Ipak, važno je napomenuti ne samo da al-Diya Al-Maqdisi ne identificira nikakav nedostatak u insadu, već i da je Ibn Hajar Asqalani ovo smatrao najpouzdanijim od isnada koji prenose incident sa šejtanskim ajetima.
Prije pravovjerja od Shahab Ahmeda, strana 226
Suyuti je također rekao u svom citatu da su svi pripovjedači bili od povjerenja. Evo teksta pripovijesti:
Božiji Poslanik je recitirao: "Jesi li vidio al-Lat, al-'Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog?" a šejtan mu je bacio na jezik: “Oni visoki gharaniqi: njihovom se zagovoru treba nadati! I mušrikuni su bili jako zadovoljni ovim i rekli: “Spomenuo je naše bogove.” Pa mu je došao Džibril i rekao: "Recituj mi šta sam ti donio!" I recitirao je: “Jesi li vidio al-Lat, al-'Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog? Oni visoki gharaniki: nadaju se njihovom zagovoru!” Rekao je (Džibril): “Nisam ti ovo donio! Ovo je od šejtane!, ili je rekao: “Ovo je od šejtane! Nisam ti ovo donio”
Prije ortodoksije Shahab Ahmed, stranica 226-227
Imajte na umu da As-Suyutis citat izostavlja dio "ili je rekao". Vidjet ćemo u sljedeća dva predaja također od Osmana Aswada da li je ova predaja zapravo točan prijenos. Prvo, idemo na predaju koja se nalazi u Tefsiru od Ebu Lejta Al-Samarkandija s gotovo identičnim lancem predaje:
Al-Khalil b. Ahmad Al-Sijzi al-Samarqandi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammed b. Mattuwayh Al-Ishabani <– Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Tayalisi al-baghdadi <– Ibrahim b. Muhammad Ar'arah al-Basri al-baghdadi <– Abu 'Asim al-Nabil al-Dahhak b. Makhlad al-Makki al-Basri <– Uthman b. Al-Aswad al-Makki <– Sa'id b. Jubayr <– Ibn Abbas
Prije pravovjerja od Shahab Ahmeda, stranica 227
Glavna razlika ovog lanca u odnosu na prethodni je da Muhammad Al-Muqri nije prisutan. Zapravo, zanimljivo je da isnad savršeno dobro funkcionira bez njegove prisutnosti:
Ibrahim b. Muhammed b. Mattuwayh al-Isbahani prenosi izravno od Ja'fara al-Tayalisija al-Baghdadija, bez posredovanja Muhammeda b. Muqri'; scenarij koji je potpuno razuman s obzirom na datume njihove smrti i činjenicu da je ibn Mattuwayh zabilježen kao studirao u Iraku. 527 […] 527 Al-Dhahabi, Siyar, 14:142. Činjenica da je Riwayah 42 (samarkandi naracija. Imajte na umu da se Shahab zapravo poziva na Riwayah 41 u svojoj knjizi, ovdje citiranje 42 je greška) Muhammad b. Mattuwayh prenosi izravno od Ja'fara al-Tayalisija bez posredovanja uvredljivog Muhammeda b. Muqri' čini prisustvo Muhammeda b. Muqri u Riwayah 41 (on misli na 40) pomalo je znatiželjan jer isnad, kojem je on zapravo suvišan, savršeno dobro funkcionira bez njega.Zaista, činjenica da je Muhammed b. Al-Muqri' nema nikakvu drugu funkciju osim potkopavanja isnada u Riwayah 41 (on misli na 40) podsjeća na fenomen kojim bi protivnici danog hadisa potkopali taj hadis dodavanjem slabe veze na inače dobar isnad ; vidi Norman Calder, studije rane muslimanske jurisprudencije (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993.), 235-241, o onome što on naziva “izumom radi osporavanja”.
Prije pravovjerja od Shahaba Ahmeda, strana 227-228.
Konačno, ovaj izvještaj je vjerodostojan prema standardima hadiskih učenjaka i sigurno bi bio prihvatljiv Ibn Hadžaru, Es-Suyutiju, Al-Diji, Qasimu Birzaliju i Dhahabiju kao i Al-Albaniju, da nije bilo sadržaja izvještaja što je kako slijedi:
Božiji poslanik je recitirao: “I Manāt, treći, drugi.” Zatim je rekao: "Oni visoki Gharāniq, doista se treba nadati njihovom zagovoru!" Tako je Mushrikūn rekao: "Spomenuo je naše bogove." Zatim je ajet (22:52) poslan.
Prije pravoslavlja od Shahaba Ahmeda, stranica 228
Dakle, sada se postavlja pitanje iz ova dva izvještaja: da li je Samarqandijska predaja samo skraćenica izvještaja od Al-Diya Al-Maqdisi, ili je Makdisijev izvještaj namjerno iskrivljen u svom tekstu kao i njegov isnad od strane hadiskih učenjaka u kako bi se pripovijedanje učinilo bogohulnim i sramotnim?
Odgovor na to pitanje leži u završnoj predaji od Osmana Aswada, koju Al-Wahidi nalazi u Asbab Al-Nuzul, a najvjerojatnije se izvorno nalazi u Tefsiru od Sahla b. Osmana Al-Razija prije nego što ga je Abu Yahya Abd Al-Rahman Al-Razi proširio na Rayya. Isnad i tekst su sljedeći:
Ebu Bekr el-Hariti [El-Isbahani] <– Ebu Bekr b. Hayyan [Abu al-Shaykh Al-Isbahani] <– Abu Yahya Abd Al-Rahman b. Muhammed b. Salm al-Razi Al-Isbahani <– Sahl b. Uthman al-'Askari Al-Razi <– Yahya b. Zakarriya b. Ebi Za'idah al-Kufi/ Yahya b. Sa'id b. Qattan al-Basri <– Osman ibn al-Eswad al-makki <– Se'id ibn Jubayr al-kufi: Božiji poslanik je rekao: „Jesi li vidio Al-lat, al-Uzza i manat, treći, drugi ? Ti visoki gharaniki: njihovom se zagovoru treba nadati!” I mušrikuni su bili jako zadovoljni ovim i rekli: “Spomenuo je naše bogove.” Džibril je došao Božijem poslaniku i rekao: “Pređi sa mnom riječ Božiju!” Kada je prešao (to) s njim, on (džibril) je rekao: “Što se tiče ovoga, ja vam to nisam donio! Ovo je od Sotone!” Dakle, Bog je spustio “mi nismo poslali prije vas ni poslanika ni proroka, već da kada on tamanna, šejtan baci u svoju umniju”.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 229-230
Kako bismo istaknuli sličnosti s ovom predajom i onim iz Makdisija, evo odjeljaka jedan pored drugog:
Božiji Poslanik je rekao: "Jesi li vidio al-Lat, al-'Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog?" a šejtan mu je bacio na jezik: “Oni visoki gharaniqi: njihovom se zagovoru treba nadati!
Božiji poslanik je rekao: „Jesi li vidio Al-lat, al-Uzza i manat, treći, drugi? Ti visoki gharaniki: njihovom se zagovoru treba nadati!”
Jedina razlika između njih dvoje ovdje je što je redak “i šejtan bacio na svoj jezik” ispao iz Wahidis hadisa.
I mušrikuni su bili jako zadovoljni ovim i rekli: “Spomenuo je naše bogove.”
I mušrikuni su bili jako zadovoljni ovim i rekli: “Spomenuo je naše bogove.”
Pa mu je došao Džibril i rekao: "Recituj mi šta sam ti donio!"
Džibril je došao Božijem poslaniku i rekao: “Pređi sa mnom riječ Božiju!”
Iako je formulacija malo drugačija, narativna struktura je identična.
I recitirao je: “Jesi li vidio al-Lat, al-'Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog? Oni visoki gharaniq: nadaju se njihovom zagovoru!” Rekao je (Džibril): “Nisam ti ovo donio! Ovo je od Sotone!
Kada je prešao (to) s njim, on (džibril) je rekao: “Što se tiče ovoga, ja vam to nisam donio! Ovo je od Sotone!”
Opet, radi se o potpuno istoj narativnoj strukturi s malo drugačijim formulacijama, kao i kratici recitacije sotonskih stihova.
Tako je Bog poslao “mi nismo poslali pred vama glasnika ili proroka, nego da kada on tamana, šejtan baci u svoju umniju”.
Tako je Bog poslao “mi nismo poslali pred vama glasnika ili proroka, nego da kada on tamana, šejtan baci u svoju umniju”.
Točno isto
Dakle, to sa velikom sigurnošću znači da izvještaj od Makdisija predstavlja istinski prijenos od Ibn Abbasa, dok je Samarqandijska predaja samo skraćenica izvještaja, koju je vjerojatno napravio Samarqandi ili njegov učitelj koji mu je prenio izvještaj. Shahab Ahmed nakon pregleda ova 3 hadisa zaključuje:
Riveja 40, koju ibn Mardawayhs isnad pripisuje Ibn Abbasu, ista je Riveja bi-al-ma'na kao Riwayah 42, isnad koji se zaustavlja na Saydu b. El-Džubejr. Ovo ne samo da sugerira da je tumačenje incidenta u Riwayahs 40 i 42, doista, prenio Osman b. El-Esved od Seida b. Džubejr na kraju prvog stoljeća islama, ali također, na nivou ma'na, postaje razumno pripisati izvještaj Ibn Abbasu .
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 230
Dokazi postaju još jači kada pogledamo sljedeći skup hadisa. Ovo su predaje koje se još jednom prenose od Sayda Bin Jubayra, ali umjesto Osmana Aswada; Sayd je prenio incident Ebu Bišru Ja'faru b. Abi Wahshiyyah al-Basri al-Wasiti, poznat kao “najpouzdanija osoba koja prenosi od Sayda b. Džubejr”. Postoji 6 izvještaja o incidentu s Abu Bišrom s potpuno besprijekornim isnadima. Međutim, za 3 izvještaja pojavljuje se više izjava u isnadu i matnu koji pokušavaju oslabiti izvještaje. Prvi izvještaj se pojavljuje u musnedu Al-bazara sa isnedom kako slijedi:
Jusuf b. Hammad [al-Basri] nam je rekao: Umayyah b. Halid [al-Basri] nam je ispričao: Šu'ba [b. Hajjaj Al-Basri] nam se prenosi od Ebu Bišra [Ja'fara b. Abi Wahshiyyah al-Basri al-Wasiti] od Sa'ida b. Džubejr [al-Kufi] od Ibn 'Abbasa — po mojoj procjeni hadis je sumnjiv.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 232
Taj Isnad je sasvim normalan s izuzetkom riječi “po mojoj procjeni hadis je sumnjiv”. Ne bi trebalo biti iznenađenje da su učenjaci hadisa iskoristili ovu priliku da hadis pokušaju učiniti slabim, pri čemu je Al-Albani tvrdio da to znači da je isnad neispravan zbog nesigurnosti prenosilaca da dopire do Ibn Abbasa i Al-Haythamija. rekavši da je izjava Sayd bin Jubayrs preispitivanje izvještaja. Međutim, ova tvrdnja je iskreno smiješna i nelogična:
ima li, zapravo, smisla da Sa'id dovodi u sumnju vlastiti prijenos od svog velikog učitelja Ibn Abbasa, ili dovodi u pitanje doktrinarni sadržaj izvještaja? […] Za Sa'ida b. Džubejr da bude govornik, umetnuta primjedba trebala bi se nalaziti između spominjanja njegovog imena i imena Ibn Abbasa […] Drugo, takva bi primjedba bila neskladna i anahrona koja dolazi od Sa'ida b. Džubejr. Zašto bi Sa'id b. Džubejr, koji je prije svega učenjak Kurana i čija je reputacija u velikoj mjeri proizašla iz toga što je bio Ibn Abbasov učenik, prenosi izvještaj najvećeg od svih učenjaka Kurana samo da bi taj izvještaj u istom dahu proglasio nepouzdanim ?
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 235
Naposljetku, čini se vrlo vjerojatnim da bilo: ovaj komentar dao je sam Al-Bazaar budući da je bio poznat po tome da daje kritičke komentare u musnedu, možda bi to mogao biti komentar na margini nekog drugog učenjaka kasnije ili bi ga mogao umetnuti netko od odašiljači nakon Sa'ida b. Džubejr. Bazzar nastavlja svoj napad na pripovijedanje ovim komentarom na nju:
Ne znamo da je ovaj hadis od Poslanika prenio cijeli isned koji bi se mogao valjano navesti s izuzetkom ovog isneda; i ne znamo ni za koga ko je dao sened za ovaj hadis od Šu'be od Ebu Bišra od Se'ida od Ibn 'Abbasa osim za Umejje; a čuli smo samo od Jusufa b. Hammad — a on [Jusuf] je bio pouzdan. Oni koji nisu Umejje prenijeli su to kao mursal od Ebu Bišra od Sa'ida b. Jubayr; iako je ovaj hadis poznat i od al-Kalbija od Ebu Saliha od Ibn 'Abbasa. Umayyah je bio pouzdan i poznat.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 233
Prvo, korisno je napomenuti svrhu ovog komentara:
“Izjavljujući da je ovo jedini zvuk Isnad po kojem poznaje hadis, Al-Bazzar ističe da se radi o izvješću prenošenom autoritetom jednog pojedinca. Iako činjenica da je hadis usamljen ne poništava nužno njegov autoritet u hadiskoj metodologiji, ona ga uklanja iz statusa kategoričkog dokaza na mogućnost koja podliježe potvrdi: prema hadiskom autoritetu iz petog stoljeća Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi , “pratimo i djelujemo na temelju onoga što ono (usamljeno izvješće) kaže kada mislimo da je vjerojatnost da je to istina”. Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi dalje navodi da se Khabar Al-Wahid može odbaciti na temelju toga što je njegov matn u suprotnosti s "razumom, čvrsto utvrđenom rješenjima Kur'ana ili poznatim sunnetom". u ovom slučaju,sadržaj matna je zamjeran ortodoksnom konceptu ismaha poslanika i stoga se čini da proturječi sva tri”.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 234
Drugo, glavni argument koji ovdje iznosi je da su predaje o Šu'bi <– Ebu Bišru <– Sa'idu sve mursal osim one s Umejjom, i to zato što je Umejje jedini Abbasu dok su ostale s ovo isnad zaustaviti se na Saydu onda je ovo pripisivanje Abbasu pogrešno. Bazzar je, međutim, jednostavno krivo što to tvrdi. Kao što smo vidjeli, postoje dvije predaje iz varijante puta koje sežu do Ibn Abbasa od Osmana Al-Esveda, a to je onaj iz Samarkadija, posebno s nepogrešivim i besprijekornim isnadom. Jednostavno je slučaj da Bazzar najvjerojatnije nije bio svjestan ovog puta jer su priče kružile Bagdadom samo 100 godina između 200. i 300. godine, dok je Bazzar bio učenjak iz Basre koji je živio u tom razdoblju. Na njegovo navođenje hadisa Ebu Saliha doći ćemo nešto kasnije.
Evo teksta ovog izvještaja iz Al-Bazaara:
Kada je Poslanik bio u Mekki, izgovorio je: "Jesi li vidio al-Lat, al-'Uzza i Manat, treći, drugi?" I ondje mu je potrčalo na jezik: “Oni visoki gharaniq: zagovoru od njih treba se nadati! Mušrikuni iz Mekke su to čuli i bili su zadovoljni time. Ovo je jako uznemirilo Božijeg Poslanika. Zato je Bog poslao: “Nismo pred vama poslali ni Poslanika ni Poslanika, ali da kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju', onda Bog uklanja ono što šejtan baca i jasno utvrđuje svoje znakove.”
prije pravoslavlja, stranice 232-233
Iako se tekst izvještaja malo razlikuje od onih od Osmana Al-Aswada, svi oni predstavljaju isto tumačenje. Muhammed je recitirao šejtanske stihove koje je šejtan stavio na svoj jezik, Mekanci su bili zadovoljni time, a njihovo kasnije ukidanje Kur'anom 22:52. Jedina zamjetna razlika je u tome da li je Muhamed sam otkrio svoju grešku ili mu je Gabriel morao reći. Ovaj izvještaj u Bazzars musnadu također se nalazi u dva kasnija djela s proširenim lancima naracije.
Prvi u Tabaranis Mu'jam Al-Kabir:
Al-Husejn b. Ishaq al-Tustari i 'Abdan ['Abd Allah] b. Ahmad [al-Ahwazi al-Jawallqi] je rekao: Jusuf b. Hammad nam je prenio značenje od Umejje b. Halid od Šu'be od Ebu Bišra od Seida b. Džubejr: Znam to samo od Ibn 'Abbasa.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 236
I tefsir ibn Mardawayha koji citira El-Maqdisijeva Mukhtara
Ahmad b. Musa Ibn Mardawayh Al isbahani <– [njegov otac, Musa b. Mardawayh Al isbahani] <– Ibrahim b. Muhammed b. Mattuwayh al-isbahani <– 'Ali b. al-Husayn b. Džunejd al-Razi I Ahmad b. Muhammed b. 'Asim al-Razi <– Jusuf b. Hammad al-Basri <– Umayyah b. Khalid al-Basri <– Shu'bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Džubejr el-Kufi: Znam to samo od Ibn 'Abbasa.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 237
Ova dva lanca sastoje se od istih pripovjedača kao i onaj iz Bazzara, ali je proširen nakon Yusufa Hammada Al-Basrija na 4 doušnika. Kao i kod prethodnog hadisa, također postoji primjedba kojom se želi utjecati na vjerodostojnost izvještaja; “Znam to samo od Ibn Abbasa”. Pa tko je napisao ovu izjavu? Glavni osumnjičeni je sam Sayd bin Jubayr, kako je vjerovao Ibn Hajar Asqalani. Međutim, ako je istinito, to bi izazvalo probleme hadiskim učenjacima. Kako Shahab Ahmed objašnjava:
“Dok je odgovor Sa'ida u hadiskoj metodologiji imao učinak odvraćanja od inače izvrsnog isnada objavljivanjem izvješća Khabar Al-Wahid, značenje izjave se dramatično mijenja kada se sjetimo da je Sa'id b. Džubejr nije bio muhadis koji se bavi pravilima prenošenja – u stvari su ga hadiski učenjaci izričito kritizirali jer nije prenio hadise s potpunim isnadima – već prije učenjak Kurana iz prvog stoljeća čiji je status proizašao iz toga što je učio s najvećim svih autoriteta Kur'ana, ibn Abbasa.Kada se promatra u ovom svjetlu, ista izjava, “ja to znam samo od Ibn Abbasa”, umjesto da umanji izvješće, ima za posljedicu da ga daje najvišim autoritetom. Da bi Sa'id B. Jubayr rekao za izvješće, "znam ga samo od Ibn Abbasa", znači da će dati najjaču moguću izjavu potvrđujući izvješće , iako ista izjava potkopava izvještaj u metodologiji muhadis.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 238-239 .
Međutim, postoje razlozi da se sugerira da je to prije nego izjava o potvrdi od Sayda, zapravo izjava o nezadovoljstvu od muhadisa. Prvo: ova izjava se ne pojavljuje u 3 hadisa od Osmana Al-Eswada, niti se pojavljuje u sljedeća 4 hadisa koje tek trebamo analizirati od Sayda. Drugo: nije dokazano koliko ja znam da je Sayd u drugim slučajevima koristio izjavu poput ove u drugim izvještajima koje je čuo od Ibn Abbasa.
Kažem, da izjava nije ni od Ebu Bišra al-Basrija jer se on također pojavljuje u drugim predajama od Sayda koje nismo analizirali. Niti je moguće po mom mišljenju doći od nekog od prenosilaca nakon Jusufa b. Hammad Al-Basri zbog toga kako su se isnadi podijelili na više dijelova i nose istu izjavu. Činilo bi se vjerojatnijim u tom slučaju da se radi o komentaru Šu'be b. Hadžadž, Umejja b. Halid ili Jusuf b. Hammad. Budući da se čini da je izjava odgovor na pitanje, moguće je da ju je Umejja postavio Šu'bi b. hadžadž ili od Jusufa b. Hammada Umejji. Iako ovo također postavlja pitanje zašto se ovaj odgovor ne pojavljuje u rivajetu Musneda Bazzara. Nažalost, malo je vjerojatno da ćemo ikada dobiti konačan odgovor na nedoumicu, ali po mom mišljenju,Ideja da je ovo izjava o omalovažavanju od strane hadiskog učenjaka u autentičnoj predaji Ibn Abbasu je najlogičnije objašnjenje. Ovo će se u cijelosti ponoviti na kraju predaja Sayda Bin Jubayra.
Što se tiče manjih razlika u hadisu Osmana Aswada i Abu Bishra, Shahab navodi:
Značajna je još jedna primjedba u isnedu. Ovo je izjava Al-Husayn al-Tustarija i 'Abdan al-Jawaliqija — “yusuf b. Hammad nam je rekao značenje od Umejje b. Halid” — koji se javlja u El-Taberani isnadu, što označava da ono što je Jusuf b. Hammad ovdje prenio nisu riječi izvještaja koji je primio od Umayye b. Halid, ali parafraza koja prenosi njegovo značenje. Ovo objašnjava razliku u formulaciji, ne samo u Riwayahs 43 i 44 [pripovijedanje Bazzar i Mardawayh/Tabarani naracija]…. Glavna razlika između Riwayahs 43 i 44, kada se uzmu kao isti Riwayah u značenju, i Riwayahs 40 i 42 uzetih kao par, je odsutnost scene ispravljanja u Riwayahs 43 i 44. Međutim, to ne utječe na temeljnu hermeneutičku razradu incidenta od Riwayahs 43 i 44 ne sugerira da se prorok ispravio. Ibn Hadžer el-Askalani, sasvim ispravno, nije napravio razliku između Riveja od Osmana b. Asved i oni od Ebu Bišra u pogledu značenja .
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 240-241
Ovime prelazimo na sljedeća 2 predaja koja se nalaze u tefsiru El-Taberije sa dva isneda koja Al-Albani smatra Sahih Mursal ( Nasb Al-Majaniq, 5 )
Bundar, Muhammed b. Bashshar Al-Basri <– Ghundar, Muhammad b. Ja'far Al-Basri <— Shu'bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Džubejr el-Kufi
Muhammed b. Muthanna Al-Basri <– Abd Al-Samad r. Abd Al-Warith Al-Basri <– Shu'bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Džubejr el-Kufi
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 244-245
Izvještaji glase:
Kada je sišao ajet: “jesi li vidio Al-lat, Al-Uzza”, Božiji poslanik ga je proučio; a on reče: „Oni visoki Gharaniki! Doista, treba se nadati njihovom zagovoru!” Zatim je Božiji poslanik učinio sedždu i mušrikun je rekao: “On do danas nije govorio blagonaklono o našim bogovima” i oni su sa njim učinili sedždu. Tako je Bog poslao: “Nismo pred vama poslali ni poslanika ni proroka, nego da, kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju”, sve do njegovih riječi “patnje neplodnog dana.
Riwayah 45 po svojoj narativnoj konstrukciji jako podsjeća na Riwayah 43 i 44 i predstavlja istu interpretaciju incidenta.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 245
Sljedeću predaju bilježi Es-Suyuti bez isneda u svom asbabu El-Nuzul i navodi ga iz tefsira ibn Mardaveja, Ibn mundhira, kao i iz El-Taberija i tefsira od Ibn Hatima Al-Razija, suyuti kaže da je hadis Sahih. Slično, ibn Kethir je to zabilježio u svom tefsiru i dao Ibn Hatims Isnada, što je svakako Sahih.
Ibn Ebi Hatim Al-Razi <– Junus b. Habib al-Ishabani <– Abu Da'ud Sulayman b. Da'ud al-Tayalisi al-Basri <– Shu'bah b. Hajjaj al-Basri <– Abu Bishr al-Basri <– Said b. Džubejr el-Kufi: Božiji poslanik je učio suru Al-Nedžm u Meki. Kada je stigao do ove točke: “jesi li vidio Al-lat, Al-Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog”, šejtan mu je bacio na jezik: “ti visoki Gharaniq: njihovom zagovoru treba se nadati”. Rekli su: “Do danas nije dobro govorio o našim bogovima”. Zatim je on učinio sedždu, a oni sedždu. Zato je Bog poslao: „Nismo pred vas poslali ni poslanika ni proroka, ali da kada on tamana, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju, onda Bog uklanja ono što Sotona baca i jasno utvrđuje svoje znakove – a Bog je sveznajući, sve -mudar".
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 246-247
Sažimajući ove priče o Saydu Bin Jubayru, Shahab Ahmed kaže:
Svi [Riwayahs] predstavljaju ono što je u osnovi isto tumačenje incidenta sotonskih stihova : prorok je izgovorio stihove; i, s obzirom na nepostojanje bilo kakvog upućivanja na želju proroka, čini se da tamanna ovdje znači recitiranje. […] To nas snažno ohrabruje da uzmemo Isnade kao zdravu vrijednost i prepoznamo dvije različite recenzije Sayda Bin Jubayrsa koji uči o sotonističkim stihovima , obje datiraju iz prve polovice drugog stoljeća.
Prije pravoslavlja, strana 248
Sljedeća točka je pitanje poglavara Isnada. Neki se zaustavljaju kod Sayd Bin Jubayra, a neki idu kod Ibn Abbasa. Ovdje postoje dvije mogućnosti. Prvi je da je isnad izvorno završio na Sayd Bin Jubayru, ali budući da je Ibn Abbas bio nadaleko poznat kao sejdski učitelj, tefsirski izvještaji su automatski povezani s njim. Samo da bi se kasnije pokazalo problematičnim od strane hadiskih učenjaka.
Drugi, kojeg podupire Uri Rubin, je da su svi izvještaji išli do Ibn Abbasa, ali su hadisi još jednom pokvarili isnad i zaustavili ga na Saydu.
Kažem, da je vjerojatnije da je ova predaja prijenos od Ibn Abbasa. Prvi razlog zbog kojeg ćemo i mi doći je taj što se Ibn Abbas pojavljuje u Isnadima od niza drugih njegovih učenika kao što su Ata, El-Awfi, Ikrimah, Mudžahid, anonimni izvor i Abu Salih (Salih je posebno zanimljiv i o njemu će se govoriti otprilike uskoro). Drugo, kao što je Shahab Ahmed primijetio na stranici 249 svoje knjige, Shu'bah Al-Hajjaj koji je zajednička poveznica u svim predajama Ebu Bišra <– Sayd Bin Jubayr je bio poznat po skraćenju isnada, praksi koja je učinjena iz praktičnosti ili zaborava. Ovo se opet povezuje s prethodnim nedoumicama izjave “ja to znam samo od Ibn Abbasa”; kao što sam već rekao, čini se da je to odgovor na pitanje, pa je vjerojatno da ga je postavio Umayyah b. Halid kao poteškoća za Šu'bu b.Hadžadž o izvoru prijenosa i da li je to Khabar Al-Wahid. Umejja je zatim prenio ovu informaciju Jusufu s punim sahih Isnadom kao i Šu'binim odgovorom na njegovo pitanje. Činjenica da je ovo od Ibn Abbasa potvrđuje činjenica da se njegovo ime pojavljuje u isnedima od Osmana Al-Eswada <— Sayd Jubayra u tefsirima Ibn Mardawayha i Abu Lejta.
Ovim prelazimo na sljedećeg Ibn Abbasovog učenika: Mudžahida ibn Jabra.
Učenik Ibn Abbasa kojeg Katade b. Prenosi se da je Di'ama nazvao "najučenijim čovjekom koji živi u tefsiru", a Sufyan Al-Thawri je rekao: "Ako dobijete mudžahidski tefsir, to vam je dovoljno". Mudžahid je također bio Kas, i općenito se smatrao pouzdanim prenosiocem hadisa koji se citira u sve četiri kanonske zbirke sunena. Prenosi se da je rekao da je tri puta prošao cijeli Kur'an s Ibn Abbasom, zastajući da ga pita o povodu objave svakog ajeta .
Prije pravoslavlja Shahab Ahmed, strana 192
Mudžahid ima tri izvještaja koja mu se pripisuju u knjigama tefsira, prvi je iz tefsira Thalabija:
Mudžahid je rekao: Hvalio je njihove bogove i spominjao ih, i oni su bili oduševljeni
prije pravoslavlja, stranica 196
U konačnici, to je vrlo kratak sažetak izvještaja od Mudžahida o šejtanskim ajetima, što ga čini drugom osobom koja povezuje Kur'an 17:73 sa incidentom sa šejtanskim ajetima. Drugi je Kab Al-Qurazi .
Drugi je iz tefsira Akile:
Abd b. Humejd <– […] Mudžahid: Božiji poslanik je učio suru Al-Najm, šejtan mu je bacio te riječi u usta, a muslimani su se klanjali. Tada je Bog uklonio ono što mu je Sotona bacio na usta i uspostavio svoj Ajet
Prije ortodoksije stranica 193
Ibn Aqilahs tefsir je tefsir koji bilježi samo kompletne lance predaje, međutim ovaj lanac nije kako Shahab Ahmed objašnjava:
Isnad sugerira tri stvari: prvo, da je riveja zabilježena u sada izgubljenom tefsiru Abd b. Humayd; drugo, da Ibn Akilah skraćuje isnad tako što izostavlja posredničke prenosioce između Abd b. Humejd i Mudžahid (inače se izvještaj teško može smatrati marfuom ili Mahkumom); i treće, da se za Ibn Aqilaha zasigurno može pretpostaviti da izvještaji od Mudžahida sežu do ashaba (u ovom slučaju, najvjerojatnije Ibn Abbasa ).
Prije pravoslavlja, Shahab Ahmed, stranica 193
Treći dolazi od Al-Wahidisa Asbaba Al-Nuzula:
Eto, raduju se!… Mudžahid i Mukatil su rekli: što znači, kada je Poslanik proučio suru Al-Najm u Meki i rekao, “ti visoki gharaniq”. Obradovali su se nevjernici Mekke kada su čuli da imaju zagovor.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 195
Najzanimljivija stvar u vezi s ovom pripovijedanjem nije stvarni sadržaj, već izvori. Mudžahid i Mukatil. Ugled Muqatilsa svakako je bio pomiješan:
Ništa manji lik od Muhammeda b. Idris Al-Shafi (umro 208.) je priznao da su “u usporedbi s Muqatilom ostala djeca u tefsiru”, ali je Muqatilov ugled među ehli-hadisima bio blizu jednako užasnog, a ishod je sažeo Dhahabi: “oni su odbacili njega konsenzusom”.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 180
Ovdje je cijeli citat iz Muqatils tefsira koji je citirao Wahidi:
A kada se spomenu oni” koji su obožavani “osim njega” među Bogovima, “eto, raduju se” spominjanju njih. Ovo je dan kada je Poslanik proučio suru Al-Najm u Mekki, i učio “el-lat Al-Uzza i Manat, treći, drugi: oni visoki Gharaniq! Od njih treba tražiti zagovor”. Obradovali su se nevjernici Mekke kada su čuli da imaju zagovor.
Prije pravoslavlja, Shahab Ahmed, stranica 190
Razlog zbog kojeg su hadiski učenjaci odbacili Muqatila prvenstveno je taj što on nije otkrio svoj izvorni materijal za informacije u svom tefsiru. Nije pružio nikakve lance pripovijedanja ni za jedno od toga. Međutim, znamo da se Muqatil u velikoj mjeri oslanjao na neke od ranih tefsira, kao što je onaj Qatadah Diamah, čija se priča o šejtanskim ajetima također pojavljuje u Muqatil tefsiru.
Drugi tefsir iz kojeg je Muqatil crpio su mudžahidi:
Zanimljivo je napomenuti da je Mudžahid bio jedan od Muqatil Sulaymanovih izvora za tefsir. 392 Vidjeti: Newfal, Mudžahid, 248-249. […] može biti da je Mudžahid izvor Mukatila za ovaj slučaj.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 195
Predaje od Muqatila, Wahidija i Thalabija su dosljedne u oduševljenju Kurejšija. Međutim, oni se neznatno razlikuju od predaje iz Akile. Međutim, to je vjerojatno zbog toga što je izvješće skraćeno:
Ne spominje se tekst samih sotonskih stihova. Međutim, izraz “sotona je bacio te riječi na svoja usta” ukazuje na to da su dotične riječi citirane ranije u raspravi i da se izraz odnosi na “te riječi”. Vrlo je vjerojatno da Ibn Aqilah skraćuje izvještaj
Prije ortodoksije stranica 193
Neki bi mogli istaknuti da druga predaja nije u tefsiru Mudžahida koji je prenio Warqa Omer <– Ebi Nedžih. Međutim, Shahab Ahmed objašnjava:
S obzirom da je on bio vodeći učenik Al-Thalabija, citat Al-Wahidisa je gotovo sigurno iz jednog od tri alternativna prijenosa mudžahidskog tefsira koje je Thalabi naveo u izvorima svom al-Kashf wa Al-Bayan.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 196
Kako se čini i Muqatil. Nadalje, zanimljivo je primijetiti i upadljivu sličnost između predaje i varke <– Najih tefsir:
(to) daje(a) sjaj za tamanu u Kur'anu 22:52 što znači "Qala - reći " što je, vrijedno je napomenuti, u potpunosti kompatibilno s Riwayah 32 (naracija vahidi). Slično, Al-Suyuti citira svakog od Abd. B Humayd i Ibn Abi Hatim Al-Razi daju mudžahidima sjaj da Tamanna bude takallama, "govori", a za Umniyyati-hi kao Kalami-hi, "njegov govor".
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 196
Dakle, još jednom, tamanna se spominje u ovom incidentu kao govor, što je svakako kompatibilno sa zadanim sjajem "recitiranja" od Ibn Abbasa, što čini vjerojatnim da je Ibn Abbas bio primarni izvor mudžahida, svakako u hadisu koji je citirao Aqila.
Sljedeći učenik Ibn Abbasovih učenika koji će prenijeti šejtanske ajete je Ebu Salih, koji nema sumnje da ima reputaciju koju hadiski učenjaci smatraju užasnom, a oni ga smatraju lažovom.
Sa sobom u Isnadu ima 3 izvještaja o šejtanskim ajetima. Prvi je iz tefsira Abd b. Humayd kao što je navedeno u Suyutis tefsir Manthur sa Isnadom: Es-Suddi <– Abu Salih. glasi:
Božiji poslanik je ustao i mušrikun je rekao: “Ako on dobro spomene našeg Boga, mi ćemo dobro spomenuti njegovog Boga”. I “Sotona je bacio u svoju umniju”: Jeste li vidjeli Al-Lata, Al-Uzza i Manata trećeg, drugog? Zaista, oni su među visokim Gharaniqima! I doista se njihovom zagovoru treba nadati!”. Zato je Bog poslao: “Nismo pred vama poslali ni poslanika ni proroka, nego da, kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 159-160
Drugi izvještaj je iz tefsira Ebu Lejta Al-Samarkandija čiji je isned jednostavno: Ebu Salih <– Ibn Abbas.
Šejtan mu je došao u obliku Džibrila dok je učio suru “Pokraj zvijezde kada zađe!” kod Kabe sve dok nije došao do svojih riječi: "Jesi li vidio Al-Lata i Al-Uzza i Manata, trećeg, drugog?" Sotona mu je bacio na jezik: “Oni visoki gharaniq! Od njih treba tražiti zagovor!” Kada su mušrikuni to čuli, bilo im je drago, a kada je došao do kraja (sure), učinio je sedždu, a mušrikuni i muslimani su sa njim učinili sedždu. Tada je Džibril došao Poslaniku i rekao: “Nisam ti ja ovo donio!” Dakle, “Nismo prije tebe poslali ni poslanika ni proroka” je sišao.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 211
Stoga se postavlja pitanje: zašto bi Ebu Salih, takozvani lažov... Prenosio jednu predaju u njegovo ime, a prenosio drugu predaju s drugačijim riječima u ime Ibn Abbasa? Shahab Ahmed također kaže:
Zašto, ako je Ibn Abbas funkcionirao u ranom tefsirskom diskursu kao mitski primjer, da bi isti učenjak, ovdje Abu Salih, pripisao samo neka tumačenja i izvještaje Ibn Abbasovom velikom autoritetu, a ostala tumačenja zadržala povezana sa svojim vlastitim, vjerojatno manjim , autoritet? Razumno objašnjenje bilo bi uzeti ove atribucije kao stvarne: svakako, one bi upućivale na ravnodušnost prema potrebi pripisivanja izvješća autoritetu.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 211-212
Što se još zanimljivije tiče, abu Layth Al-Samarqandi je čak nadovezao svoje citiranje Salihovog hadisa <- Ibn Abbasa rekavši da je hadis Osmana Aswada <– Sayda Jubayra <– ibn Abbasa sličan, što jasno upućuje na njihov hermeneutički stav o temi. ( vidi stranice 243-244 )
Treći izvještaj nije samo od Ibn Abbasa o Abu Salihovom autoritetu, on također dolazi od Ikrime Barbari i anonimnog izvora od Ibn Abbasa. Od stranice 220:
Abbab b. Shuayb Al-Basri <– Yahya b. Kathir Al-Basri <– Al-Kalbi <– Abu Salih <— ibn Abbas
Abu Bekr El-Hudhali El-Basri i Ayyub b. Kaysan al-Sakhtiyani Al-Basri <— Ikrimah <– Ibn Abbas
Ibn Abbas Sulejman b. Bilal al-Tamini Al-Madini <– Anonimni izvor <– Ibn Abbas
Ovi isnedi su se pojavili u tefsiru Ibn Mardawayha i od njega ih navodi Suyuti u tefsiru Manthur. Ibn Hadžer je dao više isnada u Fath Al-Bari, ali unatoč tome još uvijek skraćene verzije. Isned Ikrime je vjerodostojan kako je zabilježen, ali je Ibn Hadžer rekao da je slab, što znači da je njihova vjerojatnost nedostatak u isnedu.
Abu Salihs Isnad sadrži mnoštvo slabih naratora, a posljednji je slab zbog anonimnog izvora. Međutim, treba imati na umu da je u to vrijeme bilo normalno ne imenovati doušnika, ali je to postalo neprihvatljivo kada se pojavio hadiski pokret.
Izvještaj je sljedeći:
Dok je Božiji poslanik bio u Mekki, učio je suru Al-Nedžm. A kada je došao do ovog ajeta: “Jesi li vidio Al-Lat, Al-Uzza i Manat, treći, drugi”,? Sotona mu je bacio na jezik “Zaista, oni su visoki Gharaniq.” Tako je Bog poslao: "Nismo poslali prije tebe..."
prije pravoslavlja, stranice 222-223
Vrlo sažet izvještaj o učenju Ibn Abbasa. Implikacija, kao i sve druge naracije, je da tamanna znači recitacija. Također, sve dosadašnje naracije jasno pokazuju da je sam prorok izgovorio sotonske stihove.
Drugi izvještaj dolazi iz tefsira Musaa b. Abd Al-Rahman al-San'ani sa sljedećim isnadom. Od stranice 213 :
Bakr b. Sahl al-Dimyati <– 'Abd al-Ghani b. Sa'id al-Thaqafi al-San'ani <– Musa b. 'abd al-Rahman al-San'ani <— Abd al-Malik Ibn Jurayj al-Makki <– Ata b. Ebi Rabah El-Makki <— ibn Abbas
Komentirajući Isnad, Shahab Ahmed napominje:
Abd al-Malik Ibn Jurayj <– Ata b. Abi Rabah Al-Makki – izuzetno je istaknut lanac prijenosa čije je opsežno pojavljivanje u razradi ranog islamskog prava u musannefu Abd Al-Razzaqa Al-San'anija detaljno proučeno od Harolda Motzskog […] Ibn 'Adija, dok je općenito sumnjičav prema Musau b. 'abd al-Rahman, priznao je da bi “njegovo izvješće od ibn Jurayja, od Ata, od ibn Abbasa moglo biti prihvatljivo”. […] Abd Al-Ghani Al-Thaqafi je opskurna figura koja se prvenstveno pamti po prenošenju ovog tefsira. […] Postoji značajno povijesno udruženje Isnada Bakra b. Sahl al-Dimyati <– 'Abd al-Ghani b. Sa'id al-Thaqafi al-San'ani <– Musa b. 'abd al-Rahman al-San'ani sa tefsirskim korpusima od Ibn Jurayja i Ata Ibn Rabaha, i vraćajući se preko njih dvojice do Ibn Abbasa. Zaista, vrlo je razotkrivajuće da je Bakr b. Sahls isnad je bio dovoljno poznat za svog života da bi mu se ponudile značajne svote novca da podučava tefsir na turneji.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 214-216
Izvještaj glasi:
Njegove riječi: “Nismo pred vama poslali ni poslanika ni proroka, nego da, kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju”, što znači: u njegovo učenje. To je bilo zato što je šejtan po imenu Al-Abyad došao Poslaniku u obliku džibrila dok je Poslanik učio suru al-Najm. A kada je stigao, "jeste li vidjeli Al-Lata i Al-Uzza?" bacio je u vjerovjesnike recitiranje: “Zaista, oni su visoka gharanika! I doista, njihovom se zagovoru treba nadati!
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 216-217
Ovo Pripovijedanje izričito spominje tamannu kao značenje recitacije. Nadalje, to se također slaže sa predajom od Ebu Saliha u kojoj se kaže: “Došao mu je šejtan u obliku Džibrila”. U usporedbi s verzijom Ata: "šejtan po imenu Al-Abyad došao je Poslaniku u obliku džibrila"
Sljedeći ibn Abbasov učenik koji je prenio ovaj incident je Attiyah El-Awfi, čiji je prijenos zabilježen u tefsirima Tabari i Mardawayh:
Muhammed b. Sa'd Al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov otac: Sa'd b. Muhammed b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov ujak: Al-Husayn b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi al-Kufi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov otac: Al-Hasan b. Attiyah Al-Awfi al-Kufi <– njegov otac: Attiyah b. Sa'd al-Awfi al-Kufi <– Abd Allah b. Abbas.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 205
Mardawayhs isnad je kako slijedi:
Ahmad b. Kamil Al-Baghdadi <–Muhammad b. Sa'd Al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov otac: Sa'd b. Muhammed b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov ujak: Al-Husayn b. Al-Hasan al-Awfi al-Kufi Al-Baghdadi <– njegov otac: Al-Hasan b. Attiyah Al-Awfi al-Kufi <– njegov otac: Attiyah b. Sa'd al-Awfi al-Kufi <– Abd Allah b. Abbas.
Shahab Ahmed u svojoj raspravi o Pripovijedanju primjećuje da biografski materijal ne spominje tefsir obitelji Awfi, sugerirajući da prenosioci iz Attiyah El-Awfija zapravo nisu podučavali tefsir, umjesto toga rukopis je jednostavno proslijeđen dok nije stigao do Muhammeda b. . Sa'd Al-Awfi koji je bio učenjak hadisa, te ga je tako prenio Al-Tabariju i Ahmadu b. Kamil. Evo teksta izvješća:
Njegove riječi: “Nismo pred vas poslali ni poslanika ni proroka, nego da, kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju”, na njegove riječi,” i Bog je sveznajući, sve mudar”: To je bilo zato što, dok Poslanik se molio, na njega je poslana priča o bogovima Arapa i on ju je počeo učiti. Mušrikun ga je čuo i rekao: “Čujemo ga kako govori blagonaklono ako su naši bogovi”; pa su mu se približili.
I dok je to učio, kada je govorio: "Jesi li vidio Al-Lat, Al-Uzza i Manat, trećeg, drugog?" Sotona je rekao: “Oni visoki Gharaniq! Zagovoru od njih treba se nadati!”, a Poslanik ga je počeo učiti.
Pa je sišao Džibril i uklonio ih i rekao mu: “Nismo prije tebe poslali ni poslanika ni poslanika, nego da kada on tamanna, šejtan baci nešto u svoju umniju” na njegove riječi, “a Bog je sveznajući, sve -Mudar."Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 208-209
Još jednom, tamanna se uzima kao recitirati, a sam prorok je izgovorio sotonske stihove. Ovo su sve predaje koje postoje od ibn Abbasa, ali postoji još jedna koja zaslužuje spomen. Ova konkretna predaja je iz tefsira El-Tabarija i Ibn Hatima, koji citiraju Ad-Dhahaaks tefsir:
Al-Husejn b. Al-Faraj Al-Baghdadi al-Ishabani <– Abu Mu'adh al-Fadl b. Khalid al-Merwazi <– Ubayd b. Sulayman al-bahili al-Marwazi <– Al-Dhahaak: U vezi s Božjim riječima: “Nismo prije vas poslali glasnika ili proroka”: Dok je prorok bio u Mekki, Bog mu je poslao (nešto) o Bogovi Arapa. Tako je počeo učiti “al-Lat i Al-Uzza” i ponavljati to iznova i iznova. Stanovnici Mekke čuli su proroka kako spominje njihove bogove, i bili su oduševljeni ovim i prišli mu, slušajući. I šejtan je bacio u proroke recitiranje: “Oni visoki Gharaniq! Njihovom zagovoru valja se nadati!”. I prorok je to ovako izgovorio. Tako je Bog poslao na njega: "A mi nismo poslali prije tebe ni glasnika ni proroka...", do "Bog je sveznajući i mudar."
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 198-199
Dhahaak dalje razrađuje značenje Tamanne, sa sljedeće stranice:
Pod Tamannom se podrazumijeva: recitacija. U recitiranje proroka
Na stranu jasno identično značenje riječi Tamanna, postoje i druge upečatljive sličnosti s Al-Dhahaaks tefsirom i predajom Al-Awfi:
Iako to nije eksplicitno navedeno (kao što je to u Riwayah 34 [Pripovijedanje o Dhahaku]), čini se da logika pripovijesti u Riwayah 35 [Pripovijedanje Ibn Abbasa od Al-Awfija] pretpostavlja da i ovdje , Poslanik ponavlja ajet "jesi li vidio Al-Lat, Al-Uzza i Manat, treći, drugi?" Rečeno nam je da Poslanik uči suru Al-Nedžm i da kada mu Kurejšije spomenu svoje bogove, oni se okupe oko njega da slušaju šta ima da kaže. Naravno, postoji samo jedan spomen bogova Kurejšija u suri Al-Najm, tako da bi Kurejšije čuli proroka kako spominje njihove bogove i da bi potom imali vremena da se okupe oko njega i slušaju, Poslanik mora, podrazumijevajući,: ponavljati dotični stih. Slično između narativa je podcrtano prisutnošću u obje Riwaye karakteristične fraze "Bog Arapa", koja se ne pojavljuje ni u jednoj drugoj Riwayah . [… ] (Ovo) postavlja pitanje jesu li dva izvješća na neki način povezana u pogledu prijenosa. Najočitiji kandidat link je Abd Allah Ibn Abbas , čija Tefsir tradicija Al-Dahhak je također poznato da prenosi; čovjek se pita da li obje Riveje 34 i 35 proizlaze iz tumačenja incidenta koje je podučavao ibn Abbas.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 209-210
Dakle, ovdje imamo najmanje 20 hadisa prenijetih od ibn Abbasa preko njegovih učenika: Sayd Jubayr, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Abu Salih, El-Awfi, Dhahaak, Ata, i jedan anonimni izvor. Čak i povrh ovoga postoji još jedan tefsir izvještaj od Ibn Abbasa koji također ima riječ tamanna koja ima sjaj Muhamedovih izričaja. Ovo iz vrlo poznatog tefsirskog prijenosa drugog njegovog učenika, Alija b. Talhah:
“njegove riječi 'kada je tamanna, šejtan je bacio u svoju umniju': kada je govorio, šejtan je bacio u njegov govor”.
Prije pravoslavlja stranica 242
U svojoj završnoj riječi o svim predajama Ibn Abbasa, Shahab Ahmed zaključuje:
U dvije temeljne točke, svi oni predstavljaju isto tumačenje incidenta: slažu se da je prorok izgovorio sotonske stihove; i nitko od njih ne spominje želju proroka, a zadana glosa za tamanu unutar teksta narativa je “recitacija ” – što je izričito navedeno u riwayah 37 [pripovijedanje preneseno Ati. Ovaj sjaj da se radi o Muhamedovom izričaju također je izričito izražen u predaji o Dhahaku "recitirati" i mudžahidu "govoriti" ili "govoriti" ili "njegov govor"]. […] (Svi) predstavljaju ono što je u biti ista hermeneutička razrada incidenta sotonskih stihova. […] Ideja koju je izrekao prorokšejtanske stihove su poznavali Kur'ana kasnog prvog i početka drugog stoljeća koji su se povezivali s Ibn Abbasom smatrali standardnim elementom njegovog učenja.
Prije pravoslavlja, stranice 241-244 .
Shahab također bilježi na stranici 243 kako su manje razlike; Šejtan koji se pojavljuje u obliku džibrila u predajama Ata i Saliha, te motiv ponavljanja Dhahaaka i Al-Awfija “ ne proturječe dvjema temeljnim točkama koje su gore navedene koje čine zajednički hermeneutički stav izvještaja koji se pripisuju Ibn Abbasu”.
Ovdje je dijagram učenja šejtanskih stihova koji su se dogodili s Ibn Abbasom kroz stoljeća. Imajte na umu da narančasta linija znači da postoji prekid veze u isnadu: