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2 Tim Dieppe 6 najranijih kur'anskih rukopisa
Tim Dieppe 6 najranijih kur'anskih rukopisa
6 najranijih kur'anskih rukopisa
The 6 earliest Qur'anic manuscripts
Tim Dieppe

The 6 earliest Qur’anic manuscripts
1. THE 6 EARLIEST QUR’ANIC MANUSCRIPTS (Dr Jay Smith) INTRODUCTION: • Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet • The Qur’an was his revelation, sent down only to him; and is the final and greatest revelation • Islam is the final religion, based on Muhammad’s life and sayings (Sunnah), and on the Qur’an’s teachings Islam is completely dependent on: • THE QUR’AN = ‘The Book’ • MUHAMMAD = ‘The Man’ [I] MANUSCRIPT CRITICISM The Claims: • The Qur'an is ETERNAL (Surah 85:22 says so) • It was SENT DOWN via the angel Jibril • It was compiled COMPLETE by Uthman in 650 AD -9 copies sent to every province • The Qur’an is UNCHANGED since 650 AD? (i.e. vs. the 1985 Ibn Fahd canon) • PROVE IT! Do they have a complete Manuscript from the time of Uthman to prove it was complete, which has never changed in 1400 years? (i.e. the Topkapi and the Sammarqand)? ASSESSING THE HISTORICAL CLAIMS AN EXTERNAL CRITIQUE Learning objective: • To better understand the historical problems of the Qur’an • To investigate the 6 earliest extant manuscripts • To look at the many corrections • To come to conclusions concerning when the Qur’an was written • To assess who then could have written it, and why
2. SHABIR ALLY QUOTES Tony [Costa] pointed out that we have a copy of the Qur’an dating from 790 in the British Museum (MS2165 Ma’il Codice). Folks, that’s 1,300 years ago. And we can compare that with what we’re reading today and we find them to be exactly identical.” “But what is important to notice is that throughout the ages of Muslim history, the Muslims have not quarreled over what is the text of the Qur’an because the text was known through memory work and through the written materials handed down right from the time of the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him. As I said, the two copies that were made 1,400 years ago, one which is in Tashkent, Russia, for example, has been demonstrated by Ahmad von Denffer in his book Ulum Al-Qur’an to be an early copy from that time, and we find no difference from that copy to what we’re reading today” A) HOW ISLAM SAYS THE QUR’AN WAS COMPILED (A REVIEW) SAHIH AL-BUKHARI 6:509 Curiously, in 632 AD the Qur’an had not yet been compiled, and many of those who had memorized it were killed at the battle of Yama-ma, which caused problems, as much of the Qur’an would then be lost. Zaid ibn Thabit (Muhammad’s secretary), was given the task to collect it, but initially didn’t want to collect it, due to the difficulty of the charge, conceding that Muhammad had not even done such a task. Finally Thabit relents, and begins to collect the Qur’an from ‘palm leaves, white stones, and from the companion’s memories. He found only one person who knew the Surah 9:128-129. This copy remained with Abu Bakr, then with Umar, then with Hafsa (the daughter of Umar, and wife of Muhammad).
3. SAHIH AL-BUKHARI 6:510 During the time of the 3rd Caliph Uthman (around 652 AD), there were differences in the recitation of the Qur’an (7 Ahruf, or Qira’at?). Uthman takes Hafsa’s ‘Qur’anic’ MSS, and has the four compilers (Thabit, Zubair, Al-As, & Hisham) REWRITE the text… In case they DISAGREED, they were to write it in the DIALECT OF THE QURAISH… …UTHMAN SENT TO EVERY MUSLIM PROVINCE ONE COPY…” (There were 9 provinces). He then ordered that all the other Qur’anic materials, whether written in fragmentary manuscripts, or whole copies BE BURNT! Only one person knew of Surah 33:23
4. B) ISLAMS EXPANSION BY 652 AD Manuscripts were sent to: Basra, Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Alexandria, Aden, Herat, & Nishapur – All large, sophisticated, literate cities, where Qur’ans would be protected & preserved SO, WHERE ARE THOSE 9 UTHMANIC COPIES FROM 652 AD? Today, Muslims have always claimed that two of the nine primary ‘Mushafs’ still exist • TOPKAPI MUSHAF • SAMMARQAND MUSHAF • Dr. Shabir Ally added the ‘2165’ London Ma’il as well Let’s look at them, as well as other ‘Uthmanic Mushafs’, a total of 6 C) THE 6 EARLIEST QUR’ANIC MANUSCRIPTS TOPKAPI SAMMARQAND MA’IL HOUSEINI PETROPOLITANUS SANA’A
5. D) WHAT THE MUSLIM EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE 6 MANUSCRIPTS PROF. DR. EKMELEDDIN İHSANOĞLU: (Founding Director General of IRCICA (1980-2004) & Secretary General of the Islamic Conference Research Centre) ‘We have none of Uthman’s Mushafs’ (manuscripts) ‘Nor do we have any copies from those Mushafs’ ‘These Mushafs date from the later ‘Umayyad period’ • “One of the most important questions of Qur'anic history is the whereabouts of the Mushafs attributed to Caliph 'Uthman and whether any of them reached the present day. Unfortunately, we do not have a positive answer to this question” (Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, “Al-Mushaf al-Sharif Attributed to ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan”, 2007:35) • “Judging from its illumination, the Topkapi Museum Muṣḥaf dates neither from the period when the Muṣḥafs of the Caliph ‘Uthmān were written nor from the time when copies based on those Muṣḥafs were written” (İhsanoğlu, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:10) • “This, Muṣḥaf, which we proudly present, does not constitute a sample of the early period of Muṣḥaf writing due to a number of characteristics, namely its illumination, calligraphy which shows the development of the Arabic script to a certain extent, the fact that the words appear on straight lines, the proportion between the letters, diacritic marks of i‘rāb in the form of dots in red ink, and the signs of i‘jam in the form of thin slant lines differentiating similar letters from one another in black ink, with which the text is written. Considering its dimensions and style of illumination, this Muṣḥaf most probably belongs to the [later] Umayyad period.” (İhsanoğlu, ‘Al- Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:13) DR. TAYYAR ALTIKULAÇ: (Leading scholar in Qur’anic studies, Ex-president of Turkish religious affairs, deputy in the Turkish parliament) ‘No serious scholarly work has been done on them’ ‘These Mushafs date from the early – mid 8th cent.’ ‘They are not Uthmanic, nor copies sent by him’ 1) TOPKAPI MUSHAF (EARLY-MID 8TH CENTURY) Altıkulaç dates the Topkapi manuscript to “the second half of the first century A.H. and the first half of the second Century A.H. [due to] “vowelling and dotting.” (i.e. early - mid 8th century) (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:81) “Even though we would like to publish this sacred text as the Muṣḥaf of Caliph ‘Uthmān, our research indicated that it was neither the private Muṣḥaf of Caliph ‘Uthmān, nor one of the Muṣḥafs he sent to various centers.” (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:23)
6. “There are deviations from grammatical rules (Laḥn) and spelling mistakes in the Muṣḥafs attributed to Caliph ‘Uthmān” (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:41f) Concludes: “2,270 instances where there is a difference from the [consonantal skeleton] of the Fahd Muṣḥaf” (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:81) 2) SAMMARQAND MANUSCRIPT (EARLY-MID 8TH CENTURY) WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY - DR. TAYYAR ALTIKULAÇ It is not Uthmanic, as it dates from mid-8th c.’ 6 REASONS: • Undisciplined spelling • Different writing styles • Scribal mistakes • Copyist mistakes • Written by someone with little experience • With later additions (only goes to Surah 43) (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:65, 71-72) Note: Of the 43 Surahs only 1 is complete, 24 are partially complete, and 18 have nothing written! 3) MA’IL QUR’AN (2165) LONDON BRITISH LIBRARY (Ridblatt Gallery) • Hijazi Script • Only up to Surah 43 • -53% of the Qur’an • Date: late 8th c. (Dr. Martin Lings) – Or early 8th c. (Dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç) 4) PARIS PETROPOLITANUS – (Early 8th c.) FRANCOIS DEROCHE (Deroche 2009:172-177): Corrections to the text Disagrees with the Caireen Mushaf in 93 places • “Five different copyists” • “Later modified with erasures and additions” Arabe 328 = 26% of the Qur’an
7. Arabe 330g = 15% of the Qur’an Arabe 614a = 4.2% of the Qur’an 5) AL HUSSEINI CAIRO MSS (EARLY TO MID 8th CENTURY) [Located: ‘al-Mashhad al-Husayni’ – Cairo, Egypt] Dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç: This is not Uthmanic’ It is dated from early to mid 8th century’ Francois Deroche: 9th century ‘Monumental MS are later…the bigger the later’ “It was stated that the Cairo copy…might have been written on the order of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz b. Marwan (d.704), the governor of Egypt. However, the reason for reaching this conclusion has not been explained. We share the view that this copy is not one of the Mushafs attributed to Caliph ‘Uthman” (Altıkulaç, ‘Al-Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:36-footnote 14a) 6) SANA’A MANUSCRIPT (705 AD ) Karl-Heinz Ohlig (1981-Present) • Qur’an began to be compiled • in the last two decades of the • 7th century, with other versions • continuing until the 9th century Dr. Gerd Puin (1981-Present) • “Oldest parchments & papers of any Qur’anic Ms.” • Yet, more than half of the text is ambiguous letters • Which need diacritical marks for understanding. • Adding vowels helped correct mistakes. Changes in orthography not found in geographical tradition schools. SANA’A MUSHAF PROBLEMS – Upper 705 AD Text • Many deviations not mentioned in later literature • Different numeration, and surah arrangements found (i.e. surahs 19-22 26-37-36-38...67- 71-72-51) • Differences in scripts, showing evolution in the text. • Surprising number of variants, including completely different words, and chapters are in a different order. (Puin 1996:111) • Difference is even meaningful in a theological sense” i.e. ‘Qalu’ to ‘Qul’ (see below) • ‘Qalu’ 50% with alif b/w Qaf-Lam, • Sometimes Abraham (S.2), sometimes Ibrahim
8. THE SANA’A PALIMPSEST Claim: A radiocarbon analysis has dated the parchment containing the lower text to before 671 AD with a 99% accuracy. Response: This is now disputed: “Deroche had already dated this particular manuscript on paleographic (script style) and orthographic (spelling) grounds to the early 700s- it has a more refined form of hijazi script than you find in either the Paris BNF 328a MS or the British Library's Or. 2165, pointing to it being a later manuscript than either of these. The Radio Carbon date seems to be at odds with the date arrived at by the other means…. A scholar who is currently studying its text for variants has found lots of textual variants of all sorts, unintentional and intentional, as well as corrections. His work is not published yet.” (Keith Small, e-mail of March 11, 2015) [not to be published] LOWER TEXT = Mid – late 7th century (50 years older than the upper text) • 70 Variants within 63 verses • Doesn’t agree with any known 8th – 10th c. variant schools • Hilali = are from a ‘reading circle’ (but why use expensive parchment?) • Sadeghi & M. Goudarzi = variant of Ibn Mas’ud (yet, doesn’t follow Mas’ud) • E. Puin = part of an entirely different Qur’an, probably a nascent example • 50 years earlier is the date of the animal’s death, and the skin’s curing • Yet RC14 dates = 543-643 AD & 433-599 AD • Ink can’t be dated, thus written later • Corrections of the text are late & too extent • Thus, finally completely erased • And upper text re-written in early 8th century • Yet, the upper text is still not canonical • These 2 layers are the oldest Qur’ans we have • Where are the originals? • Neither layer parallels our 1924 MSS! • A Companion MS? • A Qur’anic ‘Q’ Document [II] MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS The Claims: • The Qur’an is eternal • Sent down from heaven • Untouched by Human hands • Thus, no corrections, no corruptions • So that the Qur’an we have now is exactly like that in heaven, sent to Muhammad, and compiled by Uthman DR DAN BRUBAKER’S THESIS For his PhD thesis in 2014, Dr Brubaker looked at the 6 earliest Qur’anic Manuscripts, as well as 4 other Manuscripts which appeared soon after.
11. • SELECTIVE COVERING OVERWRITTEN – WRITING IN THE TEXT OVER TOP OF THE TAPE (210) WHAT CAN WE CONCLUDE? These corrections number over 2,255 TOTAL! (Now = 3,500)! They are all consonantal corrections (Thus the RASM is being changed) • No later Diacritical additions • No later Vowelization (Dhamma, Khasrah, Fatah) • No later ‘Dagar Alifs’ (Muslim Response “it’s just an alif”) • Thus, they change the meaning of the text They continue up until the 9th century Thus, they are all intentional They bring about a Standardization They have a political agenda QUAR’ANIC MANUSCRIPT CONCLUSIONS • Western Scholars (Deroche, Böwering, Conrad, Peters, Stein, Shoemaker, etc…) conclude that the earliest Mushaf’s begin to appear in the 8th century • Muslim Scholars (Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu & Dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç) conclude that the earliest Mushaf’s begin to appear in the 8th century • Islamic Awareness (IA) concludes there are no complete Uthmanic Mushafs, and that all the early Mushafs date from the late 7th – early 8th century (or later) • The latest research shows that even these Mushafs have 7 forms of corrections, dating up till the 9th century • Therefore…. I CONCLUDE: Since Muslims CANNOT PROVE that there are ANY COMPLETE MANUSCRIPTS from the time of Uthman (despite claims about the Topkapi & the Sammarqand) 1) The Qur'an is NOT ETERNAL 2) Was NOT SENT DOWN 3) Was NOT COMPLETE in 650 AD 4) NOT THE SAME, it HAS BEEN CHANGED Thus, since the above ‘4’ are proven, then… Muhammad had little to do with the Qur’an! …SO, WHO THEN CREATED THE QUR’AN?!!
12. [III] BIRMINGHAM QUR’ANIC FOLIOS The Claims: • The Qur’an is eternal • Sent down from heaven • Completed in 650 - 652 AD • Thus, nothing was written earlier • And all which comes later is derived from this first canonized ‘Uthmanic’ Mushaf BBC ANNOUNCEMENT! (July 22, 2015) • “Oldest Quran fragments found in Birmingham” 568AD - 645AD Dr. David Thomas “The writer of this manuscript could well have known the Prophet Muhammad. He would have seen him probably, he would maybe have heard him preach. He may have known him personally - and that really is quite a thought to conjure with" a) WHAT IS A C14 TEST Carbon dating: The deterioration of the Carbon only begins when the animal was slaughtered, as they stop taking in carbon 14 at that point, and begin to decay into a Nitrogen-14 form. The half-life of Carbon 14 is 5,730 years. When compared to a fresh sample we can get the approximate date of the parchment. b) C14 FOR BIRMINGHAM FOLIOS • SURAHS 18:17-31, 19:91 - 20:40 • C14 dating = 568AD-645AD • Ink has not been dated! Surah 18:17-31: the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus: It is told in Greek by Symeon Metaphrastes in his "Lives of the Saints". Gregory of Tours translated it into Latin. There is a Syriac version by James of Sarug (d. 521), and from the Syriac the story was put into other Eastern languages Surah 19:98 = Syriac works the Proto-Evangelium of James and the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew Surah 20:1-39 = story of Moses
13. c) OTHER Dating? - C14 FOR DAM 01-27-1 (Sana’a MSS) Palimpsest of the codex Sana’a DAM 01-27-1 (Sotheby's 1993/Standford 2007) in Arizona (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry lab) • C14 68% 614-656AD 95% 578-669AD (s2:265-286) C14 CODEX SANA’A DAM 20:33:1 (Great Umayyad) (25% of Qur'an) • INV.NO.20-33.1 (Sana- Yemen) tested in Oxford 657AD-690AD • Which surah? • Palaeography , ornamentation and illumination dated by von Bothmer around 710- 715AD C14 dates for INTCAL98 68.2% 647-685AD 95.4% 610-720AD 90.5 % 610-720AD 4.9% 740-770AD C14 dates for INTCAL04 68.2% 644-675AD 95.2% 609-694AD or 702-706AD or 748-765AD d) OTHER CARBON DATED FOLIOS (from Gabriel Said Reynolds) • Birmingham 568 AD – 645 AD (median date: 606 AD) • Lyon 388 AD – 535 AD (median date: 461 AD) 443 AD – 599 AD (median date: 521 AD) 543 AD – 643 AD (median date: 593 AD) • Kiel 430 AD – 611 AD (median date: 520 AD) • Arizona 576 AD – 670 AD (median date: 623 AD) 443 AD – 599 AD (median date: 521 AD) 543 AD – 643 AD (median date: 593 AD) • Zurich 566 AD – 657 AD (median date: 611 AD) • Oxford 595 AD – 658 AD (median date: 626 AD) Could these be examples of earlier Apocryphal writings?
14. e) SOURCES OF THE QUR’AN a. PRE – QUR’ANIC STORIES FROM JEWISH APOCRYPHAL • Cain and Abel = Surah 5:31-32 • The Targum of Jonathan Ben Uzziah + Bar Sanhedrin 4:5 • Abraham in Mecca = Surah 21:51-71 • The Mishnah of Rabbah • Queen of Sheba = Surah 27:17-45 • The ll Targum of Easter b. PRE-QUR’ ANIC STORIES FROM CHRISTIAN HERETICAL SECTS • The Seven Sleepers • Mariam and Virgin Mary • Childhood of Jesus • The Heavenly Table • The Paraclete • The Balance • Abraham’s Ascent to Heaven f) CONCLUSION OF BIRMINGHAM FOLIOS • Ink has not been dated! • Dates show that the classical account is wrong, and suggests that stories in the Qur’an were borrowed from outside, usually simple stories. • These folios could be examples of those earlier sources, written in Arabic Thus, pre-Islamic, pre-Muhammad and pre Qur’anic g) QUESTIONS STILL STANDING • Why do we not have a complete Qur’an? • Where are the 9 copies of the Qur’an which were sent out to the 9 Muslim provinces? • Why does most of the Qur’an only appear after the 8th c. – 9th c.? • Because of this new carbon 14 dating, when trying to defend them, will Muslims be discrediting their own Traditions? SUMMATION 1. Problems concerning the Qur’an’s compilation 2. Further Difficulties: Recitations, Sequences, Collections, and Grammar 3. The Satanic verses problem 4. Historical Anachronisms 5. Source Criticism 6. Manuscript Criticism 7. Corrections 8. Qur’anic Folios Revisionists set the stage, we move it on The questions they asked we expand We must confront Islam’s foundations To challenge Muhammad & the Qur’an
15. Demand the same of our Bible Bring both into the ‘Public Sphere’ Why? Because similar Historical questions have already all been asked, and ANSWERED! CONCLUSION: Since Muslims CANNOT PROVE that there are ANY COMPLETE MANUSCRIPTS from the time of Uthman (despite claims about the Topkapi & the Sammarqand) 1) The Qur'an is NOT ETERNAL 2) Was NOT SENT DOWN 3) Was NOT COMPLETE in 650 AD 4) IS NOT UNCHANGED, it HAS BEEN CHANGED BUT, WHAT ABOUT OUR ‘WORD OF GOD’, WHO BECAME FLESH, AND DWELT AMONG US? THE LOGOS (JOHN 1) = JESUS! • Is Jesus ETERNAL? • Was Jesus SENT DOWN? • Is Jesus COMPLETE? • Is Jesus UNCHANGED? WE HAVE WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR… AND HIS NAME IS JESUS! Thank God our Bible, who Jesus was, where he lived, what he did, and what he said can be trusted How can we know this? Because similar Historical questions have already all been asked…and ANSWERED!
(google prevodioc)
1. 6 NAJRANIJIH KUR’ANSKIH RUKOPISA (Dr. Jay Smith) UVOD: • Muhammed je posljednji i najveći prorok • Kur'an je bio njegova objava, poslana samo njemu; i konačna je i najveća objava • Islam je konačna vjera, zasnovana na Muhammedovom životu i izrekama (sunnetu), a na učenju Kur'ana Islam u potpunosti ovisi o: • KUR'AN = 'Knjiga' • MUHAMMED = 'Čovjek' [I] KRITIKA RUKOPISA Tvrdnje: • Kur'an je VJEČAN (Sura 85:22 tako kaže) • Poslan je preko meleka Džibrila • Sastavio ga je KOMPLETNO Osman u 650. godini naše ere - poslao 9 primjeraka svakoj pokrajini • Kur'an JE NEPROMIJENJEN od 650. godine? (tj. naspram kanona Ibn Fahda iz 1985.) • DOKAZI! Imaju li oni potpuni rukopis iz vremena Osmana koji dokazuju da je potpun, koji se nikada nije promijenio u 1400 godina? (tj. Topkapi i Sammarqand)? PROCJENA POVIJESNIH TREBA VANJSKA KRITIKA Cilj učenja: • Bolje razumjeti povijesne probleme Kur'ana • Istražiti 6 najranijih sačuvanih rukopisa • Pogledati mnoge ispravke • Doći do zaključaka o tome kada je Kur'an napisan • Procijeniti tko je to onda mogao napisati i zašto
2. CITATI SHABIR ALLY Tony [Costa] je istaknuo da imamo kopiju Kur'ana koja datira iz 790. godine u Britanskom muzeju (MS2165 Ma'il Codice). Ljudi, to je prije 1300 godina. I to možemo usporediti s onim što danas čitamo i nalazimo da su potpuno identični.” “Ali ono što je važno primijetiti je da se kroz doba muslimanske povijesti muslimani nisu svađali oko toga što je tekst Kur'ana jer je tekst bio poznat kroz rad pamćenja i kroz pisane materijale koji su se prenosili upravo iz vremena poslanika Muhammeda, neka je mir i blagoslov Božiji na njega. Kao što sam rekao, dvije kopije koje su napravljene prije 1400 godina, jedna koja se nalazi u Taškentu, Rusija, na primjer, Ahmad von Denffer je u svojoj knjizi Ulum Al-Qur'an pokazao kao rana kopija iz tog vremena, i ne nalazimo nikakvu razliku od te kopije do onoga što danas čitamo” A) KAKO ISLAM KAŽE DA JE KURAN SASTAVLJEN (PREGLED) SAHIH EL-BUHARI 6:509 Zanimljivo, 632. godine poslije Krista Kur'an još nije imao je sastavljen, a mnogi od onih koji su ga naučili napamet ubijeni su u bitci kod Yama-me, što je izazvalo probleme, jer bi tada veći dio Kur'ana bio izgubljen. Zaid ibn Thabit (Muhammedov tajnik) dobio je zadatak da ga prikupi, ali ga u početku nije htio prikupiti, zbog težine optužbe, priznajući da Muhammed nije ni obavio takav zadatak. Konačno, Thabit popušta i počinje skupljati Kur'an s 'palminog lišća, bijelog kamenja i iz ashabovih sjećanja. Našao je samo jednu osobu koja je poznavala suru 9:128-129. Ovaj primjerak ostao je kod Ebu Bekra, zatim kod Omera, pa kod Hafse (kćerke Omerove i žene Muhamedove).
3. SAHIH EL-BUHARI 6:510 Za vrijeme 3. halife Osmana (oko 652. godine nove ere), postojale su razlike u učenju Kur'ana (7. Ahruf, ili Qira'at?). Osman uzima Hafsin 'Kur'anski' MSS, i daje četiri sastavljača (Thabit, Zubair, Al-As i Hišam) DA PREPISU tekst... U slučaju da se NE SLAŽE, trebali su ga napisati na DIJALEKTU KURAJŠA... ...OSMAN POSLAN SVAKOJ MUSLIMANSKOJ PROVINCIJI JEDAN PRIMJAK...” (Bilo je 9 pokrajina). Zatim je naredio da se sav ostali kur’anski materijal, bilo da je napisan u fragmentarnim rukopisima, ili cijelim primjercima, SPALJI! Samo je jedna osoba znala za suru 33:23
4. B) ŠIRENJE ISLAMA DO 652. godine Kr. Rukopisi su poslani u: Basru, Bagdad, Damask, Jeruzalem, Kairo, Aleksandriju, Aden, Herat i Nišapur – sve velike, sofisticirane, pismene gradove, gdje će Kur'ani biti zaštićeni i sačuvani DAKLE, GDJE JE TIH 9 OSMANSKIH PREPISA IZ 652. GODINE? Danas su muslimani uvijek tvrdili da dva od devet primarnih 'mushafa' još uvijek postoje • TOPKAPI MUSHAF • SAMMARQAND MUSHAF • Dr. Shabir Ally je dodao i londonski mail '2165' Pogledajmo ih, kao i druge 'osmanske Mushafs', ukupno 6 C) 6 NAJRANIJIH KUR'ANSKIH RUKOPISA TOPKAPI SAMMARQAND MA'IL HOUSEINI PETROPOLITANUS SANA'A
5. D) ŠTO MUSLIMANSKI STRUČNJACI KAŽU O 6 RUKOPISA PROF. DR. EKMELEDDIN İHSANOĞLU: (Osnivači generalni direktor IRCICA (1980-2004) i generalni sekretar Istraživačkog centra Islamske konferencije) 'Nemamo nijedan Osman's Mushaf' (rukopisi) 'Niti imamo kopije tih Mushaf's' daThese iz kasnijeg 'emejadskog perioda' • “Jedno od najvažnijih pitanja kur'anske povijesti je gdje se nalaze mushafi koji se pripisuju halifi Osmanu i da li je itko od njih stigao do današnjih dana. Nažalost, nemamo pozitivan odgovor na ovo pitanje” (prof. dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, “Al-Mushaf al-Sharif pripisan 'Uthmanu bin 'Affanu”, 2007:35) • “Sudeći po njegovom osvjetljenju, Topkapi Muzej Muṣḥaf ne datira ni iz razdoblja kada su napisani muṣḥafovi halife 'Uthmana, niti iz vremena kada su napisane kopije zasnovane na tim muṣḥafima” (İhsanoğlu, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007, 10) , koji s ponosom predstavljamo, ne predstavlja uzorak ranog razdoblja muṣḥafskog pisanja zbog niza karakteristika, a to su njegova iluminacija, kaligrafija koja u određenoj mjeri pokazuje razvoj arapskog pisma, činjenica da se riječi pojavljuju na ravne linije, omjer između slova, dijakritički znakovi i'rāba u obliku točkica crvenom tintom i znakovi i'jam u obliku tankih kosih linija koje međusobno razlikuju slična slova crnom tintom, čime tekst je napisan. S obzirom na njegove dimenzije i stil osvjetljenja, ovaj Muṣḥaf najvjerojatnije pripada [kasnijem] Omajadskom razdoblju.” (İhsanoğlu, ‘Al- Mushaf al-Sharif’ 2007:13) DR. TAYYAR ALTIKULAÇ: (Veći učenjak Kur'ana, bivši predsjednik za turska vjerska pitanja, poslanik u turskom parlamentu) 'O njima nije rađen nikakav ozbiljan znanstveni rad' 'Ovi mushafi datiraju iz ranog – sredine 8. stoljeća.' 'Oni nisu osmanski, niti kopije koje je on poslao' 1) TOPKAPI MUSHAF (RANO-SREDINA 8. STOLJEĆA) Altıkulaç datira Topkapi rukopis u “drugu polovinu prvog stoljeća po Hidžri i prvu polovinu drugog stoljeća po Hidžri [zbog ] "samoglasnik i točka." (tj. početak - sredina 8. stoljeća) (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:81) “Iako bismo željeli objaviti ovaj sveti tekst kao Muṣḥaf halife 'Uthmana, naše istraživanje je pokazalo da to nije bilo privatni Muṣḥaf halife 'Uthmana, niti jedan od muṣḥafa koje je poslao u razne centre.” (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:23)
6. “Postoje odstupanja od gramatičkih pravila (Laḥn) i pravopisnih grešaka u Muṣḥafima koji se pripisuju halifi 'Uthmanu” (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:41f) Zaključuje: “2,270 razlika u [konsonantni kostur] Fahda Muṣḥafa” (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:81) 2) SAMMARKANDSKI RUKOPISM (RANO-SREDINA 8. STOLJEĆA) ŠTO KAŽU STRUČNJACI - PR. TAYYAR ALTIKULAÇ Nije osmanski, jer datira iz sredine 8. st.' 6 RAZLOGA: • Nedisciplinirano pravopis • Različiti stilovi pisanja • Pisarske pogreške • Pogreške prepisivača • Napisao netko s malo iskustva • S kasnijim dodacima (odnosi se samo na suru 43 ) (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:65, 71-72) Napomena: Od 43 sure samo je 1 potpuna, 24 su djelomično potpune, a 18 nema ništa napisano! 3) MA’IL KUR’AN (2165) LONDONSKA BRITANSKA BIBLIOTEKA (Galerija Ridblatt) • Hidžazi pismo • Samo do 43. sure • -53% Kur'ana • Datum: kraj 8.st. (Dr. Martin Lings) – Ili početak 8. st. (Dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç) 4) PARIS PETROPOLITANUS – (Rano 8. st.) FRANCOIS DEROCHE (Deroche 2009:172-177): Ispravci teksta Ne slaže se s Caireen Mushaf na 93 mjesta • “Later different copyists” • “Later different copyists” • “Later different copyists” • s brisanjem i dodacima” Arabe 328 = 26% Kur'ana
7. Arabe 330g = 15% Kur'ana Arabe 614a = 4,2% Kur'ana 5) AL HUSSEINI CAIRO MSS (RANO DO SREDINE 8. STOLJEĆA) [Nalazi se: 'al-Mashhad al-Husayni' – Kairo, Egipat ] Dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç: Ovo nije Osmansko' Datira se od ranog do sredine 8. stoljeća' Francois Deroche: 9. st. 'Monumentalni MS su kasniji... što su veći, to su kasniji' „Navedeno je da je kopija iz Kaira... mogla biti napisana po nalogu 'Abd al-'Aziza b. Marwan (um. 704.), guverner Egipta. Međutim, razlog za donošenje ovog zaključka nije objašnjen. Dijelimo mišljenje da ovaj primjerak nije jedan od Mushafa koji se pripisuje halifi Osmanu” (Altıkulaç, 'Al-Mushaf al-Sharif' 2007:36-fusnota 14a) 6) SANA'A RUKOPISP (705. AD ) Karl- Heinz Ohlig (1981-danas) • Kur'an se počeo sastavljati • u posljednja dva desetljeća • 7. stoljeća, s drugim verzijama • nastavlja se do 9. stoljeća dr. Gerd Puin (1981.-danas) • “Najstariji pergamenti & papiri bilo koje kur'anske gospođe.” • Ipak, više od polovice teksta čine višeznačna slova • kojima su za razumijevanje potrebni dijakritički znakovi. • Dodavanje samoglasnika pomoglo je u ispravljanju pogrešaka. Promjene u pravopisu koje nema u školama zemljopisne tradicije. PROBLEMI SANA'A MUSHAF – Gornji 705. godine. Tekst • Mnoga odstupanja koja nisu spomenuta u kasnijoj literaturi • Pronađene su različite numeracije i rasporedi sura (tj. sure 19-22 26-37-36-38...67- 71-72-51) • Razlike u skriptama, koje pokazuju evoluciju u tekstu. • Iznenađujući broj varijanti, uključujući potpuno različite riječi, a poglavlja su u drugom redoslijedu. (Puin 1996:111) • Razlika je čak značajna u teološkom smislu” tj. 'Qalu' do 'Qul' (vidi dolje) • 'Qalu' 50% s alif b/w Qaf-Lam, • Ponekad Abraham (S.2 ), ponekad Ibrahim
8. THE SANA’A PALIMPSEST Tvrdnja: Radiokarbonska analiza datirala je pergament koji sadrži donji tekst prije 671. godine s točnošću od 99%. Odgovor: Ovo je sada sporno: “Deroche je već datirao ovaj rukopis na paleografskim (stil pisma) i ortografskim (pravopisnim) osnovama u rane 700-te – ima profinjeniji oblik hidžazi pisma nego što ga možete naći u bilo kojem pariškom BNF 328a MS ili Or. 2165, ukazujući da je to kasniji rukopis od bilo kojeg od ovih. Čini se da je datum Radio Carbon u suprotnosti s datumom do kojeg se došlo drugim sredstvima... Znanstvenik koji trenutno proučava njegov tekst za varijante pronašao je puno tekstualnih varijanti svih vrsta, nenamjernih i namjernih, kao i ispravke. Njegov rad još nije objavljen.” (Keith Small, e-mail od 11. ožujka 2015.) [neće biti objavljen] DONJI TEKST = Sredina – kraj 7. stoljeća (50 godina stariji od gornjeg teksta) • 70 varijanti unutar 63 stiha • Ne slaže se ni s jednim poznatim 8. – 10. st. varijantne škole • Hilali = su iz 'čitalačkog kruga' (ali zašto koristiti skupi pergament?) • Sadeghi & M. Goudarzi = varijanta Ibn Mas'uda (ipak, ne slijedi Mas'uda) • E. Puin = dio potpuno drugačijeg Kur'ana, vjerojatno primjer u nastajanju • 50 godina ranije je datum smrti životinje i ozdravljenja kože • Ipak RC14 datumi = 543-643 AD & 433-599 AD • Tinta se ne može datirati, ovako napisan kasnije • Ispravke teksta su kasne i preopširne • Dakle, konačno potpuno izbrisane • I gornji tekst ponovno napisan početkom 8. stoljeća • Ipak, gornji tekst još uvijek nije kanonski • Ova 2 sloja su najstariji Kur'ani imamo • Gdje su originali? • Niti jedan sloj nije paralelan s našim MSS-om iz 1924.! • Pratilac MS? • Kur'anski 'Q' dokument [II] ISPRAVKE RUKOPISA Tvrdnje: • Kur'an je vječan • poslan s neba • Netaknut ljudskim rukama • Dakle, nema ispravki, nema iskvara • Tako da Kur'an mi have sada je upravo takav na nebu, poslan Muhammedu, a sastavio ga Osman DR DAN BRUBAKER TEZA Za svoju doktorsku tezu 2014. godine, dr. Brubaker je pogledao 6 najranijih kur'anskih rukopisa, kao i 4 druga rukopisa koja su se pojavila ubrzo nakon toga .
11. • SELEKTIVNO PREKRIVANJE PREKRASNO – PISANJE U TEKST PREKO VRHA TRAKE (210) ŠTO MOŽEMO ZAKLJUČITI? Ove ispravke broje preko 2.255 UKUPNO! (Sada = 3500)! Sve su to ispravke suglasnika (tako se mijenja RASM) • Nema kasnijih dijakritičkih dodataka • Nema kasnijeg samoglasnika (Dhamma, Khasrah, Fatah) • Nema kasnijeg 'Dagar Alifa' (Muslimanski odgovor "to je samo alif") • Dakle, oni mijenjaju značenje teksta. Nastavljaju se sve do 9. stoljeća. Dakle, svi su namjerni. Oni donose standardizaciju. Imaju političku agendu KVARANSKI RUKOPISI ZAKLJUČCI • Zapadni učenjaci (Deroche, Böwering, Conrad, Peters, Stein, Shoemaker, itd…) zaključuju da se najraniji Mushafovi počinju pojavljivati u 8. stoljeću • Muslimanski učenjaci (prof. dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu i dr. Tayyar Altıkulaç) zaključuju da se najraniji Mushafovi počinju pojavljivati u 8. stoljeću • Islamska svijest (IA) ne postoje potpuni osmanski mushafi, te da svi rani mushafi datiraju iz kasnog 7. – početka 8. stoljeća (ili kasnije) • Najnovija istraživanja pokazuju da čak i ti mushafi imaju 7 oblika ispravki, koji datiraju do 9. stoljeća • Postoji ispred…. ZAKLJUČUJEM: Budući da muslimani NE MOGU DOKAZATI da postoje CJELOVI RUKOPISI iz vremena Osmana (uprkos tvrdnjama o Topkapi i Sammarqandu) 1) Kur'an NIJE VJEČAN 2) NIJE POSLAN 3) NIJE KOMPLETAN 65. AD 4) NIJE ISTO, PROMIJENJENO JE Dakle, pošto su gornja '4' dokazana, onda... Muhamed nije imao mnogo veze s Kur'anom! ...PA, KO JE ONDA STVORIO KUR'AN?!!
12. [III] BIRMINGHAM KUR'ANSKI FOLIJI Tvrdnje: • Kur'an je vječan • Poslan s neba • Završeno 650. - 652. godine n.e. • Dakle, ništa nije napisano ranije • I sve što dolazi kasnije proizlazi iz ovog prvog kanonizirani 'osmanski' Mushaf BBC NAJAVA! (22. srpnja 2015.) • “Najstariji fragmenti Kurana pronađeni u Birminghamu” 568 AD - 645 AD Dr. David Thomas “Pisac ovog rukopisa mogao je dobro poznavati proroka Muhameda. Vjerojatno bi ga vidio, možda bi ga čuo kako propovijeda. Možda ga je osobno poznavao - i to je stvarno dobra ideja za dočarati" a) ŠTO JE C14 TEST Ugljično datiranje: Propadanje ugljika počinje tek kada je životinja zaklana, jer tada prestaju uzimati ugljik 14 točka, i počinju se raspadati u oblik dušika-14. Poluživot ugljika 14 je 5730 godina. U usporedbi sa svježim uzorkom možemo dobiti približan datum pergamenta. b) C14 ZA BIRMINGHAM FOLIJE • SURAH 18: 17-31, 19:91 - 20:40 • C14 datiranje = 568 AD-645 AD • Tinta nije datirana! Sura 18:17-31: Sedam spavača iz Efeza: Na grčkom je ispričao Simeon Metafrast u svojim "Životima" svetaca". Grgur Turski preveo ju je na latinski. Postoji sirijska verzija Jakova iz Saruga (um. 521.), a sa sirijskog je priča prebačena na druge istočne jezike Sura 19:98 = sirijska djela proto- Evangelij Jakovljev i Evanđelje po Pseudo-Mateju Sura 20:1-39 = priča o Mojsiju
13. c) OSTALO Upoznavanje? - C14 ZA DAM 01-27-1 (Sana'a MSS) Palimpsest kodeksa Sana'a DAM 01-27-1 (Sotheby's 1993/Standford 2007) u Arizoni (laboratorij za masenu spektrometriju akceleratora) • C14 68-656% 95% 578-669AD (s2:265-286) C14 CODEX SANA'A DAM 20:33:1 (Veliki Umayyad) (25% Kur'ana) • INV.NO.20-33.1 (Sana-Jemen) testiran u Oxford 657AD-690AD • Koja sura? • Paleografija , ornamentika i iluminacija datirana po von Bothmeru oko 710-715 AD C14 datumi za INTCAL98 68,2% 647-685 AD 95,4% 610-720 AD 90,5 % 610-720 AD 90,5 % 610-720 AD 4,9% AD 4,9% 715 AD 4,9% INTCAL 4-777% da 4-777% da. -694 AD ili 702-706 AD ili 748-765 AD ili 748-765 AD d) DRUGE FOLIJE SA DATIRANJEM UGLJENIM (od Gabriela Saida Reynoldsa) • Birmingham 568. AD – 645. AD (srednji datum: 606. AD) • Lyon 388. AD – 535. AD (srednja 461. AD) 443. AD – 599. AD (srednji datum: 521. AD) 543. AD – 643. AD (srednji datum: 593. AD) • Kiel 430. AD – 611. AD (srednji datum: 520. AD) • Arizona 576. AD – 670. AD (srednji datum: 62. AD AD) 443. AD – 599. AD (srednji datum: 521. AD) 543. AD – 643. AD (srednji datum: 593. AD) • Zurich 566. AD – 657. AD (srednji datum: 611. AD) • Oxford 595. AD – 658. AD (srednji datum : 626. AD) Mogu li ovo biti primjeri ranijih apokrifnih spisa?
14. e) IZVORI KUR’ANA a. PREKUR'ANSKE PRIČE IZ ŽIDOVSKIH APOKRIFA • Kajin i Abel = Sura 5:31-32 • Targum Jonatana Ben Uzzije + Bar Sanhedrin 4:5 • Abraham u Meki = Sura 21:51-71 • Mišna Rabbah • Kraljica od Sabe = Sura 27:17-45 • ll Targum Uskrsa b. PRETKUR'ANSKE PRIČE IZ KRŠĆANSKIH HERETIČKIH SEKTI • Sedam spavača • Marijam i Djevica Marija • Isusovo djetinjstvo • Nebeski stol • Paraklet • Ravnoteža • Abrahamov uspon na nebo f) ZAKLJUČAK BIRMINGHAMSKIH FOLIJA • Tinta nije upisana ! • Datumi pokazuju da je klasični izvještaj pogrešan i sugerira da su priče u Kur'anu posuđene izvana, obično jednostavne priče. • Ovi listovi mogu biti primjeri onih ranijih izvora, napisanih na arapskom. Dakle, predislamski, predmuhamedovski i predkur’anski g) PITANJA JOŠ STOJE • Zašto nemamo potpuni Kur’an? • Gdje se nalazi 9 primjeraka Kur'ana koji su poslani u 9 muslimanskih provincija? • Zašto se većina Kur'ana pojavljuje tek nakon 8.st. – 9. st.? • Zbog ovog novog datiranja ugljika 14, kada ih pokušavaju obraniti, hoće li muslimani diskreditirati svoje vlastite tradicije? SAŽETAK 1. Problemi u vezi sa sastavljanjem Kur'ana 2. Daljnje poteškoće: recitacije, sekvence, zbirke i gramatika 3. Problem šejtanskih ajeta 4. Povijesni anakronizmi 5. Kritika izvora 6. Kritika rukopisa 7. Ispravci 8. Kur'an Revizionisti postavljaju pozornicu, krećemo dalje Pitanja koja su postavili širimo Moramo se suočiti s islamskim temeljima Da bismo izazvali Muhameda i Kur'an
15. Zahtijevajte isto od naše Biblije. Dovedite oboje u 'javnu sferu' Zašto? Jer slična Povijesna pitanja su već sva postavljena, i ODGOVORENA! ZAKLJUČAK: Budući da muslimani NE MOGU DOKAZATI da postoje CJELOVI RUKOPISI iz vremena Osmana (uprkos tvrdnjama o Topkapi i Sammarkandu) 1) Kur'an NIJE VJEČAN 2) NIJE POSLAN 3) NIJE KOMPLETAN 650. 4) NIJE PROMIJENJENO, PROMIJENILO SE JE ALI, ŠTO je s NAŠOM 'BOŽJOM RIJEČI', KOJA JE POSTALA TIJELO, I NASTANILA SE MEĐU NAMA? LOGOS (Ivan 1) = ISUS! • Je li Isus VJEČAN? • Je li Isus POSLAN? • Je li Isus KOMPLETAN? • Je li Isus NIJE PROMIJENJEN? IMAMO ŠTO TRAŽE… A ZOVE SE ISUS! Hvala Bogu, našoj Bibliji, tko je bio Isus, gdje je živio, što je radio i što je rekao može se vjerovati. Kako to možemo znati? Jer slična Povijesna pitanja su već sva postavljena...i ODGOVORENA!